you’ve got a smile that could light up this whole town

So like, do you wanna be in my band? It’s called The Best Bandever and it’s starring me. I’ve written enough tracks to put out a double album. I sing too. You must be really fun and like to hang out in parks and play in the sun. Taylor Swift by Annie Leibovitz in the May issue of Vogue. Same concept. I look like Mum here. Love you. Did ya see this stud on Mashable today? Oh yeah, Bretten MacLean (@etothez) chatting about his TweetAgora at the Chirp conference for Twitter developers.

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Spring Flowers Blooming in a Concrete Jungle

Came across this old blog post I wrote in 2010. It’s amazing how many memories flood back from a single photo. I guess that’s why they sa a photoa is worth a thousand words. I could wrote almost a thousand about every photo in this blog archive. One of the reasons i started keeping a blog diary was to keep more memories. People, places, things, and thoughts. I’m glad things change. it’s cool to see how much I’ve grown over the years.

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one giant leap for nerd kind

i wish it was warm outside and my bike was fixed, the grass was warm, green i wanna sing a real song. her voice is so freaking good. i’ve been watching this all day. i really need to clean my room. if i don’t do it before sunset i’ve lost the day. maybe i should try a lesson in singing, but i’m scared. this is the dude i saw last night. i was at a place on richmond row for a friends event. first act up is bian notice who had a broken leg. his ‘crutch dancing’ was quite impressive. i didn’t get the best of it, sorry, i’ll let you imagine the kicks, spins and crotch thrusting. haha

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glittery lake in the sun, your eyes

Cleaning my room today and so I can laze on Sunday afternoon. Had to take a break already. WHY IS PUTTING AWAY ALL MY CLOTHES SO HARD? This is some of my tshirt collection. How cool is this guy? One of Mum’s old hot rod shirts, also as close as I get to camping. I’m watching My Life As Liz on MTV. It’s pretty funny, I like her. Before the show came out someone at work said that I’d probably like this show. Just noticed, the first thing she says at the start is “This is my life“. No wonder I like this show. She also says “MTV made me do this”, cute. BTW have you seen the FORA ads on MTV? Love this one too, 1977 & from New Zealand. This shirt is older than me and still in great condition. (super soft too).  Now that, is quality. Anyone downtown recognize this? Sun was shining really pretty on the island when I came home from work last night.  It was cloudy with little sunny spots, you can’t really see through my camera but I saw it with my own eyes. Trust me. There’s so many distractions around my house. I feel like painting in the sunshine and staring out the window. Gotta remind my damn self to get off the computer and go do something. Not sure what I’m doing tonight. Have an vid of a guy on crutches rapping from something I was at last night. After I clean my room I’ll post it (which could be now or never). Have a great day. Go outside! Read a book!

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i got you flowers

Love that it’s thunder-stormy today. I hope it rains all day to be honest. Woke up with a nasty kink in my neck and i’ve been having trouble turning left all day. Anyhow,  I got you some flowers because it’s kinda gloomy and I want you to feel happy too. My nail polish is chipped but its matchy. These guys are special. Aren’t they beautiful, don’t you love them? One of the reason I love the rain so much is my collection of Wellies & Moovboots paired with bright rain jackets. It really does make a difference. Different Mum’s growing up taught me ‘looking good is feeling good’. Check out this battle wound from LG Fashion Week, and you thought YOUR day was bad. This think KILLS.  It looks really nasty cause it’s still got the fake tattoo on it. Hurts too much to rub off.  It does match my name shirt though! [positive though] Ok, have a beautiful day. Love you. Just entered this LG contest for  a trip for two to LA to go on a $5,000 shopping spree with Jason Derulo Hey big spenda! I could blog /blog through that in  NO TIME. You can enter too but honestly, I hope I win 😛 There’s only a few days left to enter – until April 11th. Click on my little faces to go for the gold!

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like graffiti on the walls of the heartland

It’s alive! FORA launched last night and so far the buzz is pretty positive. It’s a fashion magazine about beauty, trends and has contributions from featured bloggers and a couple friends. I’d love you to check it out and let me know what you think. All the images link to the site so click-click away! This is the cover, it’s animated and features Dan & Jessi from The After Show on MTV Canada. There is video content throughout the magazine. Click on the image to see the this video of behind the scenes at the shoot for the cover. I’ve mentioned Shop My Clothes a a couple different posts here and here. Jonny and I have been friends for a couple years & he’s our contributor giving  you Spring style tips for dudes. He’s a super stylish 😉 Breanna wrote about dating and the social media dating game. I’m sure you’ve checked out her blog, Unbrelievable, a couple times already. She’s got so many great dating stories on there! Remember when we all wore those great dresses to the FORA Launch party? They were from Peach Berserk! I interviewed Kingi, the founder/designer about her shop. Click the image to read it! The last page is a little sneak peek of what’s coming up in the next content update; there’s new pix, vids and articles. Woot. If you wanna contribute to future issues email me at [email protected]. I’ve been having some serious anxiety the last couple days, I’m not sure when it comes from but it’s lingering and annoying. Stayed home in my room night last night. Wrote a blogpost, will publish later on. Put on my red Moovboots today and jumped in a few puddles on my way in just to kick up my spirits. No matter what, don’t let…

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