“your passion” she said

This evening I got an email from a blog reader who recently moved here from England. She said she loved my passion for life. I was sitting at my computer looking at a list of things I should have done already and feeling slightly overwhelmed. Her few words changed my day. I don’t really share emails I get from people but sometimes they are inspiring, this was one. Thank you Ashley 🙂 I love GIF making and the internet. It’s amazing how we connect using it. Think, you are reading this right now. I wrote it after being inspired by an email that someone wrote to me after reading this very same location that we are connecting at right here again after they were inspired by something I did outside. Crazy isn’t it? Found this empty park place near Fort York & Bathurst the other day. Jumped around a bit. Posed for this photo and a plane was landing right behind me as I turned around. Neato! Remember how I always say “You are younger today than you will ever be again.” I’m reminding you to make the most of each day. Maybe there is someone you want to send an email to & thank them? I wrote a quick note to Mum letting I know I’m thinking of her. They are sailing somewhere near Virginia at this very moment. I bet it’s beautiful. Thursday I go to Boston with my sister to see friends. Tres excited! A getaway from the city always makes me love it more. Flying Porter & planning to walk to the airport. Basically walking from my house straight to Boston! Yeeow! Have an awesome day!

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Life is built on experiences.

Take them. Make them. Live them. Love them. Leave them in memory. Leave them Online. This blog is how I remember. Remind yourself today of something you’ve done that makes you smile. You’ll be glad you did.

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the race is long & in the end it’s only with yourself.

This gives me such fond memories, reminds me to to worry, about things that matter. It’s a real feel gooder. If you’ve never heard/read this before, let me share it with you. I know you’ll like it. Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of ’97 Wear sunscreen If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be It. The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by Scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable Than my own meandering Experience…I will dispense this advice now. Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth; oh nevermind; you will not Understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded. But trust me, in 20 years you’ll look back at photos of yourself and Recall in a way you can’t grasp now how much possibility lay before You and how fabulous you really looked….You’re not as fat as you Imagine.

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Voter turnout in 2008 was lowest in Canadian History

I know you are really smart because you are here reading this. If you are in Canada you are even awesomer and today you have an election. You get to have a say in what happens in your country, our country. I don’t care who you vote for but please, PLEASE GO OUT AND VOTE.  It’s so important. I rounded up a few things from the internet and I hope they inspire you to go to your polling station and PUT AN X IN A BOX. There is much at stake in this election. Yet the biggest decision for many eligible voters is not whom to choose, but choosing to vote at all. …read more. “stop being such a hipster and go to the polls and vote” These videos were made by KIDS in highschool. They are voting. You know you are legally allowed to leave work & vote. I found out some info about my riding & canditates from Project Democracy. You can find your info there too. I live in the downtown hipster riding. Imagine all of us voted? Our votes make a difference dudes. I read a good article about the ongoing election tweeting debate on canada.com “You can’t stop the tweeting folks“. Maybe we will change a law tomorrow? Do they really think they can put a lid on the information that is being released on the Internet on election day while efforts by other governments to control information in their repressive regimes are proving to be so ineffective? It’s as fruitless as trying to hold your ground while a massive tsunami rushes towards you. If Elections Canada is truly serious about the necessity of concealing election results while some polls are still open, the only way to accomplish it is to keep all the results…

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oh, you mean you are feeling grumpy? well that stops now.

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Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.

Title is a quote by Cyril Connolly an English intellectual, literary critic and writer. I learned this today while watching Criminal Minds. I was working on a couple blog posts for my .com while publishing tumblr, posterous, twitter & facebook. I have ADD. Hey tower. I really like that quote. I’ve been writing this blog for a while and although I have written for many other companies in different voices, the one I am most true to is my own. I began this blog to keep more memories and it started getting more popular as I got better at it.  We grew together and we are forever growing & changing. I find I’m my best when writing about something I really love & believe in. This is my life.  I can hear my Mum chuckle in my head, I’m reminded of her telling me how I loved myself and used to stare into the mirror for hours telling stories. Some things don’t change, I love me and life and I’m happy to share that light with you. I’d like to share this too. Optimism is contageous.

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