i’m on the hunt, hunting for you

Remember this video of me walking in the rain to the elegant sounds of Lhasa de Sela singing J’arrive A la Ville? I’m wearing me red Wellies, one of my favorite pairs of shoes. Well, I came back from Florida and they were GONE from my ROOM. walking in the rain from me on Vimeo. Now, I may have misplaced them, it happens, however I can not remember taking them off somewhere and leaving sans shoes. Hmmm?  I really miss them.  It’s been raining for 2 days and I’m forced to wear non-rain-shoes.  I’ve checked my room and condo and it’s pretty hard to hide a pair of big red boots.  I hope they turn up, I’ve had them for years now and I really really want them back. Dear Universe, please find my favorite boots and bring them back to me. Thanks, ♥ Love Casie

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when amanda came home she inspired me

It had been over a year since I got back and Amanda had just returned from her year in Perth. She learned something while away that inspired her and she wrote it on this little piece of papaer that I keep sticking around as I move from place to place. It says: “The moment of reckless abandon where you lean back and laugh at the simplicity & absurdity of everything…the moment when you so fully realize it doesn’t get and better than right now” Isn’t she just the cutest thing. I like the way I feel when I read it, as if each breath and moment is to be savored and cherished before it’s gone and you move to the next. I took this video this morning on my way in. So happy I don’t have to battle any traffic. morning traffic in toronto filmed by me on Vimeo.

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shining right down on me

I biked  the boardwalk trail this morning beside the Lake. So brilliant the sun was shining down on me. The temperature as I left the house was already over 14 degrees and the clouds cleared shortly after 8am. This is my favorite mug. I’ve had it since I was little kid. It’s Care Bears and says “Make the most of every good thing”, I think that’s a pretty good philosophy. I loved Care Bears, used to watch at 8am before school. I woke up extra early, about 6:30. Something about summer mornings  makes me jump out of bed fleeing alive and ready to take on the day. Love this picture.  I often look out and see whats happening with this massive boat, its usually nothing, but it doesn’t mind me staring. Very busy today. Catering brought Penne a la vodka w/ chicken and it’s so yummy. Eating at desk and then going for coffee to draw cartoons of this guy and this girl.

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i like to call him whitey

This guy deserves his own post. I’m a big fan of uniqueness and this, is a rare and unique sighting. Yesterday I spotted an albino squirrel at the Park. There is an albino squirrel society, so if you’re interested in preserving this creature check out the ASPS. He seems to have quite a personality on him. I watched him jump playfully from branch to branch in different trees. He seemed to be enjoying himself. After our photo shoot he scurried away across the park. I’m sure he’ll be at Bellwoods again. Maybe you can spot him too?

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lay down in the grass and feel the sun on yo face

I always know the start of summer from two distinct things: The first time I have Chippy’s on the grass in Trinity Bellwoods The first outdoor Drum Circle in the pit at the back of Bellwoods Last night, I experienced both. My fish and chips never tasted so good as I got my hands dirty and wiped the grease on my sleeve. It was magical. The sun was shining down on my face sending vibes of energy so bright I could not help myself from just laying in the grass and soaking them up. Welcome summertime, I’m happy you’ve arrived!!

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nowhere else you’d rather be than there

You know those days when the sun is shining and you get in the car with a few friends and cruise to the beach or the park. You lay out a blanket followed by food and drinks and you lean back and feel the sun on your face. Your mind is free and in wanders as you feel complete bliss and serenity knowing that there is  nowhere else you’d rather be than there , that very moment in time. I feel like that today, well, a connection to that feeling. This is a me at Newport Beach on Sydney’s North Shore in NSW, Australia. I went surfing for my very first time. It was about 7am and the sun was rising. It was more than beautiful. I met this man in Bondi who’s called the Bondi Groover he said “Life’s not about being naughty, it’s all about 60/40” (in Aussie, that rhymes). 

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