i got a new job

I just said bye-bye to my old job. I quit. I’m moving on… I’ve taken a position with Much & MTV on the Digital Marketing team. I knew when I read the description,  this job that was for ME. I remained positive the whole time and knew in my mind and my heart that this is what I truly want to do. I’ve worked really hard over the last year and it wasn’t luck that did it, it was preparation meeting opportunity.I used to work in web development Toronto and now I’m moving into new ground. I could not be happier than I am right now. I am proud to say, I have left a job and now begin a career. Thank you for your love and support. Let the wild rumpus START!! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

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wild things: i rememeber it different

I guess we all do. The book’s not many pages, some with only pictures of wild things and a rumpus. What’s is a rumpus really? We all remember the book and love it. Loved it. My mum hated it at first, not feeding the child his dinner and then the monsters. Saw Where the Wild Things Are in IMAX last night. Cruised Chapters before the movie and read the soft cover  to refresh my mind. In my memory it was a wild adventure of excitement, travel  and friendship. After twenty years, I only  remembered a feeling and not much of the storyline. The book is surprisingly short. It was better in my mind. It  it always is. I’m glad I saw it.  We didn’t stay for the whole thing. I know Max gets his dinner at the end. The voices were good, especially Kevin’s mom from Home Alone, Forest Whitaker and Chris Cooper (the weird kids Dad from American Beauty).  The wild thing kid is the is actually named Max in real life. Go see it and be gentle with criticism, it will always be better in your memory. I’m really glad it’s in a movie now and would like to own a copy. The IMAX speaker & sound intro was really fun for me., it was my first time. Keep calm and carry on wild things… Go on follow my blog with bloglovin

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it’s warm in my heart and my little red tights

I woke up in a great mood. It’s good day I can feel it. Had a nice brekky at Roastery with Jeff,  they have the best music. Soon as I got to the office I re-played I love the Nightlife on my Blip Station for my Twitter peeps to enjoy. It was perfect the perfect tune to dive into work with enthusiasm. I’ve got two new penpals and am expecting mail. They’re both in the GTA so if you live far and wanna be my penpal, leave a comment and we’ll chat about it. I’m also excited because some dear friends in the USA are sending me a camera in the mail!! Remember I broke mine? Lucky girl right here! Say goodbye to these Blackberry photos and hello to my pretty litte face nice and clear. People went wild over this a photo I posted of my sis and I yesterday. Saying we’re Twins and stuff.  She’s probably the cutest thing…ok she ties with me. haha You can follow her on Twitter. I’m trying to get her into it as much as me but it seems I have a passion like no other! Reminder to enter the Harijuku Lovers Contest by emailing [email protected] to tell me something you love. It’s that easy. I’m gonna pick the winner live on 12seconds.tv October 30th. I love Fridays! Have an awesome day 🙂

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that was a really great way to start the morning

I checked out to update blog on lunch and the guys beside me were gabbing away about internet, SEO and social media. I tried my hardest not to pipe up and join the conversation. They’re in the back of this video and were wondering what the heck I was doing. haha If they only knew! I say ‘layers’ at the end, hard to hear I know. Everyone was talking loud. I love style but in the summer it’s hot and a dress alone will usually do. Fall, that’s when all the good guys come out. I’ve got a new closet to display them all beautifully and I know they’re all dying to be hung. That’s the plan for the weekend, unpack all my crap and put it in its place. I don’t even mind if it rains, I would love to watch a thunder storm over the lake or stomp in some puddles. Have a great day!

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took candy and makeup and said don’t panic

This morning in the shower I was remembering something that happened a few years ago and feeling quite lucky.  I’ll share with you now what I remember. Mum, if I mixed it up please tell me. I was about 12 years old and traveling home from New Zealand with Mum and Jenie. We had gone through all the checks  and boarded the plane. I don’t remember the exact chain of events but it went something like this. We boarded and someone’s luggage boarded the plane but not the passenger. Airline, big problem. We all had to exit the plane and they had us wait in the waiting area. The plane had come from Iraq to Australia and was picking us up in New Zealand. At the time, Irag & Oz were having bad relations.  Remember, I was only 12 when this happened so I know hardly anything about that part. The security guys were doing massive searches on ALL our luggage. They rummaged through everything taking out  consumable products like gum, candy, lotions, makeup and tossed them in the garbage bin. I asked the security guard for piece of his gum. He gave me one, it was cinnamon. They searched my hair, bottom of my shoes, even behind my belt! Every passenger went though the same hands on search. We found out shortly after that there WAS a BOMB ON OUR PLANE. Yep, the one  we just exited. The bomb squad was on board taking care of it as we waited and waited and waited.  It was eight long hours  in the airport before another plane arrived to take us back to North America. After 9/11 people really scared to fly, including me.  However, I boarded my next flight knowing I already had a bomb on a plane once in…

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the process of changing apples to oranges

I wake up. Twist and scream. I think, why me? Sometimes live throws you curve balls. You can catch it. Pain, I can handle it. X-ray day today. Most people don’t like the doctor but it helps when he’s young and handsome like mine. I’m grateful for the friends/family who have been helping me. I’m thankful for Mum. I rung her so upset this morning and she saved the day. She made me feel better. Then I remembered it’s her birthday. I felt horrible. Finally did some laundry. I got flowers last night from the house where I fell. They’re beautiful. Getting read to go now. I can do this. It’s gonna be ok. Positive thinking. I just read over your Billie Jean King quote about achieving your dreams, Mum.  The one in the frame. Thank you. I love you.

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