Edgewalk: Experience is the teacher of all things.

Veni, vidi, vici! Taking my Dad to do something totally exciting & exhilarating, Priceless. Thanks Mastercard. Dad & I had a blast yesterday doing the Edgewalk yesterday. Weather was BEAUTIFUL.I have a video of the whole thing I’ll upload some time in the next few days. Wanna do the CN Tower Edgewalk too? Mastercard will get you the best experience just like me. What will you be doing on June 1? Why not be one of the first to walk the @EdgeWalkCNTower in 2012? bit.ly/IoPwiu #PricelessTO — MasterCard Canada (@MasterCardCA) May 3, 2012   Later in the day & went back up with Michael for all the other things you can do at the Tower. Looking at my beautiful city with the beautiful @casiestewart (@ CN Tower – Glass Floor / Outdoor Terrace) 4sq.com/Kww9Uy — Michael Nus (@MichaelNus) May 4, 2012  

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Oh yeah baby, here we go. It’s all about do to down. (JINX!) What do you wanna do before you die? This has been on my list since it first became a ‘thing’. I blogged about it here and here and here. I’ll be walking the EDGE of the CN TOWER with Dad at about 10:30-11am. If you are in Toronto and can get a pic PLEASE do. I’ll add it to my video of the whole experience. Oh my gaga. Wish me luck, I hope I don’t die!

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Hey May Baby, I Like That Spring In Your Step

I found the May flowers. They’re in my garden. Japan Instrgram app Pick is a whole lotta fun. It’s like the OG Instagram but you can add glitter, bears, bowties, wigs, hats, glasses, messages, glasses, hearts, stars, hearts, and more. Gizmodo wrote about it last week if ya missed it. It’s my big in Japan plan. I wanna go there so bad. See all my supa kawaii photos by visiting naver.jp/casiestewart. My first Japan profile! Other Instagram is here. If you’re looking for a tasty snack, grind some dark chocolate with sea salt on hot popcorn & mix it up. Delightfully tasty and fairly slim. Today I learned that “people born in May are more likely to have a spring in their step than those who started life in January” via new research published by Daily Mail UK. SOME FACTS: Those born between March and August considered themselves luckier than people born between September and February. Lucky “May-borns” include rugby player Jonny Wilkinson, footballer David Beckham and model Jordan. The environmental factors around the birth period, like exposure to sunshine and temperature are considered possible influences on the body’s biological systems. In the name of spreading sunshine I uploaded a couple videos of my last Mexico trip to Viddy. I’m SO ready for summer to get here so we can all soak up the sunshine and wear less clothes. I have a scarf on as I type this and THAT AIN’T RIGHT. Enjoy the day. Sending sunshine your way. 🙂 IF YOU ARE HUMAN, COMMENT. LOVE TO HEAR FROM YA.  

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Day Dreams

A man watches his life pass before him in this short film produced for the 42 Second Dream Film Festival in Beijing, China 2009. A friend showed me this yesterday. It’s quite beautiful. What would your last day dream look like? I got to thinking about mine and it never really crossed my mind until, now. I’m 30 in a few days and I never really though about that either.  I’m very happy with my life and things I’ve done but it’s like, this anxiety, it’s creeping out from behind the stutters and trying to scare me with his smile.

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New knowledge is the most valuable commodity on earth.

* title is quote by Kurt Vonnegut, Breakfast of Champions

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I’m going up there. Right on the edge. Cross my heart and hope to die I make it though ok. A wee bit terrified but excited in the same. That’s my favourite feeling, nervous/excited. The kind that makes you get all riled up with excitement yet you’re deeply terrified.

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