All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.

It seemed like just another Thursday but it was more than that. Yesterday I had a meeting that was planned two months earlier and the outcome was fantastic!  I accomplished something I’ve been working towards for ages. Soon as my profile is live I’ll share more details. I was reminded once again that you really CAN achieve anything you set your mind to. You must believe you can do it and have the courage and confidence to make it happen. Banana Repubic jacket, Burberry scarf, Tiffany & Co. necklace I’ve gotta set some big goals for this year and the next 5 because over the past few years I’ve crossed so many things off my life list. I’m super excited to get working on my new secret project this weekend. Me at my desk yesterday. Wearing hearts again today too. ♥  With love + light, <3 CASIE DREAMS  

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Who Would WANT to Be NORMAL?! Not Normal FTW!

I woke up to a FB notification from William Jones this morning and he said this ad make him think of me. I don’t know if it’s just because I was half alseep but when I watched this…I felt a little emotional. I’ve alwasy been ‘not normal’, had my own style, made my own path, and done things in my own way. Probably the Taurus in me and strong influence from my parents to ‘be myself’.  It’s great to be part of a world where we embrace the NON NORMAL. NOT NORMAL is the philosophy that has guided the design of MINI for over 50 years. And it’s the same philosophy that connects the brand to people who drive MINI today. In a world where so many people are trying to fit in, MINI extends an open invitation to those who would rather stand out: . I  hope my blog inspires you to go out into the world and BE BOLD, BE YOURSELF. Think of your life as a movie, YOU are the director, you decide what scene is next and who is in it. You are the STAR! HAPPY TIFF! Have a beautiful day! <3 CASIE Buy Soma Online Buy Strattera Online Buy Trazodone Online Buy Ventolin online

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Agility presents ‘Get Digital: Create Great Content’ at The Spoke Club

I’ve been invited to speak with some of my industry peers about creating great content in an upcoming session at The Spoke Club. The event is hosted by Toronto based Agility, they works with media companies and brands to help maximize the value of their online content. Their philosophy, “create great content, build your audience, make more money.” Now that,  is something I can stand behind! Read more about the event on the Agility blog. The event is free but you have to register! Visit this link and sign up. It’ll be a good discussion, trust me. <3 CASIE Share this event with your friends! Tweet

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Live The Life You’ve Imagined

Watched Big Fish today, gonna go biking in the sunshine later. Beautiful weekend! Hope you are enjoying it. <3 CASIE

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We were made to be awesome.

The world needs you to stop being boring. BE AWESOME. <3 CASIE

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DO MORE. #makeitcount

This is inspiring. I need one of those Nike bands. Enjoy! Feel incredibly lazy & hungry for ramen after watching this Nike #makeitcount video. @caseyneistat #inspiration — Leesa Butler (@theFList) January 26, 2013 FROM THE INTERNET! ha. Love it. Me too 🙂 <3 CASIE

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