Like Butta: Butterfly Linens in My Bed

About a month ago got an email from Butterfly Dreams Luxury Bed Linens Ltd. asking if I would like to receive a set of sheets. Of course I said yes but now, after sleeping on and in them for a few weeks, it would be cruel to not tell you how great they are. I’ve never slept on anything like them. I want to stay in bed all day long. They are best without clothes. So soft against your skin, you really more than ever don’t want to get out of bed! The Butterfly Linens are made from  very fine microfibres that have been tightly woven into a very super high density fabric with heaps of benefits. Shrink resistant. High abrasion resistance, yielding dependable longevity. Stain resistant. Light weight, yet extremely durable. High tearing & tensile strength. High colour fastness to machine washing, dry cleaning, perspiration, light, rubbing and chlorine bleach. Nil formaldehyde. Neutral pH. Resists “pilling” and “clinging”. Dries quickly and therefore saves energy in drying time. Highly resistant to crease and crinkle, eliminating the need to iron, thus saving energy. Machine washable, dry cleanable, can be tumble-dried A unique softness and pliability – unequalled and unsurpassed!!! Free shipping to Canada & US w/ code “FREESHPG” I’m currently sleeping with the duvet, fitted sheet, and pillow cases. It’s heaven. I’ve been having such deep sleeps! My nightlife is forever changed. On that note, I wish I was in bed right now in bed right now. ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzz. Weekend, where art thou? <3 CASIE

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I got that Super Bass: Bass Boomz Bluetooth Speaker

No, not Nikki! Although I did have a real heart on for that song when it came out.  Keri and I played it on the repeater and danced in our jogging pants.  Last week I was received this awesome little portable, bluetooth speaker. Took it to the hot tub lounge and hellooooo, it’s so loud. Sounds wicked! Bass Boomz is the same company that sent me those wicked Swarovski headphones a couple months ago. They gave me a 50% discount you can use if you want to order a speaker (BBZ649103). I think most of the colours are sold out right now but hopefully that changes fast. Hot pink is available for $79.99 UK (then add 50% off!). I can’t wait till spring gets here and I can cart this little baby around in my bike basket and to the park. I walked home from the Distillery District to Cityplace last night (just over 3K) and it was lovely out. FOUR DEGREES MANG. Take those sunshiney thoughts and carry them around today. Spring is JUST around the corner. <3 CASIE      

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Time Travel, there’s an app for that.

    This was at Ottawa Fashion Week after walking the runway wearing Rachel Sin for the closing celebrity show. SO much fun. I totally remember taking this photo and laying in my bed with the sun on my face before going to work. I worked in Liberty Village for an online gaming & casino company. Made lots of good friends there. The thing I love most about his app it that it helps your memory. So many things happen in a day that it’s hard to keep track. I take a lot of photos and this app, keeps all my blog & social media memories alive. Download it and have fun time travelling 🙂 CASIE

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The Commenting Game – Week 1 Winners

<3 CASIE  

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Alicia Keys Rocks Canadian Designed Eyewear – AND THE WINNER IS….

I’ve posted about Clearly Contacts a few times over the last two years and built a pretty good relationship with them. Remember summer Sixties Summer Love, Ray Bans, and once I interviewed Canadian eyewear designer Derek Cardigan. Today, I got am email from PR that Alicia Keys is wearing Derek’s glasses in her new video! In support of Canadian talent I give props to Derek Cardigan AND Clearly Contacts is giving you a pair of these exact glasses. Deets on how to enter below! See Alicia Keys looking like a babe in these glasses…. Now see yourself in these glasses looking fabulous… How do I win? You know the drillio, tweet me and Clearly Contacts by clicking below. If you do it right away you have a better chance of winning. I would like to get your order in before Friday so you get them next week! The glasses retail for $89 and can are style ‘Derek Cardigan 7017 Shadow‘.  See his entire collection here and upload a photo to try them on without leaving your house couch.  I have a couple pairs and got Mum a sweet pair with polarized lenses last summer. You will be happy, trust me. Tweet to Win here Tweet to @casiestewart Clearly Contacts has awesome prices and is constantly offering great deals. They published a winter style guide if you want one more item to add to your wish list. Looking forward to picking a WINNER! I love the holidays and giving things away. Yippeee! Much love, CASIE <3 [View the story “And the @clearlycontacts winner is…” on Storify] And the @clearlycontacts winner is… Storified by CASIE STEWART · Thu, Dec 20 2012 05:43:26 @casiestewart @clearlycontacts I would love to win the new Alicia Keys glasses by Derek Cardigan! Pick me! #happyholidaysCarly-Anne Fairlie @casiestewart @clearlycontacts I would love to win…

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I found ten cents yesterday. This is my two cents.

I love Instagram. It made me think different. More creative. That’s why I like it. I found new, inspiring people and I like to see their photos. See how they look at life, through their lens, through a different filter.  I have been publishing for about a decade and have thousands of photos on the Internet. I’ve had my smile photo used in a Facebook ad (total surprise!), a photo of me as a bot (read that story here), and  TBH I don’t really mind if my fav bar wants to share my photos beside a Molson ad or on a billboard. A LOT of awesome things have happened from me sharing freely. If you want to own everything, write a blog. If you want to create, make great things and share them. I feel like Internet years are dog years. I’ve been meeting young bloggers more lately and I feel Internet old. I’m up for a Lifetime Achievement Award for christs sake! (Thanks for the Nom guys!) I’ve found myself saying “back in the old days of blogging/social/2.0 things were/it was like [ insert something with no rules, regs, or privacy concerns]. BTW, OOTD on that old Instagram of Queen West is Overgram single photo edit x4, with Diptic collage. It’s more about what you are doing than where you are sharing it. Ok bye. Have a great day.

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