Her life was her movie. Yours can be is yours.

Seeing ‘My Week with Marilyn’ tonight. Looking forward to Michelle Williams as her, I like them both. Thanks to AMy @ Alliance Films for the tix. Her life is a love story (Marilyn). It’s like a love story with her life and herself with herself and everyone else who plays a role. If you think about life like that you might  will  be more interesting. You’ll have more experiences too. On the plane home from Costa Rica I watched Jim Carey’s Poppers Penguins and Rise of the Planet of the Apes. I love Jim Carey, not so into animal/kid movies but it was cute. Apes was good, I liked it. Cool SF scenes, Franco is a babe and the apes were cool. After a week in the jungle with real monkeys it was perfect to watch that movie.  Catching up on the Y&R before I go to bed. It’s nice to be home. This little monkey is back in the concrete jungle … My life is my movie and, you’re in it! Thank you ♥   It’s nice to be home but I want to go away again!

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a world of pure imagination with willy, kelly, mila

Hello Willy Wonka. Wanna go to the chocolate factory? Yes please. Take me there… I love this style.

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stand closer to the (star) light.

Big props & love to Think Tank Management for putting the party together last night. It was a blast. Lady Starlight is a beauty inside & out. She said “omg you’re so cute” soon as we met. I hoped that would happen. We got to chat & party. Amazing energy. Starlight darling, please say hi to Gaga for me. Love you both.

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a good team is a family, a family is a team – Kyle Benjamin

Dad loves racing so to be working with a race car driver is pretty neat. Especially an epic, race winning child prodigy one. Sky & I were twerkin’ hard in the office aka the rig. She is 11. We were tweeting our hearts out during the bike race portion. She is a riot.  RA RA RIOT. I was telling Kyle how he’s gonna have ladies all ova’ him. He’s so dang cute. Any of you out there 13ish? He’s single. Gettin’ ready. Talladega styles. Race time. Team #71. Was a totally crazy race. Started with 25 drivers, finished with 16ish. About 20 cautions, three ambo’s. This one went straight to hospital, back injury. Hope you’re ok man. Waiting for the track to be cleared then take a few laps to warm up the tires. (Get’s easily distracted) HAHAHAHAHAHHA. What a winner this stud. Kyle took 3rd. Nice one buddy! Kyle loves Gatorade. (wink wink nudge nudge) Sky, you are the cutest ever. Check those tire marks from racers bumpin’ him. Bump & grind fo’ realz His shirt was actually soaking wet. We were laughing. Dang hot drivin’ them cars. (Clearly I’ve been in the South, I’m typing with an accent.) Impressed with how well spoken you are Kyle. Nice twerk. Good interview. Night was fun. Brekky & travel home tomorrow. I miss my own bed. I like being away but I love coming home. Next trip is Boston in July. Next week is busy with NXNE (music & interactive), MMVAs & more. Gonna be real fun. Have an awesome day 🙂

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This afternoon I’m heading back to Centennial College with my (digital) brother Andrew Stewart. We’re chatting a PR & Digital Media class about social media and our lives. I love this city! Andrew works at Strategic Objectives PR and is going to discuss social media from an agency perspective. He was the brains behind the NYE weekend in Montreal this past December. I’ll be speaking about how I built up a big following, grew my network and turned something I truly love into my job, living an exciting, positive life! I walk on glitter BTW. Reckon imma plank in the classroom. I bet they will think it’s funny. Maybe we can group plank? That would be way cool. Yeah I said ‘way cool’ dude. Ok ttys. Love you.

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Guest post from my Bahama Mama

A few photos to enjoy. Deans Blue Hole opens opens up into a vast 4,000-foot-deep underwater cavern ranking it as the largest yet discovered in the world.  The platform in the middle has two divers on it who practice free diving twice a day. The world record for free diving in the blue hole is held by a guy from New Zealand. Love to all xoxo Thanks for sharing Mum. It looks SO very beautiful. I wish I was there with you! How long is your hair now Mum? You look super cute as always. Miss you <3

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