Dear Summer, How are you babe? Been thinking about you lately. I bet your tan is glowing and muscles are pumped. I was going through some photos of us together and was reminded how much fun we have. Spending Christmas together was such a tease! I miss you! My tan practically faded and froze the minute I stepped off the plane. I know you’re not that far away, but I feel like you’ve been gone for ages. Wondering if you wanna wrap up traveling and come here in May? You can be here for me birthday 🙂 I’d really love that. I promise to make it up to you. Getting my hair done on Tuesday, you should see my roots right now. You’d die. Luckily it’s stylish to wear hats at the moment. Remember the shave I had in Florida? I was considering going back to that but now the long is kinda growing on me. Anyhoo, hope you are well and making the most of each day. Despite the cold here, I’m having a great time. Looking quite forward to your return in a few months. I love you very much! xo ♥ Casie
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