TIME TO PARTY! Imma go for dinner… and maybe do some of this… he he! Ok, that’s it that’s ALL! HAPPY EASTER LONG WEEKEND B!TCHES BABES! <3 CASIE

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I Am Slowly Going Casie!

Spent lunch shooting new eps. of THIS on Coral TV. Busy day at the office otherwise. Shirt is from Remix clothing, hair is pink & purple/grey, pants are Diesel (from GRADE 9), shoes are sneaker wedges from Jeffrey Campbell. Hope you take a few minutes to soak up some of those rays, it’s beauty out there! Have a beautiful day! <3 CASIE

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it’s like a chose your own adventure book for real

Cool storm last night. Didn’t last long but it was great; energetic, powerful, heavy, beautiful.  Drove around in it.  Got wet. Loved it all. The rain drops were falling down in rounds and floating in the wind. It was lovely. Later, I went to Koodo Mobile party for the launch of their Build a Bash campaign at buildabash.ca. They are gonna give away $50,000 to some coolperson to have a party. I want it. If we’re not friends yet, add me on FB and join my party just like this. So easy. The site has some ‘issues’ yesterday and wasn’t working. I guess everyone wants to party? Yum, fried. Two of my favorites – rings & beer. Classic me = spilly willy. I won a Samsung phone, first prize of the night. I’d like to win some CASH next time. Gonna give the phone away to someone who is a Koodo lover, stay tuned. Shared my drink tickets, I was like ‘let me buy you a drink, and you a drink’ haha. Um, we were supposed to look excited in this photo guys? If I win the $50,000 to throw a party, I’ll hook up some sponsors and take it up about 1,000 notches. I’ve wanted to throw a massive guy for ages and I reckon it’s about time!! Hello there adorable girl with blonde hair wearing tartan just like me. I spotted her across the bar and thought she was the cutest little thing. She spotted me too. Like attracts like? It is official – everybody loves stickers at parties. Nice meeting all 100 of you that got them 🙂 Omg, I think it was my favorite song. Gun pointing hand dance, so cool. the wild lion hair of @mhp omg hello again, you are so incredibly cute. She…

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my name is casie and i’m a twitaholic

Twits Mag Canada is an online magazine dedicated to all Canadians on Twitter and they just did a story on ME. You can read it here: Me and Twitter: Casie Stewart – The Twitaholic.  Don’t be shy to leave comments on their site or mine. Have a great day! “She blogs, she blogs and blogs and… she works full time. She’s busy, that’s what she says, but she’s still got a lot of energy and would be bored if she wasn’t doing stuff all the time.”

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i’m blushing now

because he wrote this. “There is a reason I started all this gibberish, or at least there was … I had a moment today, a kinky one. Which is true, and it was a moment of pure joy to click on the Awesomest Blog Ever and find a blog void of gibberish. It was one of those moments that can change a man’s attitude about himself and his life for a while… Like the time a man first shaves his balls and realizes he just became that much closer to being just like David Lee Roth in his hey-day… Unchained! And unchained she is… Fun, Honest, Humble and Authentic are just a few of the words I can use to describe this modern artist, without even knowing her or her character. But I can say this… Her genuine nature comes through in her blog and coming from a professional Gibberish Rustler, take it as a lesson… Her words have the power to shrivel nuts of the toughest Gibberish Rustler and make them fall off the body like raisins off a bush. Lucky for me I’m not that tough…“ read it and comment, if you have feelings ♥

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fond, found, fortune, fashion, focus

I’m wearing a mum outfit today. Her old belt that still smells like New Zealand and a shortened Dashiki that matches my orange vintage boots. Tomorrow is going to warm but today its so windy and cold. I think I’m going to write on my way in more often. I lost my computer and ipod so now I use what I got, my device and thoughts and spend less time on the actual computer. I’m inspired in the morning, except for sporadic days when I am not. I usually wake up with a smile. Damn its cold. This morning I woke up to a message from a friend that said he’s in London England and the style there reminds him of me. I think that’s the nicest thing ever. I’ve never been to London but I know about style there. I can’t type as fast as thoughts fly, I can barely talk that fast and when I do its funny and I sound like a nut. I missed a call from a magazine editor last night. I wonder what he wants? H has the closing party for his art show tonight and I’m also planning to chat with Poster Boy. I’m going to make some. Cut and paste was one of my most favorite things to do at the kitchen table when I was younger. It still is along with writing. I wrote a poetry book in 1996 called Jeans. It’s not on Amazon because its out of print, its time for a new book. We started our publishing company without Internet and did it old the fashion way. We learned a lot. Its seems so easy now. I forgot my sunnies, the vintage ones from France. They would have matched perfect. As I take off my jacket I forget…

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