a love note

Sometimes I feel like I need a break, from you, Internet. It’s not you it’s me. I get overwhelmed by just how intense our replationship is. We’re always together. We know what each other are up to, where I am, who I’m with, where I’m going and everything I’ve got planned. You know all my thoughts left in drafts and all the things I didn’t say. The next week is full of work so it’s not the time to make any changes in our relationship just yet. The week after that I’m going to San Juan for a week and I want to take a break. I hope you won’t be upset with me. I’m gonna take that week to reflect on all the things we’ve done this year. There is so many. I was just thinking about how each day of our lives together has been documented and I want to cherish that. Do you ever go back and look? After our ‘break’ we’ll have missed eachother so much that we can get started fresh again and take on the new year. Love, I’m taking you to LA for a week over New Years and we’ll be spending lots of time together there. I can’t wait to show you where we are staying. You will love it. Jenie is coming too and we’re all gonna have a blast. You know I can’t quit you. XO CASIE

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i am an artist

Remember my art blog borderline artistic? I post drawings and paintings and poems and stuff. This afternoon I’m attending this Amex ‘Digital Canvas’ Media Challenge. I made this with the Amex FB app. Whatta ya think? You have probs seen the ads but you can make one too here. It’s a big media shindig where people paint (yes me) and money gets donated to United Way. There’s a a chance to win a trip to NY, gift cards, an iPad. I really want an ipad please. In prep for the art show I browsed a few old things I did for inspiration. Perhaps I will recreate something I did years ago? Well, it really depends on the paints and the setup. It is also quite dependent on my level of anxiety at the time. unnecessary wheels collection: crab apple one of my fav’s – t-shirt material strike out in a different direction

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I AM ART: Nuit Blanche tonight. See you on the street!

Here’s a couple things I’ve done and loved fronm Nuit Blanche in past years. I live in the Zone and am totes excited to stayup all night being and BE ART exploring art. 2009 – on Queen Street with my sister Jenie. 2008 at U of Toronto with a bunch of peeps. If you wanna join me lemme know. I have two free flights and mad coupons from Virgin to give away. So aside from just being fun, you might really get something great. I like the artness of this video too. So cool. SEE YOU TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!

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i need an ipad. like, yesterday.

More stuf to share but I do not have time right now. At all. I’m having lunch with the Mayor or Twitter and I need to look beautiful for him. Here are some things I drew on ipad last night. I need an ipad. Need like, not like I need air or water but need like as in want. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaad. We make a cute couple, don’t we? You know the Unnecessary Wheels Collection from Borderline Artistic. I’m late again. I am always late. It’s part of my charm. Ok, bye. I love too you internet. p.s. Heard i’m in a MTV Video Music Awards commercial. Look for me, if you see let me know. I’ve not seen it!

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that’s what friends are for

You know when you’re being all emo and it rains like it did today? Yeah. Meh, ok now and then. Didn’t last too long. I saw a rainbow and was tweeting friends about waaaahmbulance and Randeep drew & tweeted this. Totally RAD-deep. I love drawings.  I drew the advice below. If it rains again I am totally going for a walk. Lazy watching In her Shoes movie and doing stuff. At the end Cameron Diaz reads this beauty at her sister’s wedding. It’s one of my favourites. I also love Retro Camera, new app I downloaded from the Android Market. Photo is Queen Street near Bathurst this afternoon. No matter where I go I will always have a little bit of Queen St West in my heart. Show me ya teeth 🙂 i carry your heart with me by E. E. Cummings i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart) i am never without it (anywhere i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling) i fear no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true) and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide) and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)

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Being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art. Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art. – Andy Warhol

Worked on some of your requests for additions to the Unnecessary Wheels Collection this week. I love making things. It’s a lovely break from the internet to draw and a whole different joy sharing online after. Still thinking about that art show. We have a crabby apple: A purple mushroom with handlebars (in progress): A djembe drum: Making some shirts for Blonde Jovi aka the Bloundetourage aka Blondovision aka my friends that are blonde who blog.  Shirts, stencils, spray paint, acrylic paint. One day I’ll have a factory like Andy Warhol, it will be my factory and I will make more more things than ever before. At my factory, a river runs through it, it’s a creative stream. Ok bye…………..ART ATTACK TIME!!!!!!!!

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