i love this dress

I had Peach Beserk make me this dress my my birthday. It’s stretchy and covered with Edie and Andy. I love it hard. You can make your own dress here. Looks especially great with fishnets and a long coat. Loves it.

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she was happy dancing with her arms over head

Drum circle happens every week during the summer. It goes down at Cherry Beach one week than Trinity Bellwoods the next. I usually only go to TBP because it’s closer than the beaches.  I love it.  There are lots of mad hippies dancing. There are also lots of skid kids too. We moved our home-base-blanket around a few times to avoid the dirty kids from contaminating us. One time a kid puked while sitting in front of us and we picked up shop like nomads and moved in NO time. My favorite is being in the middle of the circle dancing with my arms flailing around. There is something magical about the connection between the music and the people all being brought together in an open space .  When it gets really hot out there’s more girls & boys with their shorts and shoes off dancing. There is drinking and smoking in the park  all around.  We saw a couple of kids chasing each other around with McCain pies and tossing them at each other. What are kids doing these days you ask? That I guess. There were hundreds of people there. You can hear the beating of the drums as you approach the pit in the park, I love that sound! Drum Circle #001 2009 from moi on Vimeo. this is sadie, she spins fire from me again on Vimeo. There’s fire spinning too. Some nights there is lots of fire spinning!! This girl was really good she was doing the hula-fire-hoop and poi’s at the same time. I’m not even going to try that, I’m waaaay to accident prone. Overall, stellar time. Absolutely stellar.

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the wheels are becoming more necessary

I did some work on my ‘Unnecessary Wheels“collection last night. You can see them all here. I’m beginning to think that some of my things would actually be great with wheels.No wheels on these guys. They’re for eating. Super tasty and full of life. Neon fruit, it’s hydroponic.

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can i get a book please?

Today is a sunny day. I like that. Mum sends us clothes here and there and she has great style. I pulled this guy out of the closet today and rushed out the door. One of the boys in the office said would “come by my desk to check out a book“. haha. I get it. I like this dress, it has pockets. I had to cut head off here, face was wrinkled up. I’m loving the new neon units. They are SO VIBRANT. I feel like if I was a pastel, I would be neon, electric yellow or pink or purple…or one of those multicolored swirl ones. Yes, for sure.

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"…and your little blog too"

Today I got a message that was a link to the following images. At first, I thought oh cool postering, but then I looked a little closer. I noticed the borderline and then the neon and the face and the name, it’s me. “ll get you my pretty, and your little blog too.” I love it. He suprised me with this today. Toronto Posterboy is a Toronto artist. You can find him on Twitter and if you want to know more about postering his company is called WellHung. He is a smart cookie that Posterboy, I have a site called borderline artistic where I have a collection of artistic things like drawings and poems. It’s an online art gallery. He put my face in neon near the Borderline on Queen Street. Awesomism.

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the kiwi girl was in the kitchen again

Last night I made a nice dinner. I really love cooking. I don’t talk about it much because I’m not a food blogger. I hate talking about what I eat. Not fun to me so I don’t do it often. However, last night…It was lovely. Today I went to the AGO again. I was alone and I took a very introspective view. I only looked at things I like the most and for only as long as I felt like. It is a very free feeling. I had my Moleskine and pencil, camera, the important stuff. I got a picture of one of my favorite guys, but I’m nervous to post it.

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