Bring on Those May Flowers! 

Oh spring how I have missed you! The last week I’ve been a bit slack on writing my ol’ diary as I’ve been in pre-production for the first ever music video I’m directing with 1188/Revolver Films. It’s exciting to do something I’ve never done but it’s also hard work and learning something new has it’s challenges. I know it will be awesome but until then, I’m a bit anxious about the whole thing! Gahhhh. Sean reminds me all the time: ‘You can do anything you put your mind to, IF YOU DO THE F*N WORK.‘ We film this weekend, crunch time! In other news, May is my fav month and Monday is my birthday! I’m not planning to do anything crazy, all I really want to do is go to yoga and eat cake. I’ve asked a couple friends to come to class with me on Monday night and I think I’ll bring a cake for after. ALSO, on the 13th I’m going to Jamaica! I’m Lovesey’s guest for a week long all-inclusive in Ocho Rios and I can’t wait for that either. The last couple months have been super busy and I’m planning to wear next to nothing and do next to nothing for 7 whole days.  

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Our Netflix Show is Live! Ep1: Are You A Betty or Veronica?

Last month I filmed a 6 episode show with Netflix at Wallace Studios in Toronto. It was put together by Netflix USA and Andrew Dobson from and hosted by Jonny Morton Schuster (who is also Kiwi btw!). Other cast members include Nelia, OG blog babe who writes and Amanda who writes a family travel/style blog. There are 7 episodes in the whole series and I can’t wait to share them all with you! I’ve not seen final cuts yet, super excited! Gahhhhhh. The first episode ‘Are You A Betty or Veronica?‘ is us mostly talking about Riverdale. I’ve been obsessed with this show since it started. I would deff say I’m more of a Veronica than Betty. Don’t be fooled by the blonde hair!  The show is the ‘Dobbernation Loves Dinner Party’ where we all sit around a set that looks like Andrew’s apartment and gossip about discuss our fav shows. We sat around drinking from local brews from Mill Street Brewery and food from La Cubana. There’s some great sound bites throughout the whole things but from this ep my fav is when Jonny said: ‘Betty in the streets Veronica in the sheets!” There will be new eps all week. I would love to do more stuff like this!  Have a great day my friends!

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Enjoy A Little, Endure a Lot

This week felt like a long one and it’s finally Thursday. As Keri would say, “Best night of the week!”. Tonight I’m heading to my BFFs house out of the city and tomorrow we rented a sweet hotel room in a random Ontario town, not too far, for a well deserved girls getaway. Sometimes when I look back at my story of the day, on Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, or Facebook, my short term memory forgets things even happen. This was the case a few times this week. I started the week slow, was super tired, and had a sore shoulder from an awkward sleep on Sunday. Tuesday I spent most the day dragging my a$$ through the motions, but, by the end of the day I was so inspired I couldn’t sleep! I was a judge at the Women in Wearables Tech Meetup for the Female Founders Cup.  It was  great to be surrounded by incredibly amazing women making waves in the tech community. You can watch the livestream here if you’re looking for some inspiration.  Women & Wearables: An evening of celebration, discussion & activism Full house for #WWTO! #techtuesday (@ MaRS Discovery District in Toronto, ON) — CASiE STEWART (@casiestewart) March 28, 2017 Wednesday seems like a blur. Did yoga at 7:30 then drove home, picked up Emily and took her to school. Shawn Hawaii came over for quick head shot shoot around 9am and by 10:30, Sean and I we were heading to 1188. The rest of the day was non-stop and by 9:30pm I was finally ready to sit down and do things on my computer. I am SOOOOO looking forward to a 2 night getaway with my BFF and a s-l-o-w pace. I love what I do but life is exhausting and I’ve had to teach myself to take breaks. Also, I can’t wait till we open the…

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Light Up Your Life with Best Buy Smart Home

Last week I went to the National Home Show as a guest of Best Buy Canada to check out smart home accessories. After CES and the Interior Design Show this year I’ve become obsessed with making our home more efficient with smart things. Upgrading appliances in your space can help save energy (thermostats/appliances), make things more comfortable (lighting), and keep you safe (security camera). For the National Home Show, Best Buy partnered with designer Christine Dovey to design a fully stocked smart home pop-up where you could see all kinds ways to pimp your place with technology. I left dreaming about new appliances for the whole house complete with a super skinny & smart Samsung QLED tv. I was obsessed with the Samsung ‘Family Hub’ fridge, this thing is totally from THE FUTURE. It’s got a wifi touchscreen and three inside cameras that take a photo every time the fridge closes. Then, you can check your phone to see what’s inside, it also knows what’s inside, it make recipes, it can track expiration dates. Kinda hard to wrap the old brain around! I LOVE THE FUTURE. My friend was telling me about how they recently got a new smart AV system from Crestron System and I think she is as much in love with the future as I am! When I was at CES in Vegas this year, one of the award winning new products was the Nanoleaf Aurora light panel.All the lights connect to my iPhone and can change a zillion colours and different shades of white (warm vs cool). I was so excited to order this for our house! I would love to say I went for the cool lights knowing Emily (9) would love them but they were totally for me too. We had guests over this…

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Make Yourself Happy. Do What You Love. #stickwithit17

The last couple weeks I’ve been on a journey of making my self happy, practising what I preach, making the most of each day, and following things that give me joy. I can tell you from the bottom of my heart, it has made a big difference. The last couple months of 2016 I was totally drained, didn’t feel creative, felt a bit lost like ‘what am I doing and why‘. So, I made a change. I started putting  myself first and really doing WHAT I WANT. It’s easy to get side tracked from your goals, over worked, under stimulated. The thing is, you can totally turn that around any singe day, at any time. You’re in control of your happiness. You’re the director of the movie that is your life. You always have a choice. Years ago (2008-09) when I wanted people to remember me and my blog I made these little stickers on white Avery labels after work (at an IT company). I didn’t have $$ for real stickers, so I had to be creative. They had a strip of photos I took of myself (now called selfies) and my Twitter @casiestewart with my URL While most people will take your business card and never follow up, this is not the case with stickers. I found that people would go to my blog the day after a fun party where I stuck my sticker on them, their sweater, conference badge, and leave a comment, or tweet me it was nice to meet. The first round of ACTUAL real stickers I made were from StickerYou when a friend worked there. They were heart shaped photos of me with a painting in the background and my Twitter handle. This month I was invited to create a Mantra Box of stickers to keep me…

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Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s party!’

This weekend we had friends in town from Boston. Instead of facing St. Patty’s Day crowds on Friday we hosted them for dinner (Uber Eats!). Saturday was pretty relaxing except for the call I got at 10:30am saying Mum was in the hospital. She ended up having appendicitis and getting her appendix out. Just like that! She was back home just after dinner time. Canada is such an amazing country. At yoga on Sunday, Sandy read a few horoscopes and mine mentioned gifting myself a young cactus. The cool thing about that was I had a ticket for a terrarium workshop that afternoon. It was my my 3rd terrarium workshop of the year and want to make a really big one now that I understand how. It was at Untitled&Co and a couple friends joined me in the fun. This week I’ve got an event at Twitter HQ & am seeing another show at Mirvish. Since I’ve made yoga a priority and started focusing on doing things for ME that I really want to do, I’m so much happier. Today I’m doing 9am yoga with the team at 2Social in the Junction. Hope to get my bike tuned up later today. Here’s to a great week! Sending sunshine through the internet to you! Longer days are on the way! ☀️??  

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Spring Forward 

I hate to blame daylight savings but this week I have been so tired. I had to fight myself every morning to get out of bed. I managed to do yoga and spin on Wednesday which was a big accomplishment. Last week I was so high on life and motivated. Writing heaps. Killing it everyday. This week, opposite. Almost everything I’ve had to get done work wise has been an up hill battle. End of the week, mum came to hang out and I took her around my neighbourhood and to some fab spots in the city. We picked Em up from circus camp, went to YouTube, got pizza, then saw Beauty & the Beast in 3D. It was go good to hang out. Mum has been my biggest supporter my whole life and it was really nice to treat her yesterday. Tonight we have some friends from Boston coming for dinner. I’ve got heaps on my to-do list but I’m determined to cross them all off today! I’ve got yoga at noon which will give me the energy I need to keep this momentum going. Em has a recital at this afternoon for March break Circus Camp. This week I mailed a few hand written letters with new stickers I had made in them and that made me feel really happy. This weekend I’m doing another terrarium workshop! (3rd of the year lol, I’m obsessed). My new pillows from Notion Manufacturing arrived this week which was also a small joy and good for a few LOLs. Sean loves it hahahahhahaha. Full of LULZ w/ my first @NotionMFG order. Who wants one?? ??? — CASiE STEWART (@casiestewart) March 16, 2017 Remember it’s important to listen to your body and relax if you need to. Being ‘on’ all the time and…

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Don’t Wait For The Perfect Time, Create Today!

Last nights @meetDITTO event was really great. I was super tired before getting there, ate a sub and felt  gross, the day was long and busy. On my way to the event I picked up a card for Natalie (organizer) as a thank you and bought her some patches for her jacket (FIMINIST/BOSS WITCH). Got a last minute coffee before it stared and bought one for Carolyn too. HUGE thanks to Nataliegh and Avery for bringing us all together to learn and celebrate. Stories the other women shared were so inspiring. Gave me so much energy. Don’t forget… We’re all just out here hustling and making things up as we go. Nobody knows wtf they are doing.  Thoughtful. Innovative. & a fuck load of girl power at #meetditto tonight! @meetditto @burgerpawty @casiestewart @spokehaus @CarolynVan — Nikki B (@nikkbetts) March 9, 2017 ✨? Yesterday, I had the AMAZING opportunity to spend #IWD with these really powerful and driven set of Girl Bosses! ??? Thanks to the dope ladies of @meetditto for having me on the panel and for putting together such an insightful and inspiring event! ☁️ Looking forward to seeing what these ladies have in store next! ?✨ #burgerpawty #meetditto A post shared by BURGER PAWTY ?? (@burgerpawty) on Mar 9, 2017 at 6:52am PST I talked to a fab young woman who’s been following the ol’ bloggy since 2009. How cool is that? She was telling me how she wants to create but wants also it to be perfect, so she hasn’t been making things. I told her she’ll wait forever with that attitude. Don’t wait. You need to create in order to make mistakes, to learn. You have to work hard to get to the next level. So, make as much shit as you can and do it fast. Learn…

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Hi Mum, I just called to say thanks.

Today I rung mum at work and I think she must have been busy because she seemed a little surprised when I said ‘hi mum’. I told her I was calling to say thank you for having me and being so supportive. She didn’t have a lot of time to talk but I wanted to thank her for everything. To tell her I love calling her all the time when something exciting happens and I can’t tell anyone else or they just wouldn’t feel as excited as her. For all the times she stayed up late sewing ballet skirts to sell at the studio so she could afford our dance classes. For driving to all those dance competitions, skiing, skating, birthday parties, recitals, modelling, tae kwon do, and to all my friends houses for sleepovers. For showing me how to bake and encouraging me to make things in the kitchen, thank you. For embracing my weirdness and letting me wear what I want as a child no matter how bizarre the neighbours thought she was for doing to it. For putting us in summer reading club at the library. For all the work that went in to creating JEANS Publishing company and helping me write that book as a young teenager because I know it was shit ton of work and late nights (for her). For teaching me to work hard and not listen to anyone who says ‘you can’t do that’. Your strong attitude is with me everyday and I carry it close to my heart and I hear your voice in my head. For teaching me to be tough and know how to throw a damn good punch (whoops!) and studying Tae Kwon Do together. For getting me braces because you knew that my smile would bring joy to other people and I…

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Some of my favourite tech things right now for SPRING.

This is Sacha (above) and we work together on Telus. I’ve been partnered with the Telus team since 2009, my longest relationship! Working together has brought us closer as friends and every time we meet to ‘work‘ it hardly feels like we’re doing a ‘job’. I’m smiling as I write this thinking of all the LOLs we had last week at the Eaton Centre Telus Store. Don’t know if you’ve been in a Telus store recently but there’s HEAPS of home, audio, fitness, and fashion tech, aside from phones. I cruised the store picking out some tech things I love, to share with you. Here’s a few of my favourites right now and why I love them. JBL Clip 2 – Travel & Party On with This Loud Lil’ Thing I was sent to CES (Consumer electronics Show, Vegas) in January with Harman, the parent company of JBL. This little speaker packs major power and the 2017 version is waterproof not just water resistant. At CES they had them planing tunes in the water.  Last year at the cottage I used this little buddy so much and it’s my go-to travel speaker for hotel room dance parties. It’s surprisingly LOUD for it’s size. Lose your stuff all the time? Me too! Get a Tile! I backed Tile when it was a Kickstarter a bunch years ago. It’s a little plastic thing with Bluetooth that connects to an app on your phone.  You put them on your stuff to track it and the device makes a noise when activated. I can not tell you how many damn times I have lost my keys in the house, in a purse, in a jacket, in the couch, behind the couch, in the blankets, in a drawer, or in the pantry (yes).  Turn on the app, locate keys, listen for sound, then rush…

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