it has its benefits

I realized this morning as I put on my new vibrating mascara followed by my unreleased Givenchy fragrance that blogging really does have its benefits. Mum reminds me sometimes.  I’m always thinking about the next step. Last year I got a heap of cool jazz. Last night I got invited to Dermologica thanks to Marie from I left with a whole skin care routine specific to what I like/need to make my face look extra lovely. It’s fun to meet other bloggers and this time it was all girls who were all very nice.  I’m excited to see where this bloggy takes me, it’s growing and I’m having lots of fun writing it. I’m also thankful for the opportunities it’s given me! I like going back and reading crazy thoughts that came out of my head and I often wonder “what was I thinking?”. It’s part of the fun of having a crappy memory!  Sometimes when I have a bad day or feel like crap it’s comments from you that completely change my mood and make me smile. Thanks for reading it. The new Wired just arrived at my desk…it’s a good day.

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wet and muddy all over the place

On Saturday I went to Edgefest. It wasn’t the most fun I’ve ever had but Karrera and I sure made the best of it. Metric @ Edgefest 2009 from Casie Stewart on Vimeo. I confirmed my girl crush on Emily. It was the first time I’ve seen Metric in real life. Yep, kinda love ‘er. I was happy to see today that Metric is now following me on Twitter. We hung out in the car for a bit and tried to escape the rain, no chance. However, there was a beer tent with an overhead that saved the day. It really should be called something line ‘Line Fest’ because if you want to get a beer, food, use the loo or see anything, you gotta wait in line. I hate lines. I don’t really know what I was expecting in all honesty. The line for the porta-potty was the worst. For events or weddings in Palmdale or Lancaster CA, Platinum Pro Portables can provide luxury porta potty trailer rentals. Maybe if they had known this before hand, there would have been far more portable toilets at this place. I have a friend that jokes ‘Just do it, it’ll be warm for a second’ and let me tell you, I almost did. It would have been great to have my Wellies, I ruined a pair of shoes for the day. There was heaps of people sliding around in the mud. I coached this drunk lassie to take her shirt off with a bunch of by standers. It was quite comical. She seemed to really love the attention. We cruised home after Metric. I wanted to see her and I did. She was great. I think that will be my last Edgefest. I felt like it would have been more fun if…

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that’s how you make a girls day!

You send her a box filled with vibrating units. Happy Friday to me! I received a box filled with vibrating mascaras. I gave one to Sabrina already, as usual. I’m looking forward to seeing what Kelly thinks of it too. I love that they sent a special one in a bigger package for me and a whole bunch to share with friends all nicely wrapped with bows. I’m one of the first peeps in Canada to get to test it out and as they say ‘share the vibe’.  It also came with a party book about style and how to have a good time with your friends. That’s up for grabs, I mastered that ages ago. Ok, I tested it out out just now. It definitely vibrates, kinda shocked me at first how much it does! I’m gonna try it again tomorrow when I have fresh lashes. I’m heading to Edgefest tomorrow and I am SO stoked to see Metric. J’adore Emily. eyegasm/vibrating mascara from me on Vimeo. One more thing, you can get a discount coupon to purchase it from here and more info on the vibrating unit here. Happy eyegasms!!

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i like when the sun shines through the clouds

I love biking in the rain. It’s so refreshing riding through the puddles. Yesterday I rode home and I got 100% soaked. It was great. The rain was warm and the only thing that make it not great was that I don’t have my Wellies. Bugger, still haven’t found them. The other day before it decided to rain so much we hit up the Spoke patio for a friends event. We pretty much just went for sitting in the sun. It’s so lovely up there in the early evening.  We’re not buying condo’s at the moment. I’ve had a couple thoughts of moving back down under lately.We were surely the youngest people there. It was kinda funny because there were these cougars who had very obviously had their share of work done and they were snarking at us and giving us cut eye. Michka was ready to snap but she kept her cool.  There were lots of fake boobs around. Beans was looking sexy like a Miami real estate agent. I liked it. It fit with the whole theme of the night.  I really enjoyed watching the photog’s creep around with their cameras. It was pretty awkward. They’d make eye contact and mutter “Photo?” or “Take your photo?”. I think I’d hate that job, always rather have photo taken really. I met a really cool girl but I can’t remember her name. Not suprising! We went off  about Facebook and Twitter and Blogging, the internet, my favorite stuff.  She said she was gonna read and comment on blog. I like when people do that, not just say they will. I’m sure she’s out there somewhere. I’d really appreciate if the sun would come out already.

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island adventure guy

I had a stellar weekend. It was super sunny and I made the most of it. On Saturday I went to the island with Raymi , Phil and friends. Lots happening on the island on a lovely Saturday. There were heaps of kids in interesting costumes. I wanted to get close to take their photos but didn’t bother.  I’ll just keep those memories to myself. There’s  an art installation that plays music when you bike. We found it to be quite fun. The island it really pretty. I haven’t been for ages. Next time I’ll take my bike for sure. There’s a zillion photos from the whole day. This is the art work out, good thing Raymi got it on video so you can enjoy reliving the excitement. There’s more photos Raymi’s blog. She posted yesterday. I slacked off and made a nice dinner for friends and avoided the internet. The ferry ride back to the mainland is way more fun once you’ve spent the afternoon in the sun drinking beer. We all went back to my house for some pizza and swimming. It was great.

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you’re so vain i bet you think this URL is about you

the song plays in the back of my head and the conversation starts… So, you coming out tonight? Hey, I’m not gonna make it. I have plans tonight. Really, with who? Oh, a friend. Anyone I know? Um, yeah I think you might know them, I’m sure you know their website. Cool. Who is it? Maybe then wanna come out too? No, they wanna stay in. I can come out for a bit but I wanna be back home for 11:59pm to meet them. What! They’re coming at midnight? Yeah, well kinda. Not exactly sure my plans but they will include getting my Facebook Vanity URL and celebrating @ClubSobey.

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in this department

I’m feeling restless and I want to go to the beach. The sun is shining bright and I’m a little bit hungry. I went for a walk because I was so restless and sat on the artsy project bench and didn’t have anyone to talk to but myself. I could still hear something and I’m sure it’s my thoughts. They were racing around about all kinds of things that are real and not real and happening around me and inside my wild and vivid imagination. I walked into a spider web and it graced my face. No spiders thankfully. I want to lay in the grass and stretch my arms out really wide and feel the sun on my face. I want to relax. I want to write. I will do that this weekend. I hope it’s sunny. I really should check the weather network and download the app for Blackberry. A guy from the office sent and email in at 6 am today saying he quit. His team wasn’t really happy but there is part of me that admires him for leaving his desk clean and Blackberry in the top drawer last night before heading home. I sent him an email and it bounced back. Kinda funny, well, to me. Oh god I’m hungry now. Do you know my friend Elsa Cohen? She’s coming to visit from NYC soon.

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there’s a new club that opens today

It’s name is Sobey’s. It’s open 24 hours and it’s surrounded by condos of Yuppies that like to party. I’ve got a great view of the place and I’m looking forward to sharing stories of what happens at the club. I expect that it will be a busy place for people under the influence beween 1-3am on the weekends. You an follow Club Sobey on Twitter. Next week I’m one of the first people to ‘Feel the Vibe’ from Mabelline with their new Pulse Perfection Mascara. This thing VIBRATES! I have a link here where you can pre-order it if  you are dying to have an eyegasm. They told me it actually pulses the brush 100 times a second like no hand can. Sounds pretty sexual to me …. When it arrives I will make a video of my first try and hopefully I’ll love it . I might get a couple so if you’re really keen to try it let me know and maybe I’ll send you a unit.

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i’m your suggested contact

Yesterday I was at MaRS for Net Change Week. I was an expert at Social Mastermind // Social Media for Social Change hosted by RedWire.  I had the opportunity to share ideas and brainstorm with the ladies from Raising the Roof Canada’s only national charity for the homeless. I really enjoyed learning about homelessness in Canada and was happy to chat about their youth initiative.   They haven’t really tapped into social media which  gave me lots of opportunity to share my ideas on how they can use social media for good. There was lots of Twitter talk!!  In the end, each group came up with a tangible strategy that they could to take back to the office and execute. It was awesome to see  friends hard at work helping charities. Prime example, these fine gentleman…@d_hock, Andrew Lane from @nitchblog and Julian Brass from @notableTV. I’m have always been very interested in youth issues. When I was in high school I was Director of PR on the City Youth Council and we started a rock festival and opened a drop-in centre for city youth.  It was rewarding and gave me an opportunity to learn a lot about PR and how to turn ideas into reality.  In the evening session I made an appearance at Wired Wednesday. Everyone was wearing name tags with a suggested contact on it…I was theirs.

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and it goes a little somethin’ like this

Great afternoon yesterday with the work mates.  I’m not very sporty nor do I enjoy playing anything with flying balls or kicking. I made an attempt to be a team player… I put on my ankle support and I played Human Fooseball. Sabrina told me she was watching it happen and thinking ‘oh no, this is a bad idea’.  I was standing right across from the shoes in the photo below. She kicked, I kicked, she won. I got heel right in the top of my foot. I’m currently getting the SAME foot looked at for a heel that went right into it about 3 years ago. Epic fail. I spent the rest of the afternoon drinking and sitting in the sun. I also went for a relaxing trek around the island on a boat. I liked it. The city looks so pretty from the lake. Kelly and I were uploading pix to Twitpic the whole time. It was pretty funny because everyone that we were huge dorks and I love that feeling. This photo of us is great, love the tower in the back.

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