i wanna go away with you and lay under the stars

Check your email. Where’s that invite to the Prince Perry party on Friday? Can you make the dance show on Saturday? How is it already lunch time. Photo shoot at lunch today with Kelly. Did you remember makeup? OMG, it’s killer hot out too. Check the date, yep, the deadline for the contest that can win you $10,000 is today. Must make video tonight. They asked you to enter, so if you don’t it’s like you don’t want the money. You do. The reports are doubling numbers and now I need to run them again. My tires are low. Go see cute boy after work and get them pumped. It’s another sweltering hot day. I really miss Twitter in the office. It helps keep my mind on track. Like all my stupid/smart and random ideas I have more and more on days like today when I try to get so many things done. Without that they float around in my head road blocking all the things I actually need to get done. My phone is vibrating repeatedly. Why is my site being slow? It’s frustrating. Get  Hair done tomorrow. Stay on task stay on task. Hocus focus. Right now I wanna be in another country with a camera taking your picture. Kelly Krushel took all these photos of me today.  She is a movie still photographer in Toronto. You can check out her work here, see her tumblr here and follow her on Twitter.

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socialnomics? does that make you a socialnomist?

Sprung out of bed and yawned out loud, the sun was on my face. Slugged to the kitchen, to the loo, not yet in a race. My mind, it slipped me…such good sleep! I saw the clock, I was in SHOCK… I was nearly late! For brunch today, I was graced with the lovely presence of British, Bangs and a Bun writer Muireann Carey-Campbell. I pulled up to see her locking her bike up in a cute blue dress, bangs and a bun and all. It’s one of the hottest days so far, I wore the Edie dress.  Gah, I’d rather bike in my bathing suit. We had some damn good laughs over brekky. Looking forward to reading about he life in NY and Japan. I’m waiting for friends to come over and go swimming. The air is like a thick brick cloud and it sticks to you when you walk through it. This video has been circulating on Twitter today and I found it to be quite interesting.

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we have hundreds of mc donalds toys

Things are a little different in the East end. They move at a different pace then the West. The people look different. More dogs, wives, kids, lawns, antique shops, less hipsters. I’ve never seen a house like this before. It’s in the East end at Queen and Bertmount Ave on Bertmount, about a block North of Queen. Necessary pull over for photos. I’ve been trying to think up stories all day about the people that live here. The lady that put all these guys up. How long? What does she look like? Her name is Shirley. She won best small garden from the city one year. Best garden. Yes, best GARDEN! Look at this baby and say ‘best small garden’ out loud. There are so many random and tattered toys all over. It’s crazy. We collected Mc Donald’s Happy Meal toys. Mum has hundreds of them in the basement. Boxed. Original packaging. Barbies, Beanie Babies, Playmobile, Lego, Batman, Disney stuff and more. Somebody needs a thingamabob? So creepy. Tahnee keeps freaking out every time she looks at my screen. She said at Christmas Shirley decks the place out in lights. I can’t even imagine. Ok, I can but I don’t want to. These are most definitely different to the type of kids toys you see on Youtube. Quite frankly, I think a child looking at these toys too long would need to go to therapy. Today was as the kind of hot I love when it’s sticky and your skin stays soft all day. I took a watermelon to a bbq in the afternoon. Love summer melons. Thanks for having me guys! Browsed a book at their place with some valuable lessons in it. This was a cute one.

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interest in spying on people engaged in behaviors

So nice out yesterday. I could have let the day last forever. Today too.  I like it hot. They were talking about mozzies while we were sitting in the grass and I was like ‘no, what mosquitos? I don’t feel them’. Biggest loser. Today I’m scratchy-mc-scratcherton. The baddest bikes around. Pete was having a one night stand with this one and testing it out. Cervelo got the green jerz in Tour de France and they’re partying this week. Picture makes me giggle cause the leg looks kinda like the bike to me. I was in friend heaven last night hugging everyone so tight. I missed you guys! I haven’t seen so many favorite faces all together for a while. I met some cool new people and my purse is full of business cards. Lost my keys but my glasses have been located. Pretty much everyone in the joint tweets. I met two people that were don’t, how weird. Follow @pinkbrickroad and @dariusbashar, they’re cool kids. Patio was beau-teeeee-ful. Fun, sun, friends, beer, music, like OMG can it get any better. Then I met this guy who is nice (sorry I forgot your name) and we chatted but he had something to say, he doesn’t get my blog. Like really, what is the point? Um, well, ah….it started because I wanted to remember stuff better and I was bored and I like writing. Now, people read it and like it and some people even say I’m inspiring. How cool is THAT! Me thanks Mum and Daddio for inspiring me. My stickers are always a hit. I make stickers because I think it’s better than a business card at this kind of thing. They get stuck on peoples clothes and name tags and they wear them around proudly. You can’t wear a…

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it’s not always easy but it’s always fun

“i can’t write today somethings wrong i can’t smile today life is a sad song my heart hurts so does my foot in my shoe, today is a sad day without you. “ This is a little poem published in my book in 1996. I’m working on getting that site up so you can see all the good stuff I did when I was a teeny-bopper. It runs through my head when I get writers block, prime example…today. I hate the days when I have so many thoughts I can’t even get them down. If I have to think too much about what to write I save a draft and start something new and random then see where it goes.  I’ve composed three today. My mind is racing with excitement about projects and a few other things. I’m really looking forward to Wired Wednesday tonight. I feel like I weird Wednesday right now.  Didn’t bike today, my dress is too pretty. Dating: UK men vs Canadian men from Muireann Carey-Campbell on Vimeo. I’ve met some really rad girls in the TO blogging scene. I want to share a video of Muireann from Bangs and Bun. I watched it today and I have a crush on her accent. We’re having brunch Sunday and I’m gonna let her do most of the talking! Exploring Cycling from KeriCDN on Vimeo. Keri  is the Canadian Explorer and I love reading about her adventures. Karly writes ‘Oh, hey there‘ a Tumblr blog. The girls have all become my friends on Twitter and I enjoy reading their blogs.  Check ’em out!

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what life used to be like B.T

I knew right when I woke up that something wasn’t right. I had a knot in my stomach and I tossed and turned.  Ropes hit the window as I was getting ready and the window cleaning men saw me naked. I rode through a stop sign in front of a police man. Twitterberry was returning no signal and I figured I hate you you stupid phone.  I get to the office and think ‘oh no they blocked twitter gadget finally’. I pinned Kurt and Keri and Tiffany on BBM and said “IS TWITTER DOWN?”. I was in a bit of a panic and thought it has to be the office big brother. Asked Dr. Google for an answer prescription and I got all I needed to know…Twitter is down. Some things I would have Tweeted: Everything you can imagine is real. Pablo Picasso Coupon for $2.00 off Tylenol Aches and Pains MMMM roast chicken and mashed w. veggies from catering today. I love. I woke up and imagined it was Friday I Hope it doesn’t rain on my white dress today. new Vegimite flavour suggestions in the NZ Herrald [link] oooh typornopgraphy j’adore [see for yourself] http://hipstercollective.com/ style stalked Zanita. Zanita who? [babe] Making these Betsy J. style [legs] keep checking and still no twitter GAH! @americanapparel chambray hooray! [awesome]

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you can’t rain on my parade

Good Morning! I feel like I could be a radio show today. I am happy to be at work. It’s a beautiful day might even thunderstorm later. The ride in is what I have been missing for the past two weeks. Breaks fixed. Wore my helmet and felt good about it. Smarter, like it keeps my thoughts all bunched up close together and in a jumble and now I sit here and they all flow out like waterfalls fast how I like them to.  Held my nose past the slaughterhouse, stinks bad man. Gross. NO strikers anymore. Good thing. Saw a soda pop  van covered in astro-turf grass. Breakfast Television has lost my interest but I like the news and weather of CP24. Hot today still humid. Thunderstorm would be nice. I like to ride through the puddles. Dad’s got a sewing machine for me and I’ve got heaps of fabric and vintage patterns at home. Really excited. Twestival Local is coming up September 12th 2009, mark your calendar. In Twestival Global raised over $250,000.00 for charity: water. It was really fun. Twitter has grown so much since February. I hope it rains when I bike home.

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the young and the restless

I wanted to wear the dress for ages. It’s so cute but short. Mum brought it back from the homeland a couple months ago. She made it when she was about 16 and Nana had it.  Raymi had this hat in her purse. Good one. I haven’t done a sneek attack like that in ages. I loved it. Recognize same face…haha. Lots of cool peeps were at the Notable TV party. We were all celebrating them being named Top 5 Emerging Digital Brands in Canada for 2009. Nice to see a bunch of bloggers. Love that too. Talia was looking hot! Her Sunshine girl photo is here. If you never saw mine from 2001, it’s here. I have a heap of photos from the night here.  Nice Raymi and Reado. Was a fun party. Marben is packed on Thursdays. It’s nice to run into so many familiar faces in one little local spot. Vaneska was DJ and the music was  rad. Danced a bit around the vodka table. Mostly chair dancing as not to spill drink, fall or get a bruise from the table. some of  the club clothes you were mentioning Before we went there was an unfortunate accident when I opened the freezer door and a vodka fell out and smashed on the clen kitchen floor. Smashed. Full bottle. SO accident prone. Got a battle would cleaning up the glass. Thank goodness boyscout had bandaids. Congrats to Julian and NotableTV. SO happy it’s the weekend. Staying way from Caribana crowds. I used to go when I was a teenager but I don’t like it anymore. Bring on the sunshine!

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that’s a good way to look at it

everything moves so fast in my day. in my life really. days seem like weeks and before i know it its a new month in the year. i get to work and work hard and that makes time go fast. i type short messages to my friends and followers in 140 characters. i do this in twitter and in email now too. my thought flow fast. i fell in love with 12seconds.tv as you now and it seems like making a video or something to post about happens so fast that i need to slow down to think about what to write about on my blog. i’ll never run out of thoughts.  while i think about what to write about i send a few tweets and think about things in 12 second increments. everything moves so fast.  i’m going for a walk. i take my camera & netbook and think, that’s not slowing down at all. the thing is. i may think and move really fast but i slowly capture moments in my day that make it awesome. it may only be 140 characters or 12seconds that changes your day. finding beauty in simple things, this is to have lived. time flies when you’re having fun i guess ♥

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somebody’s got a case of the mondays

busy day today. woke up the sun on my face heating up the room. happy but a little sad it wasn’t a wellies day. had a pretty lazy weekend. slept all day saturday.  was really nice. was really tired too.  i didn’t go to mexico as you may have noticed. had a good reason to stay home. went to roastery in liberty village for lunch to tweet and facebook internet and made a couple 12 seconds videos. love the web cam laptop feature. could be dangerous. haha. was by my self for most the time and they was suprised by a you which was nice. unexpected. the girls and I had a nice afternoon yesterday. lazy with wine and girly chats. the vibrating mascara makes my lashes pretty. beautiful sunday it was. the rain was comforting and the sun peeked out a few times.i’m dying to watch annie hall., been going on for days now.  behind on writing things and getting back to people. tonight, i tell myself so it’s more likley to get done.  i hope my glasses arrive today. i feel like i get more work done when i wear glasses. focus. went to a jays game on friday. will update  about that experience later. was fun and met some cool people. i feel tired today but had a good sleep. must be the weather people always say. my dress makes today me look like a teacher.

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