Day 239: Good Day, Sunshine!

Spent the entire afternoon sitting in the sun and it was so lovely! Read my book, did a little workout, perfection. Hard to believe we are having such warm days in November. 2020 is such an interesting year! We’ve been having the most beautiful sunsets the last few days. I love summer up here but there’s also such a good vibe in autumn. Sending love from the woods!

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Day 206: Free Spirit, Baby!

Busiest workday I’ve had in a while but I am feeling GOOD and excited about what’s coming in the next few months. Feeling like a FREE SPIRIT. Sending you love through the internet today. We are living in crazy times right now but we all have the ability to make the most of it. I look back to my early pandemic days, I went through so many emotions but I also made a lot of things. I seized the opportunity to stay home, read more than ever, get creative with my art supplies, and exercise. I’m actually looking forward to winter and making more things. Nobody thought we would still be dealing with this 200+ days later but here we are. Each day you have an opportunity to do something nice for someone, be kind to yourself, or find inspiration around you. We will get through this together. Please stay home when you can, be safe, and wear a mask!

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Day 198: Love Yourself First

Spent the morning with calls and meetings then went to the 1188 office to work for a bit. I cleaned out my desk there a few weeks ago to de-personalize it, the desks work more like co-working now. People aren’t really coming into the office much these days but if someone needs to for production or a meeting, there’s space. It was so nice and warm out once 3pm hit I had to get outside. I think it’s the last summer0like day we’re gonna have…for a while. Stopped into Visit Zane for a little hangout, Zane is one of my oldest friends in the city. We’re both from Cambridge and used to hang out in high school! Next, I had a margarita in the sun on the Squirly”s patio, read my book a bit, and caught up with an old friend in New Zealand over DM. Forgot I had this great shirt from LX Factory in Lisbon, it says “The love of my life is myself.” You gotta LOVE YOURSELF before you can truly love anyone else. Y’know?! The weather was perfect so I decided to walk back to the house in the Junction Triangle. It was lovely but my feet were not a fan, walking 7km in platform Converse is not recommended. Spotted some Briony street art along the way!

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Day 189: Lady Gang Park Picnic

Met up with some of my fav media ladies in the west end for a little park hang. It was so nice out! Natalie arranged to have catering from Marben, we had a couple of their new boxes filled with all kinds of picnic snacks. It was so great to see everyone (distanced, obvs) and chat over wine in the sun. I’m not ready for summer to be over. Luckily, it looks like next week will have some hot days!

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Day 181: Recharge Your Batteries in The Sun

I worked most the morning then met up with Michelle near the office. We had lunch on the Queen Mother back alley patio then took a look around Black Market vintage. It was so sunny, we were both wearing layers and cute outfits. It felt so good to hang out together, laugh down the street, stopping to take photos, and making memories. It’s amazing how a carefree afternoon with your bff can lift your spirits! Love you Miche! Gonna miss these summer temps when they go but we still have time to make the most of each day before that happens. If there’s no sunshine one day, you have to be the sunshine!

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Day 178: Remember The Leaves

Took the boat out of the water this morning after taking Sean for his last rip on the lake. I don’t think we’ll be putting it back in this year. We’re on our way back to the GTA after sending the long weekend up north with Emily. Sean has buyer for his classic 1982 Stingray Corvette so we’ve got it on a trailer and and we’re dropping it off in Oakville.  Our next stop is Emily’s mum’s place to drop her off, she starts a new school next week. The kids have to wear masks all day and they’ve got a bunch of social distancing procedures in place. We know it’s good for her to be back in school but it’s also stressful knowing we are potentially putting her and ourselves at risk.  I’ve had a lot of anxiety over the past few days. It’s hard not to have anxiety with everything going on. Watching the news is intense and just sitting alone with your own thoughts can be overwhelming. I’m behind on my blog diary (again) but I also haven’t had my computer since September 3rd. I finally dropped my MacBook Pro off at the shop after months of using it with a broken keyboard. Found out today it’s going to cost $$$ and I think it’s time to get a new laptop. I’ve been using my old MacBook Air and it’s so s-l-o-w. Tbh I’m glad it’s a short week and it will be the weekend again before we know it.   Sean and I are planning to come back to the cottage together on Friday. I love summer but fall weekends in Muskoka are so charming. Relaxing and romantic. The leaves have only just started to change and over the next six-8 weeks they will transform to…

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