i am fit and beautiful and awesome (repeat)

Positive self affirmatrions. Try it. Manifest the life you want and make it happen. When you are done reading this lovely post looking at the pictures here check THIS out hereswhatyouare.com. The other day Raymi took me to The Motion Room for a workout. I’ve not been much of a worker outer the past few years, however, last week I had a very different gym experiece. You know what? I really liked it too. Shirt is from  Me to We in support of Africa, shorts are American Apparel from Bud Camp, socks from AA too. Hipster workout. haha. It was super rad to have someone show you what to do then push you to do it. I enjoyed this ladder thinger. I often make things into dance moves. The young ballerina in me will never die/grow up. Did you ever notice ballerina has the work ‘baller’ in it? Pairs, duet. Good form. I rocked the pushup plank style going down and back. I did such a good job that instead of going plank all the way he made me do pushups in between. Urgh, remind me NOT to try hard with a trainer. You will only end up hurting more. Look at my pipes. I’m huge. Squats too, check them muscles. I died a little post ladder. I dont like normal gyms cause I feel self conscious, and insecure because I don’t really know what to do. It might be different if I had a partner.  I often stick to the treadmill cause it’s self explanitory. The workout here was really fun cause we used different equipment and I had a coach. I think that’s what really makes the difference for me, having someone tell you what to do. (Keep the sub/Dom jokes to yourself, haha) This is what really…

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GIFTING DAY 5: you thirsty?

Earlier this year I went to New Zealand for New Zealand Fashion Week. It was an amazingly awesome trip. Words can not explain all the fun things  I did, the photos and blog posts will give you an idea but you need to ask me in person to really know. Thank you to Patty Huntington, Anna Jobz, the whole NZFW team, designers, sponsors and people I met for making it so freaking awesome-never-forget-fun. Today I share with you a story and a something from my little wee wine library. My most anticipated show for NZFW was Stolen Girlfriends Club.  It was the show I knew I’d like. This pic is me after the show w/ Venus who was my totally awesome Minder for the week. The fashion show ended with a cannon of confetti and roses. A cute boy caught a rose and gave it to me, there was glitter in my hair. I sat front row and centre and we were all in  an old theatre. Someone pointed out that the girl on the poster for the show looked kinda like me. Pretty neat. This was the final outfit.  The models all lined up then the ‘couple’ came out last.  That’s when the cannon went off. I love the clothes they make, the jewellry and how they put on a show. So hot. You know who else was there that night? And who had been tweeting away becoming friends before I even arrived on the scene? Kim Crawford Wines. (Found out the other day K.C Wine is Mum’s fav from NZ!). The people were all so nice and it was a pleasure meeting them. Everyone drank out of  little jars, it was fun.  The other day I recieved a case of Sauvignion Blanc and Pinot Noir from Kim Crawford…

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inspiring social change is totally cool!!

good morning would you like some coffee yes please he says. some history, i have been following the work of craig kielburger since i was 14 and saw him on sally jesse raphael. he had just come back from his frist trip to africa with his parents circa 1995. i was working on publishing my book, JEANS, an anthology of poetry and prose. i was doing heaps of charity work in my city and found him to be so inpiring. i also had a crush on him because of all the great work he was doing. sharing two great items with you today from me to we style, i really love and believe in this company. he is great, see? me to we  ‘africa’ tshirt & monashee bamboo scarf  (blue) shirt: 100% organic cotton, designed w/ threads for humanity, all proceeds go towards communities, charities and grassroots organizations. that is very cool. get it here scarf: super soft and warm too, thick enough to be worn different ways but the material is thin enough that it’s not bulky, 64% organic bamboo, 24% organic cotton % 8% spandex. get it here when i was having brekky w/ michael yesterday we got a surprise visit from jonathan and his little mate, baby greenwald. oh god they’re cute. he was really into my new virgin america provocateur biz cards and can’t wait to fly virgin. get’ em young! for more info or style from me to we check’ em out at metowe.com or @metowestyle have a great day! daylight savings yahooo! what are you doing with said extra hour?

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

i’m a wicked multitasker. ftw. # i hate that paper.li. it’s UG-Li. # Well done Dana 😉 RT @danadearmond: You’re like half of mount rushmore, two faced! -burn I just made up. @danadearmond 2010 # oh my BF, Gubler, you are so handsome. ILU> HEAPS. # been stalking a few people online. makes me feel good cause i know peeps be creepin on me and my blog w/out comments & shiz. totes fair. # uh huh @issarged. niiiiiiice. http://twitpic.com/316rar # lookin good @crystalgibson 🙂 #140characters http://twitpic.com/316qwc # just for you my sweet @morgan_c_ross 😉 http://twitpic.com/316qgh # anyone know someone at @TBWA? kinda stalking them atm. http://twitpic.com/316p1w # Photo: omg. http://tumblr.com/xmjncepgf # thinking i will be a dominatrix style vampire friday night for people downtown’s halloweener party. yeah? # or bring me to your gym for a class. i dunno what i like or wanna do for exercise but i need to do something. beach trips in december! # omg love chatting w/ mates from NZ, reply “Na bro” sooooooooo kiwi. # have you got some yet today? https://casiestewart.com # i need a trainer or fitness classes, something for 1 month. 30 day challenge > you will be blogged. email me: [email protected] # I’ve favourited a YouTube video — Matthew Gray Gubler: The Unauthorized Documentary http://youtu.be/u2Ll4LAoeZE?a # Photo: › FASHION HAIUKU: › › First page of your blog › › Jeffrey Campbell “Lita” Boots › › Navigate away. http://tumblr.com/xmjnc5zg2 # Photo: Christy was my fav model growing up. › [Mystery solved] (you were right, @randtm!). › › Christy… http://tumblr.com/xmjnc5v37 # Photo: › my BF Gubler in Terry’s glasses. http://tumblr.com/xmjnc5s6l # Photo: my BF and terry terrysdiary:Me and Gubler in my studio. http://tumblr.com/xmjnc5p4w # i am in love with matthewgray gubler. hey mgg, calll mee! # “having fun isn’t hard when you’ve…

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i belong to the stolen generation.

the show last night was hot. it was in a theatre, the place was packed. stylish people lined the streets in the cold. i was watching on twitter to see when they were getting started, late of course. got the driver to drop us at the door and we breezed through the  crowd. sat front row, middle beside lovelies from fashion around the world. the show was more than just fashion, it was a production. the best models from the week were in it. the clothes were my fav, it was very sexy, i got a rose from the bridal bouquet at the end. lucky me 🙂 hung out with kms on ponsonby road after the stolen girlfriend’s club after party. that party was like a night out queen street west in TO, heaps of hot hipsers. good times. having the best time this week. extremely tired though. need a rest. ok bye xo

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Claws up monsters! @nickvon_k @ #nzfw http://twitpic.com/2r1qwy # Liz Mitchell – Scent of a Peony #nzfw http://twitpic.com/2r1qro # Been asked to give these roses to Liz Mitchell after her show! Soooooo beauty! #nzfw http://twitpic.com/2r1qfy # Love this shot! > with new bffs @derekfabulous and @casiestewart http://post.ly/zFiu /via @pattyhuntington # Noted – look up Turet Knueferman: leather, lambskin, wet look. MF style yo. Love everything. #nzfw http://twitpic.com/2r1cll # Claws up monsters! @nickvon_k @ #nzfw http://twitpic.com/2r1ciq # Check out the glasses of @derekfabulous by Bernhard Wilhelm #hot #batman http://twitpic.com/2r1c61 # Hair done, makeup done, nails done, ready for the day! #nzfw #MAC #ORLY http://twitpic.com/2r14b0 # Fishtail top the head like a turban – hair trend #nzfw # No pants trend totally picking up speed and I love it #nzfw # Photo: NZFW style @summernoelle backstage in the MAC Lounge http://tumblr.com/xmjjc8r22 # teenage dream. # pretty stoked to come home after this amazing trip xoxo # we need this in canada/usa http://juicetv.com # HALLOWEEN PARTY!! http://bit.ly/bDLPaG #AWESOMISM # AMAZING > RT @Onaihk: Check out the full catwalk show photos from WORLD Gourgeous absolutely gorgeous! http://bit.ly/apiqIy heart #NZFW # new @johnbutlertrio – revolution: vid is great, on #juicetv here often. love love love. # btw if you come to auckland – the westin lower quay is the place to be. so freaking nice. # thinking of you canada and my friends at home. you would be proud of me here, mama is twerking hard. # just had a freakout. thought i lost my show pass and passport, alas. it's here. i was like, "there's no way you are that retarted" haha # Photo: Neverblack -menswear http://tumblr.com/xmjj9uf25 # Photo: This little tiny girl is giving the front row stamps as we wait for to start. All Blacks players in… http://tumblr.com/xmjj9tbmk # Photo: Getting ready for…

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