rogers, bell, telus? iphone, blackberry?

this is like the hardest decision I’ve faced in ages… It would be MUCH easier if one of the companies would just CALL/TWEET/EMAIL/SMS/COMMENT/FB me and say: “Hi Casie, I’m “awesome person” from “company that loves social media, buzz & cool people talking about us online/offline all the time” and we’d like to give you a phone! I will say “ok, love you forever”. Easy pleasey. Mama needs a new phone. Gonna get one real soon anyways but I though I’d throw it out there. You don’t ask you don’t get as Mum says! I’m using a non-smart dumb phone at the moment cause I had to give my old BB back.  It makes me sad. Saddy, sad, sad. I wont even get into the Blackberry Intervention I had from 5 friends the other night. My fingaz are CROSSED. [closes eyes and makes a wish] That is all for now.

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holy effing elf shit, it’s december already!

Doesn’t it seem like January was just the other day? Urgh. Well, anyhooters… Feeling positive and ready for the new month. I just got this new stuff in the mail from Givenchy… I can’t wait to test out all these goddies…The mascara is blue/purple. The shadow is black/metallic. The gloss is pink/sparkley.  Yes, I love. (love blogging!) It felt like Christmas at the office yesterday, two bags were delivered and one big one with goodies for Heart for the Holidays on Friday. Remember to get a ticket, if you can’t come then make a donation, and lets all have a good time. I’ll be one of Santa’s little helpers doing good deeds and drinking holiday eggnog juice. I keep all the fragrances out so the girls can try them when they come over. This one was an instant hit. At first spray is citrussy and refreshing then once you let it sit on your skin for a few, it’s gorgeous. It’s right up there with Givenchy Play that I also wear (even though it’s for men). Good holiday gift idea: Available at shoppers until March only and it $60 for the 50ml. I have a fragrance gift set to give to one of you guys this month too. Stay tuned for that! Opened my advent calendar today! Thanks Mum. Love you xo Have a great day! p.s. Hills/City finale is tonight on MTV 9-11:30pm from NYC. I’ll be on @mtvcanada & my Twitter if you wanna follow the gossip/drama 😉

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Can you imagine this was your last holiday with your mom or dad? I can’t.

Heart for the Holidays from Heart for the Holidays on Vimeo. Can you imagine this was your last holiday with sister or brother? Girlfriend or boyfriend? Some people have to and that is a heart wrenching thought to me. Just stop and think about it for a moment…seriously. You know I’m a positive girl and I can’t imagine the effect it would have on me knowing it was the last Christmas with one of my family members. I’d be a complete wreck. This is Mum and Dad with my awesome sister Jenie. I love you guys!! The Heart House Hospice is a volunteer driven organization which reaches out to these families in their time of greatest need. With your help we can give them the best holiday ever while they still have the chance to live it! To make a donation from yourself or your company visit Come out next Friday, December 4th to celebrate the season with us for a wonderful cause. Get your tickets right here. Looking forward to seeing some new faces out this time 🙂

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reality tv, internet celebrity, blah blah balls balls

I used to watch The O.C., seems like ages ago when THAT was on. I loved that show. Marissa. Cooper. I got into Laguna Beach next it wasn’t as good but it was. It was realer but then also turned out to be fake-real. I know a bit of the gossip from the internet but I’ve not been watching those kids that much. I did tonight though…I watched The Hills. Knowing what’s happening on the show will only help my job. Here we go… Brody’s Mom, plastic surgery much? I like Jayde, she’s nice, hot and Canadian. Kristin not so much. She did get skinnier from when I used to watch though. When Audrina talks all I hear is ‘wah wah’. She’s kinda like a Jennifer Aniston in the getting-publicly-dumped, ‘i’m annoying’ way. Look me with longish hair! Throwback 2006 to the Moxie Princess Party. There was tons of us, all in crinoline’s, glitter and  crowns. Heidi and Spencer are definitely unique, the thought of them having kids gives the tabloids panty soup I’m sure.  His appointment at the vasectomy doctor painful but Heidi saying “Hi honey, I snipped by balls off” was almost worth watching the show alone. It’s more drama in 30 minutes than an hour of the Young and the Restless, that’s for sure. It was nominated a Peoples Choice Award, ‘Favorite TV Obsession. I’ll be watching it from now on. Don’t worry. I’ll keep the updates to a minumum 🙂

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a woman needs a man like a fish a bicycle

Feeling busy today and it’s only eight am. I’m ready for the weekend. It’s been a busy week. My wrist has been hurting, stress. Castor oil really helps, thanks Mum. The MTV Video Music Awards will be live on today and I’ll be Tweeting about it for work. I’ve got an album to review from Musebox, Adriane Lake. Watched my friends from Scribblelive on Dragons Den last night. Attending the opening of O’Brien‘s Roosevelt Room tonight and missing Art Battle. Possible attendance to see a major band tonight in style, depending on my tiredness. Came home for lunch yesterday, felt great to do that. Made today’s lunch last night. Been daily reading Zucket’s secrets and Raymi’s public life. I need to take more photos. I need a coffee today for sure. Nominations for the 2009 Weblog Awards opened yesterday, if you love, please nominate me for Best Twitterer or Best Canadian Blog. Raymi pretty much owns this yearly but it’s worth a shot! Enjoy the day. Rain boots and a brolly necessary!

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too cool for school and lots to learn

I met so many people, got to have meetings around the place. It’s really cool guys. I mean really cool. It’s much different from working in an old factory loft for an online gaming company.  It’s a big place, a really big place. It’s it’s like a maze filled with new people, news and lots of TV’s. My wrist arthritis  is hurting. Whining. Had to ice it and yes mum I put on the Arnica.  I could use a big box of Aleve or a Tylenol Arthritis sponsorship. I feel like  a Nana. Maybe it’s the rain. I was informed the same rainbow puking unicorn I posted the other day showed up on Postsecret. Was it one of you guys? It wasn’t me. On Friday we had drinks at School bakery & cafe bar in Liberty Village beside the old office. I had been there about a week earlier to meet a friend for lunch. A girl was taking photos  that day and then I showed up in a review of School in the Globe & Mail last week.  Check ‘er out.

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