sometimes you’re up & sometimes you’re just average

Hello Monday, Nice to see you again. Not a “case” of you today more like a sort of “amazing case” fills the air around me and makes me feel sunny between all these clouds and raindrops. [Case of the Monday’s Mum, it’s from Office Space, a movie] My stylist came over last night and after the hot tub time machine, lectured me that I NEED to make time to get my hair done.  I desperately need to go in, but seriously, have not  had the time. [Sorry!] I’m going to have to zip over there during the day for an hour this week. Fashion Week is coming and I’ve been invited to a bunch of shows this year including……..BARBIE!  I’ve had a bunch of interview requests recently too,  so like, seriiiiiiously need ma hair did. The WORST is having your photo documented in history…[dun dun dun] with BAD HAIR. [Talk about first world problems….haha] Made an appointment for my new tattoo yesterday. Right forearm, hot. The guy who is doing my tattoo looks kinda like this babe  I tumbled across last night.  I never blog about boys, and rarely post  photos of them, it’s better that way. Random thought….I have this terrible fear of one day, losing my memory, the only thing I will have to remember is this blog and that is how I will know who my friends are, events, people who matter and those I love. I guess that drives me. I remember when I was little my Mum [wisdom queen] saying “there’s something special about you Casie” and I believed her. Feeling cold and like snuggling up in my bed. Had a pho for lunch which made me warm but extra tired. Woke up super early to Sabrina’s alarm at 5ish AM and couldn’t for the…

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flock of eagles

It really does not matter what you have, what you had, want, or what you own. You are whoever you want to be. How you perceive yourself has the biggest impact on how others perceive you, this is my belief and something I live. It was my dear mum that ingrained in me, “just because you don’t have money, doesn’t mean you can’t compete, you just have to be more creative”. Luckily for myself, I’ve always been rich in that department. The book in this post is one that I really, truly love and admire. It is written by Paul Arden one of the world’s top advertising guys who comes from a great career with Saatchi & Saatchi. This is not merely a ‘book‘, this is a bible for the creative, those driven to succeed who couldn’t even ever imagine what it’s like to ‘think inside the box‘. It has taught me tools to succeed in the world, to dream the unimaginable, to break the rules, and make my own path, leaving trails for others to follow. This book is about stretching the mind and thinking about where you want to be in the world. Do you want to be well known? The best in your field? Your country? Best in the world? Or best in the universe? You decide. I know where I want to be. Posted on September 26, 2008 Can’t Fly with the Eagles if You’re with the Seaguls – Mum

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let the peoples revolution inspire you & don’t piss her off

Thanks Mum. She got me two dresses so  Sabrina & I both wore them today. Dressing sames/match is hot, two girls one dress. Sneeeeeek peek party on Monday for FORA our new fashion, beauty, trends magazine @mtvcanada.  I’m Features Editor (Lady Blogga haha) and in charge of editorial contributions from people like YOU.  I’m gonna be talking about it often, starting now.  Launch is April 5, 2010. We just put up a teaser page, FORA. Feeling a little Kelly Cutrone today myself.  So far today, I have bitched about someone being unprofessional and disorganized,  other idiots who can’t do their job and had to slowly explain something SUPER basic to an intern.  Feels good to bitch a bit. I’m always sooo fucking smiley. Moohahaha. Excited for THIS Monday before the party Monday…

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you can’t fly with the eagles if you’re with the seagulls

Met Louis Lautman last night at Notable TV’s premiere of The YES Movie. I asked him to tell you about the movie since it’s his movie [see video]. He said it’s kinda like The Secret on steroids meets MTV. Would really like to know if the young peeps in the movie have blogs, Tweet etc.  Also, making lotsa money like that, these kids should be rocking serious style/designer shit.  Was surprised at the style, I expected more savy! Watched part of the movie today. Couldn’t make it last night, stopped by to see Raymi before #genyto #canLit. Nice guy, very tall and says ‘theater’ with an accent. He started the Young Entrepreneur Society, so naturally  I chatted him about entrepreneurship. I’m really into the big E. I firmly believe and know I can have anything I want , this is my life. He also told me he didn’t know how to spell ‘entrepreneurship’ for a long time, said lots of people have trouble with it. I’ve never had that problem. I won Young Entrepreneur of Cambridge when I was 15 for starting a publishing company. Little did I know then I’d become a modern daily internet  daily social publisher.  I spend lotsa my time going to these events, Tweetups, Genyto, etc these babies are really all about a crowd, a crown full of entrepreneurial thinkers. Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. B.Franklin Watched one of Lou’s (can I call you Lou?) video on the YES Ning network and it was about internship and inspiring. I always wanted to intern somewhere really cool but those days passed. In the year 2000 I worked work at a marketing company sorting catalogs for the summer.  Boring. Really excited to be mentoring about 6 girls from PR at Humber College.…

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all nothbound lanes are completely blogged off

If you’re getting ready to start your very own bad ass bloggy-blog you have to be prepared to face the fact that people are going to interpret things in their own way. They are going to judge you. You might even get a few bad comments if your lucky. Anonymous ones that say mean things are they best. Joking. I warn you….having a blog can be a really weird thing sometimes.  I’ve been getting asked about blogging quite often lately.  I’m now mentoring a bunch of babes about blogging and doing a talk about social media. Get your ass a ticket and come, you can even buy me a drink at the end! Serious. Kidding. Serious. Everyone will interpret things you write  in their own way. You might offend people. You might share too much and feel overcome with anxiety. Sometimes Mum/friend will ring asking ‘are you ok?”. The reply “yes Mum, I’m fine, oh yeah, my blog, whatever… “You might go back and edit, delete, or maybe you’ll just leave it and think, this is my life. One of the great things is telling stories is being  creative with your blog, borderline artistic.  The weirdest thing about having a blog is relationships and dating, or breakups.   I like to keep my relationship talk  about my love of the  Internet, clothes and gadgets.  They’ll never tell you they need a break or leave your heart feeling empty. That’s all for now. Videos from Art Battle #4 uploading now. Enjoy the day. It’s BEAUTIFUL OUT!

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so you wanna start a bloggy blog, eh?

In the last couple months all kinds of people have been coming out of the woodwork and asking me about blogging. I’m talking people I went to school with years ago, friends from across the world, country, Mum, Sister and friends that were so not into ‘”the whole blogging” thing. If you or one of your friends are interested in learning about blogging, personal branding online and/or social media, here’s ya chance to get some good value. Raymi the Minx, Sean Ward, Carly and I along with Function 13 Gallery in Kensington are hosting a blog chat/seminar. This is your invitation from me. Get a ticket HERE.

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