it’s not me, it’s you

Look who’s in town! Makes me feel like doing some street art of my own. Stencil & spray can tonight anyone? Tee hee. I joke. No, I’m serious.  No I’m not. Yes I am. No, maybe. I need a break from computer. Mum is so sweet she said getting me a sewing machine gives me a different outlet for my creativity other than blog/computer. I love her for that.  It’s true really, I’m gonna go crazy (crazier) if I don’t get off the damn computer a bit. Am I really saying this? Yes I am. I spend all day spewing content to the world through computer.  There’s more to life, here’s outside. and bike rides.  Good thing I can blog from my phone. I’m really looking forward to Florida at the end of the month; 5 days, no work and all sunshine. Yessss!

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happy mothers day to you and your mom

Visit from Jenie this morning! Finally cleaned room and put away the damn clothes. Taking Mum and Dad copies of of us in the paper, parents love that stuff. Really looking forward to home cooking. See you soon Mum! Thank you for having me 🙂 I love you. xoxo This is being sent from the QEW going about a hundred km via phone. Ha!

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i had strawberry shortcake for breakfast, she was cute

Thanks Sabrina for my favorite kind of cake that I’m going to eat all day. She’s real tasty. One of my favorite things about bday is getting cards from friends. This one came special delivery from Bean town! Found $5 on the ground. Thanks universe. I made it out of the 27 club, hardly and bruises too! Time for a bath and an afternoon nap like a little old lady. [I was dreaming when I wrote this. Update: 2 hours later, The Fugutive just started on History Channel. Love this movie.  Saw it in theatres with Mum. I’m still on the couch with internet. ] Thanks for all the bday wishes guys. Are you supposed to msg everyone back on FB? I guess that would be nice. I’ll try to do that. Ecards are lovely, especially hand made.

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i’ll love you forever

Today I logged into Facebook as I do every day. I check the pages for work post, make changes  etc,  then I check my own messages. I had two messages and not spam about some event I don’t care about. One from Dad and one from a friend in New Zealand, her Mum, one of Mum’s oldest friends, passed away yesterday.  Her name is Julie. Julie came to visit us a few years ago. It was so much fun to have her around. She came to visit with her daughter and gave us this book called Succulent Wild Woman by SARK. Julie filled the book with gold confetti angels, stuck  between pages and all down the spine, throughout the whole book. When we opened they fell all over the floor and it was beautiful. To this day angels turn up around Mum’s house in the darnedest places. “This book is my glowing invitation to you — to live a rich, succulent life! I explore love, sexuality, romance, money, fat, fear and creativity. It’s a little bit like reading my diary — with permission. Succulence is powerful! and so are we as women.” SARK writes a journal and read a bunch of her posts today. They’re happy and inspiring, full of colour and bright thoughts and markers and stars and stuff like that.  It’s really weird going to someones Facebook after they’ve passed, I wanted to post on it  but I didn’t and it made me feel sad for a minute. Then, I read all the most recent activity and was brightened by her energy. Julie was inspiring to everyone she knew. She had MS and when she got better one time she decided to go on world tour.  So she did. Julie looked at the world in a way that…

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spinning the sunshine

I was looking at what I posted around this time last year and saw this video,  same dress I’m wearing today. Around this time last year was the crazy Tamil protest on the Gardener I found love in a zombie tattoo I finally got a helmet and Porter was in town from the islands I played hopscotch on Queen Street I wrote about our generation and why we’re not lazy Posted on this exact day,  May the Forth be With You 2009 I was in cartoon motion, dreaming of being a cartoon. I wore pants and a tuxedo shirt while biking to work. I wrote a really long run on sentence and through about Andy Warhol. I was closer to god (in a NIN animal kinda way) I played with Charlie in Kensington Market, vintage close & second hand books. I got my hair done before my birthday, suprisingly, I get my hair done today too 🙂 I love looking through old posts to remind myself of things and inspire me to keep creating new things. I’ve got a lunch date with the lovely Rayanne today and I’m really looking forward to it. Toot-a-loooooooo!!!!!!

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the more we get together the happier we’ll be

Walked to work with the cousins this morning and showed than around the MuchMusic studio. It’s really nice having them here.  I’ve never had a cousin around my age visit me before. We had a fun at the game last night, but baseball, I’m just not that into it.  The Rogers Ctr was quite empty and we ditched our already good seats in the 200’s to move in to the 100’s super close.  Will post about that later. Thanks Mum for sending this little shirt dress, love it! This is an interesting vid from the Rogers blog with stats on how we use technology. It’s fascinating to think about how communication has changed in the last 10 years, 5 years, 2 years. My main source of communication is Twitter and I rarely actually ‘talk’ on the phone to anyone. Twitter is where I get the bulk of my info and most friends I hang with these days, all tweet. I love it. Text, gchat and email rank higher than voice over phone line for sure. In other entertainment news, the World Cup ACTUAL cup will be @muchmusic for MOD today.

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