doesn’t it make sense to have the time of your life?

Hi! I’m in San Fran at the airport waiting for my flight home to TO. I miss you TO, can’t wait to see that tower. I was super anxious this morning/yesterday whatever time it was when I left NZ. Joanne and I dropped Nana off at the airport with Isabelle (her darling daughter) then it was my turn to go. I had like four hours until my flight so I snooped around, got one of those chair massages. Left my biz card at the computer station. Threw back a beer or three and painted my nails. Chatted a lovely couple, my parents age, who were off to Rangitonga with about thirty friends. He had a ukulele and they have a sail boat too like Mum. I love airports. They are calling my plane now. See you in Canada homeslice!

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sunshine green grass fresh air open mind

Good morning from the North Shore in Auckland! Quite lovely and suberbish here. A good break from the past week of red carpets and cameras. Hanging with my cuz Jo, her baby Isabella and my Nana today. Its been sooooo long since I’ve seen them. Only my immediate family (mum, dad, sis) live in Canada, the rest are all here. How cute is her pup? Love him. Craving a meat pie so walking to the dairy! Hehe. I really wish we had kiwi meat pies at home. I love Vegimite. Hope you are having an awesome day. I ship out tomo on Air NZ stopping in SF then home Wed. I miss you Toronto xo

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What do you wanna be when you grow up?

I wanna be Casie Stewart. I wanna be a world brand. I want to be famous for doing something great. I wanna be loved by you. Ok, really though… I wanna be myself, its what I’m best at. Why be anyone else? They all be damn taken. There is only one you. Remember that. You, you are the best you that will ever be. Make a name for yourself, of yourself. The other day I did a seminar about building your personal brand, I forgot to tell the sold out show – your brand is the most valuble asset you have. There is NO other YOU. Mum told me “when you have nothing left, all you have is your word”. Let’s hope your word has meaning, value and substance mate. No person in this whole wide world can make more content and stuff about/for you, than you. No person can make your dreams a reality more than you can. You are the best, be that best you. Go get it soldier, getter done. Today is about besting, be your bestest you. Nothing will make you more success than that. Love + light xo CASIE

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

W/ agent @carlyannedotcom star @brockmclaughlin #festivalmusichouse #classy (@ Roosevelt Room Supper Club w/ @hawleydunbar @sidewalkhustle) # I was a guestlist jerk bringing extras. Sorry. Ma friends! We changed plans. # Photo: Made these today # dressed for fall fun. # i love demi. moore. # i hope joe fresh is doing makeup tonight at the #dietcokeTIFFest (long hashtaaaaag, i guest other options would be inappropriate eh) # restarted fixed. love hate when that happens. #SOS # omfg. deep breath baby, sit down. hot. RT @shopsterium: Just talked to RYAN GOSLING! He squeezed my forearm. I think I'm going to faint now. # THATS WHAT SHE SAID hahaha. RT @lannycardow: @casiestewart thanks for the tip. These questions are best left to ppl cooler than me. # #SOS my mem card slot on my comp makes noise when goes in, no reading though. tries card reader. need photos. please help. # Photo: i love her. i will d.i.e. if we meet in NZ for # this #genyto was fun # atta girl haha RT @Sn00ki: My look is copywritten, you can tell I made it. -Fab 🙂 # halloween. i'm waiting for you. i can't wait to pour blood on my face for the zombie walk too. # happy birthday mum # aahaha RT @jessepace NyQuil texts are the new drunk texts. # i'm bringing @parishilton to the coke party. see you in the bathroom. #tiff10 #dietcoketiffest # This is so funny to me. Meat head. "You think the meat dress matches the meat drapes? That would be my question?" via @Nick_Nolte # Thanks @rockitpromo for #festivalmusichouse Reporting in my absence tonight is @rochlatinsky. Have fun!! #tiff10 # the famn damn @brockmclaughlin @AndrewFstewart @carlyannedotcom @laurenonizzle @SidewalkHustle # hi @NZFashionWk, i'm like mega stoked. will be styling at…

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you took something perfect and painted it red

A wee bit of stress is starting to sink in. I’m over film festing and focussed on New Zealand Fashion Week. I’m feeling quite artistic and looking forward to the plane ride. I love airports, people travelling. In my carry on I’ll have netbook, notebook, sketchbook, nintendo, pillow and blanket. Watched this little video again today, I think it’s so cute. Time lapse, I love. I got a heap of clothes from Mark’s yesterday, yes, the Work Warehouse. You might be surprised how stylish. It was really fun trying on anything and everything before deciding on what I’d like to wear. One of my fav’s is this long black super soft cardigan. You can never have too many cardigans, perfect for all year. I got a pair of mom jeans, red gloves and grey leather riding boots too. This vid is kinda cute too, the music is Yelle. Been listening to her this morning. Last night’s movie Jucy was really really good. I am so happy I got to meet the girls from the movie before seeing it. Really make a difference when you get to up close with the actors. I related to them and gave them huge hugs after it was over. Post movie I met up with Morgan for a coffee. He played me a few songs from his solo album coming out in the new year. Impressed. Mum used to tell me”You can’t fly with the eagles if you’re with the seagulls” and I like that. I’m surrounded by so many inspiring/talented people, it motivates me to work hard; to wake up early, to get things done, to be organized, to follow up, to be thankful. Have a wonderful day friends. Do something that inspires you today. Do something for you, do something for others. Giving…

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film fest day five: lovely to meet you, welcome.

Yesterday was quite lovely. I attended PSH’s film Jack Goes Boating in the afternoon with Michael. Walked through Kensington in the sunshine and passed Tattoo at/for 4:20. Then I met Lynsie and Shawna at The Red Tea Box to greet the cast of Jucy for a Tea Party. Was terribly cute, the party and the three of us blonde blogging babes. The Blondetourage rides again. I’m going to see Jucy tonight and quite excited. The Director Louise Alston gave us a CD with the films soundtrack and tickets to attend. The three of us sat down with Jackie (Francesca Gasteen) and Lucy (Cindy Nelson) from the movie for a chat around the tea table. They were charming and we are friends now. Post Tea party we went to Squirly’s one of my fav spots on Queen Street with some friends. Lynsie, Dwayne and I went to Hotshot gallery for treats & a toast to Jeffreyy‘s photography. Lovely exhibit he did in the kitchen of a resto called Grace on College. The night kicked up a notch, after that when we walked the red carpet at Charles Pachter’s gorgeous house. Honestly, the place is stunning. If you ever get to go there, go. Actually, find a reason. It was the event for Steve Nash’s film Into The Wind and quite the place to be. That’s where I met team Australia as I like to call them, Brad, James & crew from Aussie TV/radio. Shit got crazy after that. I took them to the Vitamin Water Back Yard in Yorkville and we tore the roof off that place. So fun. I have some serious following up to do and a stack of business cards in front of me. I would really like to star in a film, there is no doubt that…

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