yesterday on twitter, this happened:

YES WE CAN. #blog # Omg Global called me “KC” but spelled CASSIE. Gah. # today i registered a new domain, company and twitter account. makes me happy 🙂 will share in the next few weeks! # if i ever lose my memory i think i will like reading my blog from the very start. # good thing i got TWO bags of Doritos cuz’ i just ate half of one whole bag. # PCP Party tonight! # Das pretty watermelon. Nice one @sobeys! # OMG AMAZING! RT @torontofc: Hey @casiestewart #TFC Player Matt Stinson has a little message for you –> #TFCLive # Photo: › Chris Benz F/W 2011 # Photo: omg this looks fun # can someone take me to Prom at the ROM, imma good date. # eh, BRO! # this is pretty neat. I agree w/ Oglivy 🙂 (YouTube # grenade is trending – is that cuz’ @sn00ki? # tomorrow on the blog i am lauching a program where you get $$ instead of just a contest or crap 😉 #staytuned # how long does it take to validate a MX record when setting up godaddy email? anyone? # you tell ’em @TheTVJunkie, hear that @IFCtv! #itgetsbetter # i absolutely love planning events, especially charity ones! # omg just realized i didn’t watch yesterday’s #yandr been twerkin’ so hard! # hope i don’t look like Li Lohan on camera, just realized this new last-minute-had-to-run-to-shoppers bronzer is well, BRONZE. # Still tweeting on camera. Hi friends. # Global news is filming me as I type this for tonights news regarding #japanquakeTO # location location location #japanquakeTO # omg just found out a friend was on the subway platform when the earthquake hit, 10 hours to walk back to the…

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if this was your last year to live, would you live it out?

I was sitting on the couch last night and I caved, I purchased the official replica of this ring. Fan girl, crazy, call me what you want. I love her and the Royal Wedding is one thing I really love. I will 100% be up watching despite the time difference. One of the best things about having a blog is keeping memories. I found this one post title “you wouldn’t believe me if i told you” from 2009. I had been asked to go to this fashion show for Puma and in my post after it I wrote: I’d love to do something else for Puma downtown or online please! I’m thinking something that involves me and clothes/shoes/accessories. Thank you, love Casie. Pretty neat I’m doing something with them now. Found this old post from May 2009 when I worked in Liberty Village. The title is a quote I was happy to find “the trouble with jogging is the ice falls out of your glass”. I like this video. Our Puma Social video from last night will be done this week. Stay tuned, you’ll see it here. Where am I, do you know? Oh, did you hear? DB & Posh Spice are having a baby girl. Breaking news via twitter. That kid is gonna be the most awesome, well, potentially. Let’s hope she get’s the right mix of both their looks. Speaking of looks…looks skinny & sexy to me. The SXSW launch of iPad 2 today must have been really fun. This is the Mashable video. I’d like to do more reporting. I really enjoy that. I’ve got a heart on for a new iPad2 and I think Andy knows already. After reading all about it, I’m not gonna rush out for it since I’ve got first gen already. I’ll be…

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the art of marketing, mining & justin bieber

The Blondetourage! Blonde blogging babes Keri & Lauren. The Art of Marketing yesterday was really great. I enjoyed the speakers. Each one made their presentation very personal to the room and to Canada. Gary, Jeffrey and Guy were my favourite. It was a pretty rad day. I was interviewed by The Biz Media & My City Lives for the event video. We like to blooooooooooog. (That’s how you say it right Keri Blog? ;)) Keri & I crashed the Mining Conference. Cruised riiiiight pas security. You are gonna see more of this. I live right next door. I have no idea why I am not crashing more conferences. If you know one I should attend, LMK. We lingered behind this set and were on BNN. Did you see us? It was so sunny & pretty out. Oh, how I so love sun. Then I saw this unit penix Fenix. I was hoping to Chilean Miners were there for autographs and photos. Are they still famous? Maybe their run is over and they have gone back to work now. Quite a structure though. OMG I would not like to be a miner, I’ve never been in a mine have a I Mum, Dad? What about the Sudbury one? Then is was timne for Guy Kawasaki‘s talk to close out the day of TAOM. I snagged a VIP seat up front w/ Michael. Look, GUY. He talked about how to be enchanting. I was waiting for my photo to show up in the presentation. He was really nice.  I reckon if we had a lunch we would get along great. Gary too. Jeffrey from Kodak  (behind Michael below) seemed like a rad dude also, he smiled at me when I passed him. OMG fan girl. Ok now for the Bieber part. Guy’s…

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music is played for love, cruisin is made for love

This is me today in my new Chevy Cruze from GM. I have it for the weekend, yahooo! Thanks GM Canada. I need to juice up my ipad/ipad with tunage for driving.  Lookin’ pretty & cold out across the lake today. I don’t mind long as it’s sunny, it’s good for cruisin. This was last night at Lady Gaga, pretty rad. Imagine how amazing that is for her, Lady Gaga I love you. Tonight is the 3rd annual CanLit at The Biz Media. Last year GenYTO partnered with CanLit for an EPIC win of a night. It was so much fun. See a bunch of photos from the first ever CanLit on Rannie’s site here and last year’s event here. It seems SO long ago, last year we did chatroulette at the party. This was me, classic yelling face, phone in hand. Tomorrow afternoon I will be at the Toronto Travel Expo at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre for a live webcast with Flight Centre. I’ll be talking about travel, Virgin America and what I’m up to.Willpost the link once it has been recorded. I NEED to plan a trip to visit Mum in Bahamas. Steph & Carynn just got back from visiting their Dad & my Mum and I snagged these from FB. Lookin’ great MAMA! Miss you. Okey dokey, I’m off to hit the open road and visit some friends this afternoon IN MY NEW CAR. Ok, Ok, I’ll be over the excitement by the end of the weekend I’m sure. haha Have an awesome afteroon & a great night!

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during business hours athlete + after hours athlete

Can I get a workout? Hell yeah. You know this place and this babe. business hours athletes: blog, workout, tweet, blog, smile, rinse repeat. Was nice to see Rosa Park arrive at The Motion Room to shoot this for The Globe & Mail. Video/article will be out in about a month. Bloggers vs  newspaper = massive time difference in posting content. This is a sneak peek from the Puma After Hours Athlete spot we shot Friday night. SO much fun. The team at 1188 was awesome to work with. Can’t wait to see/show you the final product. Actual event/party is March 10th. I absolutely love being on camera as a host of something cool. My goal this year is to do more video. My sister was a really great help as my assistant/wrangler. Very important job, really awesome way to gain experience about film/TV/producing. These are my new boots, Tretorn Skerry Resling, a tall alternative to the Tretorn favorite. Jenie & I had matching pink/red, blue/green Puma jackets that kept us pretty warm. I love wearing matching outfits. I’m sure that stems from all my years in dance (3-13). I so would love this one piece sailing gear from Puma. I would love to get it for you Mum. Part of being an after hours athlete involves dim lights, cold beverages and high fives. Met this giant rocking a v neck, Freddie Mercury hair and this waxed out stache. Dad used to have a friend with a hot rod who had one of those massive waxed staches. I do not remember his name or this guy’s name either. Ran in to the lovely Jess & Maram in the hood aka Queen West aka the place you will alwasy run into someone. It’s a scene like every day of the week. Jess make sure you email me about our…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Google developed a "Google Person Finder" to help #Christchurch #Earthquake # so crazy NZ is calling Tuesday a dark day for Christchurch, it is. it's still monday here, i hope tomorrow is a bright day. # 30 million tonnes of ice carved off the Tasman Glacier after the #EQNZ Tuesday. # One News: live video/audio #TVNZ #eqnz # omg watching this makes me want to be with my fam in NZ so bad. # One News live from NZ #earthquake # Watching the NZ real time news about the quake here # Thinking of you Christchurch. # Just ran into my old intern from Much, I'm at Blake McGrath. No jokes allowed. # Yep, at Opera House right now. # How cute is @jedgar? So cute. # More fun than Bell Light Box. (@ Gabby's Grill & Bar) # Not that fun to be honest (@ TIFF Bell Lightbox w/ 9 others) # really excited for travel coming up in the next while: LA, SF, Boston, FLA! weeeeeeeeeeeee #flightclub # found a cute date for Bell Lightbox 2 hours before closing 🙂 *hits easy button* # RE: Thank you Bahama Mama! Thinking of you today & love when you comment on my blog 🙂 # anybody around & wanna meet me at the Bell Lightbox at 4:30? # RE: @KeriBlog i will see you THERE lady! # family day @skype call w/ mama from BAHAMAS! love you MUM! # urgh, my twitpics sending slow. that crash was like 15 min ago # Massive crash w/ police & Gardener shut to one slooooow lane going Eastbound #spadinawatch # technological relationships: # can i have a ticket to the auto show please? # same RT @evokesalon I'm not offended…

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