< designers of the future >

Welcome to your hotel Miss Casie. Gift card for $1,000. Shopping spree with the girls (models). Stoked! We are here at the Met Hotel for Crystal Light Purse challenge where a bunch of designers are designing handbags. Mega blog girl gang hang. So nice to catch up with all the girls. Wish Mum was here. She’d love it. I love being in hotel my myself though too. These are the designers. Had a big meet n’ greet to learn about designs etc. This prawn-magnificent was delish. I ate a whole bunch more than this though. Borderline artistic. Love you. Your fav movies right when you want them haha. (Dazed & Confused yeah here.) Olsen Twins at Tweet Valley High. See Raymi’s post here with more pix. She beat me to the blog last night. My shirt needs to be tucked in better or shorts higher. Always jump on the bed in your hotel, it’s good luck. (Don’t hit your head though) Up & at em to go have girls brekky then scoot to Holts. Ok byeeeeeeee.

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

So many photos @raymitheminx. We are cute. #seniors # In room #wifi thanks @methotels Toronto! # So far loving #crystallightchallenge Great dinner with ladies & designers. Stoked for tomorrow. # In hotel room watching #criminalminds w/ king bed. Shopping spree @ #holtrenfrew tomorrow. #thisismylife # Omg so full. Dinner w/ @urbannativegirl @valtorontogal @cammipham & designers. #crystallightchallenge (@ Lai Wah Heen) http://4sq.com/mcSYgA # I just eyefucked @ValTorontoGal‘s prawn. For reals. Then she fed it to me. #inthemouth # Omg so hungry. # Fakkkk. Get cigs a-holes RT @raymitheminx: Muhahahaa @casiestewart u will never get your ten dollars back! Never! http://twitpic.com/5eidlc # #bloggang hang w/ @valtorontogal. #vino http://twitpic.com/5eithb # Where the hell are you @raymitheminx. In the lobby @methotels. http://twitpic.com/5ehoci # Omg this just arrived in my room from @holtrenfrewRP. Thank you! (@ Metropolitan Hotel w/ @urbannativegirl) [pic]: http://4sq.com/lUIUKN # Checkin’ in now @raymitheminx @methotels. Txt me your room! # In taxi to #crystallightchallenge hotel. See you soon girls don’t be surprised I’m late haha. #bloggang # staying at @methotels #toronto tonight for #crystallightchallence see you soon @raymitheminx @urbannativegirl @valtorontogal & more 🙂 # ooh Adam Newman. Way to screw that hussy Dianna. #yandr # please do RT @jusfrais i’m gonna put that @casiestewart said i was handsome on my bio # haha so funny when @itsbrownbarbie say’s on the phone “i’m watchin’ my show” re: #yandr #cute # but srsly, if @ladygaga tweets me I might put that in my bio @shariyatweets @zachbussey 😉 # RE: @erinbury awesome! stoked to see you 🙂 http://disq.us/2c3pdz # if you love #bizmedia too comment ‘aww’ http://t.co/75zlMyP # RE: also starving @raymitheminx nomnomnom http://disq.us/2c3dxw # Saw a bio saying ‘followed by Obama’ he follows heaps yo. Was onto me back in 2008! Remembrance Day too. http://post.ly/2Fco7 # I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/vkb9oWSxECc?a Catch Me When I…

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and then there was starlight

First Happy Fathers Day to my Dad. Rung him & he’s in the shop working on an hot rod right now. You are cool Dad. I love you. Gaga is performing the MMVAs tonight. I hope she some comes out to play later and I can meet her. Omgaga, I would be calm & cool. I want to meet her so, like no other. This is my post from last year. I’ve done something fun on this day for the last ten years, MMVA day. Last year I ran @muchmusic Twitter durring the show. It was insanely awesome. Putting together a show is so massive, there are so many jobs it takes to make it happen. This year, I’ve attended MMVA gifting lounges & have parties galore. I’ve put together the biggest baddest bag of goodies for Mum cause guess what, she came back from the sailing trip yesterday. AHHHH! I’m so happy & can’t wait to hug her. I missed you Mum. Watching Top Gun right now and thinking that scene where the guys sing to her in the bar is a wicked good halloween costume. I love the Dairy Queen commercials. Waterski-boxing? Major crush on that guy. Heading to Field Party 2011 in now then home to change before the night events start. I want to meet Lady Gaga, she is performing at the MMVAs. It would be so amazing to meet her. Snoop Dogg would be rad too.I’ll be home to watch the show. Post show parties include Velvet with Lady Starlight, Gag’s DJ. Ok bye. xo    

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Beat that. #bhdsuites http://twitpic.com/5djxwo # How fucking cool am I now? Pretty much the baddest bitch everrrrrr. #bhdsuites http://twitpic.com/5djugb # Custom converse FTW. Be le jealous. #bhdsuites http://twitpic.com/5djtn1 # Totes flirting w/ @karlwolfs. New bffs. #bhdsuites # Second gifting lounge of the day! #vocab (@ ING Direct w/ @dvln) http://4sq.com/jy5p4X # live from #BHD suites #MMVA gifting lounge at le germain http://flpbd.it/TnRC # here choke on this giant pill http://flpbd.it/ZRso # Thanks @raymitheminx! You almost here? Love ya #bhdsuites # Mum is home from the boat after being away from one year!! #excited # #bhdsuites w/ @jessegiddings & @nicolemtv http://twitpic.com/5dg35n # chillin’ #bhdsuites #mmva lounge w/ @hustlegrl @benchcanada (@ Hotel Le Germain Maple Leaf Square w/ 3 others) [pic]: http://4sq.com/mov4sF # Photo: reminder to bring barbie printout to next party http://tumblr.com/xmj326ru3g # Photo: um, strange but i like it http://tumblr.com/xmj326rkzc # chilling w/ @brenter37 in my @benchcanada #BHDsuites #leafs #babe # had a cucumber sandwich. is that wierd or funny? i think it’s funny. #bhdsuites # playin’ DJ Hero w/ @kardinalO in #BHDsuites w/ @benchcanada. #mmva # Celebs and Bloggers: Today’s Branding Experts http://bit.ly/iicUzy # the #EMbot so cute. http://twitpic.com/5dbufd # whats for lunch today guys? # kinda wish i didn’t look so tired today omg. #nxne #nxnei #bhdsuites # woot @7dollarpants & @benchcanada @ #BHDsuites http://dailybooth.com/u/9yh82 # RE: yeah dude. it was insane. bacon roses, quail in turkey in pig & roasted.RTRD. http://disq.us/2b59fm # DIE. “@M3foods: M3Foods and @casiestewart at the #bizmedia @EpicMealTime event http://t.co/yLBnNv0” # * pix are from the VOCAB Communications gifting lounge at ING Direct in Yonge Street. Thanks for the invite & the goodies team! Everyone & every thing is a brand 😉

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Beer me. #nxne (@ The Black Bull) http://4sq.com/msFCLG # Seeing Kovak! Totally hot babes! #nxne (@ El Mocambo w/ 7 others) [pic]: http://4sq.com/mJrASj # blogged: is this the real life cause sometimes it feels like fantasy http://t.co/lLjidKu #NXNE #nxnei # RE: @christineestima love you <3 http://disq.us/2ajy74 # thank you! “@mandylor: The beautiful @casiestewart. Looking so hot at Converse FW11. http://t.co/4KlGpaR” # next week i have a modelling job & get to have a shopping spree at Holts. freaking out. so excited! # Van riots remind me of G20 that sht was crazy… http://t.co/UknBGte # hey guys! http://post.ly/2E2N8 # Photo: to kool for school. http://tumblr.com/xmj315cjvj # I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/KlyXNRrsk4A?a Katy Perry – Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) # i miss getting mail. #postalstrike # i hope Billy & Victoria stay togeher. #yandr # Omg I know her! Cc @laurenonizzle #nxnei http://twitpic.com/5cgr5u # Hi. #nxne http://4sq.com/ipJIAl # If you are wondering who ate all the onion rings, it was me. #sneakydees #nxne # Hire us for your event RT @Jarvisemerald: http://twitpic.com/5cfk6v Casie Stewart and @raymitheminx ch-ch-chillin @pepsicanada #NXNE 🙂 # Legendary lunch of champions. http://twitpic.com/5cg07i # #nxnefest w/ @pepsicanada & @raymitheminx http://4sq.com/mmLaDZ # USA tippin' http://twitpic.com/5cfmf8 # That was me! RT @SFS1981: @casiestewart Pretty sure I just saw you walk by on Blue Jays way. Unless I'm mental. #bloggersightings # Thank you RT @mandylor: Wish all Toronto girls were as cool and positive as the beautiful @casiestewart. Always a pleasure running into her. # Gd we're cute RT @raymitheminx: The @nxnefest diaries w/ @casiestewart and @raymitheminx continues http://twitpic.com/5cfgwf # #glitterbomb RT @natekogan: @jylui @affan I woke up covered in glitter because of @casiestewart VERY true # Thanks for the new kicks Converse. Heading to @pepsicanada media event #nxne # Say hi to my Aussie bf if you stop by. http://4sq.com/kkUWGT…

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annoying department: excuse me for a minute

One of the most annoying things ever is when girls (any age) talk about you to other people. I’ve talked about it before and despite getting older, it never seems to go away. It is especially annoying when it is public, negative, the person has a high profile and they also don’t bother to say it to you directly. I was not Regina George in highschool and didn’t used to have the confidence I do now. I got bullied heaps growing up, mostly by mean girls. Today I got a message from a friend on my way home from the airport after six hours on airplanes and spending half the day before in an airport… “your tweets & blog post rant about parents with kids at airport is causing a shit storm with parents on fb” GREAT! Welcome home! First: Thank you for reading & linking to my blog Erica. I’m happy to have you as a reader. I’ve been a fan of yours since I was a kid. Circa 1991 here, lookin’ cute. We both worked at MuchMusic and I’ve often wondered if  we would work on a project together. We both blog & Tweet in Toronto. We have many friends in common. I always though of you as cool with great style.   Second: Why didn’t you comment/say ANYTHING TO ME? I know you’re not shy. Lots of options, Twitter, Facebook, Fan Page, blog , email? I am surprised you would single me out like that to your friends on Facebook without commenting as a mother yourself. I waited to see if you would say something to me since you were engaging your audience about my blog post. You didn’t. Your comment “what people without kids think of us who have kids” is a silly generalization about those who have kids and those who don’t. I…

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