< designers of the future >
Welcome to your hotel Miss Casie. Gift card for $1,000. Shopping spree with the girls (models). Stoked! We are here at the Met Hotel for Crystal Light Purse challenge where a bunch of designers are designing handbags. Mega blog girl gang hang. So nice to catch up with all the girls. Wish Mum was here. She’d love it. I love being in hotel my myself though too. These are the designers. Had a big meet n’ greet to learn about designs etc. This prawn-magnificent was delish. I ate a whole bunch more than this though. Borderline artistic. Love you. Your fav movies right when you want them haha. (Dazed & Confused yeah here.) Olsen Twins at Tweet Valley High. See Raymi’s post here with more pix. She beat me to the blog last night. My shirt needs to be tucked in better or shorts higher. Always jump on the bed in your hotel, it’s good luck. (Don’t hit your head though) Up & at em to go have girls brekky then scoot to Holts. Ok byeeeeeeee.
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