you missed this yesterday

Droppin' rolls (@ Lomography Gallery Store Toronto) [pic]: # Morning! Biking Queen and its rather smelly today. # suggestions for a fun place to do some writing today with wifi & coffee? LMK! # Copywriter hat on today 🙂 #creative (@ Tequila Bookworm) [pic]: # Hard kore RT @TechCrunch: Is The Next Motorola Tablet Called The Kore? All Signs Point To "Yes" # Google Working On One Web API to Rule Them All via @RWW #FTW # omg this @morgan_c_ross video is so hot. contains nudity 🙂 (it's his birthday today too) # Awesome & Inspiring. Check this out: Move. Eat. Learn. # #FF @JamesDeen: his #pornoromance tweets are so sweet 🙂 # having a blast with todays writing for client. wish i could share what it's about but you will have to wait. it's fun & sexy. #thatisall # RE: Thanks Jane! Dropped my film to @lomography today. Stoked to see how they turned out! Left my number 😉 # Getting a bell! Cc @zelartworks (@ Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC)) # Who did these and why? #toronto # whoa just saw that multi coloured VW Golf and the licence plate is "KIA ORA". Amazing. #kiwi #maori #spadinawatch # Tgif. So yum. Omg. (@ Ackee Tree) [pic]: # #GOODBIKE project. Thanks @Picard102 for the info – city-wide art project via @blogto # aw, Mum said she loved my blog post about @TheSheepdogs, asked me to get their autograph Sunday @ #Beerfest she's a big fan! # Who Killed Dianne Jenkins? #yandr # i love that Dairy Queen guy, his chest hair spells stuff and he has heart balloons tied to sharks. #swoon # Famine In Somalia: The World's Worst via @strombo # haha. Das funny. I reckon IE…

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live your life as it’s meant to be

First day for a while it’s not been sunny out. I find myself to be very productive on these days. Dive right into my computer! This song is a good motivator. I’m on the edge of glory, I’m on the edge! I wanna do the EDGE WALK on the CN Tower. Hair is back to a nice blonde. I really wanna grow it out this winter. It’s a mega process. Had it short for so long now. If I focus I can do it. I mean, make it through the awkward stages! Got any tips? Luckily I love wearing hats. Really loving new desk setup. Mac things are so pretty. My Dodo Case for iPad is totally busted. Basically a scrap of bamboo. I really need to EM them about that. Got a new Motorola DEFY yesterday adn I’m happily back on the Telus Mobile Network. Doing a photo shoot tonight with Lauren, Raymi, Anna and some babes for PinkMafia. Had a wicked sleep last ngiht so hopefully I don’t look tired! Off to a camera shop & hopefully will have some good news about  new project by end of day. Make it a great one 🙂 * Loving Spotify and title is from Mumford & Sons ‘The Cave’. So good.      

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The Blondetourage Does Baseball

Yesterday was an epic day for a ball game. O’Nizz, Keri, the boys and I were invited to hang out with our friends from for Roberto Alomar Hall of Fame Day. It was awesome! Check out our box! Roberto Alomar was my fav player as a kid. I loved being there to watch the Jays retire his number and hear him speak. You are legend! Where’s Waldo? Can you see him? Two mounties walking behind. I had a huge crush on him when I was little. Remember how much of a babe he was?  Swoon. He’s still pretty good looking TBH. I was fan girl crushing pretty hard. The entire stadium was PACKED. I heard the game was sold out! Whoa. His speech was very kind. My fav thing that he said was something his Mum always told him “be humble”. We had a ‘gay ol’ time’ singing “Take me out to the ball game”. I can only imagine how hot it would be to sit in the sun for the whole game. I didn’t see any umbrellas, are they even allowed? Probably not eh. Remind me to bring a huge hat if I ever sit down there. Hey there sports fans: Seany, Sammy, Ross. I can see my house! Two studs right here. Home run! It was Ross’ birthday. I can’t remember if we say HBD but we sure celebrated good! I’ve totally fallen in love with my new camera, Olympus Pen, you rule. This guy had two nipple piercings and a belly button. WOW! Miranda and I tried our hardest to get him to look up. HEY YOU! This is Roger,he’s the MAN. Thanks for the invite team. We <3 you 🙂

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what do you love? ♥

I love discovering new things. Last month Google rolled out and I just found out about it from Techcrunch. It’s hard to keep up on all the Google gossip! With all the talk about Google+ lately, I see how it slipped by most peoples radar. I checked it out last night & found an interesting discovery… Here we go: Went to the site, searched something I love (uh, myself! You would search yourself too right?). Found a few things, including explore “casie stewart” in 3D with Google Sketchup. You can create anything 3D there, haven’t tried it yet.  Youtube channel and gmail came up along with searches in blogs, photos, and books. Books? I recognize that book. That’s my book. I wrote when I was 14 with Holly Heiblinger, it’s called JEANS. Published Canadian Author, oh yeah. I’ve never seen it online. I mean, I never reallllllly looked but there she is right in Google Books and the library archives. I was mega involved with writing and my community at that age. Our book is categorized in Canadian poetry (English) 20th century, Literary Collections / Canadian, Children’s Literature & Teenagers’ writings, Canadian (English). It’s no longer in print so don’t try to order one! I’ve only got a couple draft copies. Reckon Mum might have some in the basement. I used to write heaps. Well, I still write lots but more diary than poetry. One say I will escape to a far away place and get all the notes from the notebooks into digital form. Maybe with my new computer? Omg, I ‘m getting a new computer today. Downloaded a poetry magnet app for iPad called Verses Poetry. I like to play on/with words. Need to get more words unlocked though, running slim on options. Spent lots of time with Andy (my iPad) this weekend. Maybe deep down I…

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kids in the pool

Today is vacation to the max. Our friends pool/backyard is wicked awesome. Workin’ on my tan. Yes Mum, I we have sunscreen on. So funny. I feel like we’re kids again. I crashed on this pile. It’s beautiful out today! Hope you are enjoying it. Love from Boston. xo CASIE

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travel diary: YYZ > BOS

Walked to the airport with my sis yesterday. Toronto is an amazing city. Almost certain this guy is the same model from the Mark’s style thing I did last week. This ‘type’ is often used in ads. Maybe he just has ‘the look’? Worlds shortest Ferry ride. Jenie is starting to look more & more like you Mum. The red plane is Air Greenland. Keri & I were certain it was some type of fancy Air Canada thinger. If you have never flown Porter, wait for the next 30% off seat sale (I will post) and book yourself a ticket. Best service ever. Jenie wanted to buy a snack and I said “You can’t if you tried, everything is FREE”. Freemium. I’m a barrista now too BTW. Gella skin for my PC. He’s about to be upstaged by a new MACBOOK AIR. FLYING! Bye Toronto, ILU. Ha! A planking joke. Hilarious. Welcome to the USA! Got in troubs for taking photos here. Sorry, I’m Canadiamazing. First stop was taking my sis to Quincy Market. Her first time in Beantown. They have your style here Raymi. Heaps of different ones too. Do you know what is on their heads? CONDOMS! It’s a Dick’s thing. Funny kinda I guess. Kids have them on their heads. OMG. CHEERS! Beautiful weather all weekend. Heck yeah. Going in the pool after I hit publish! This is why you’re fat. Bagels. Omg. I did not eat. Didn’t eat this either. Feasted with eyes only. I did eat some chowda though. Heaps good. Tried two kinds, marked one was way better. Team Boston: Me, E1e, Bobcat & Jenie Had dinner in this lovely old school Italian resto. Was delish. Went to the famed Mike’s to grab some pasty. Mega long line. The pedi cabs are so online.…

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