Alicia Keys Rocks Canadian Designed Eyewear – AND THE WINNER IS….

I’ve posted about Clearly Contacts a few times over the last two years and built a pretty good relationship with them. Remember summer Sixties Summer Love, Ray Bans, and once I interviewed Canadian eyewear designer Derek Cardigan. Today, I got am email from PR that Alicia Keys is wearing Derek’s glasses in her new video! In support of Canadian talent I give props to Derek Cardigan AND Clearly Contacts is giving you a pair of these exact glasses. Deets on how to enter below! See Alicia Keys looking like a babe in these glasses…. Now see yourself in these glasses looking fabulous… How do I win? You know the drillio, tweet me and Clearly Contacts by clicking below. If you do it right away you have a better chance of winning. I would like to get your order in before Friday so you get them next week! The glasses retail for $89 and can are style ‘Derek Cardigan 7017 Shadow‘.  See his entire collection here and upload a photo to try them on without leaving your house couch.  I have a couple pairs and got Mum a sweet pair with polarized lenses last summer. You will be happy, trust me. Tweet to Win here Tweet to @casiestewart Clearly Contacts has awesome prices and is constantly offering great deals. They published a winter style guide if you want one more item to add to your wish list. Looking forward to picking a WINNER! I love the holidays and giving things away. Yippeee! Much love, CASIE <3 [View the story “And the @clearlycontacts winner is…” on Storify] And the @clearlycontacts winner is… Storified by CASIE STEWART · Thu, Dec 20 2012 05:43:26 @casiestewart @clearlycontacts I would love to win the new Alicia Keys glasses by Derek Cardigan! Pick me! #happyholidaysCarly-Anne Fairlie @casiestewart @clearlycontacts I would love to win…

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You think YOU have #FirstWorldProblems? Think again.

We are all guilty of it, taking things for granted because of the amazing lives we have and forgetting that millions of people in the world have much less than we do. About a year ago, my Mum returned from a one year sailing expedition to the Bahamas. They spent and entire year living on the boat sailing to the Bahamas from Ontario and back. One of the things I remember Mum saying once she returned to work, despite missing her sailing life, was “But CASIE, we have FRESH RUNNING WATER!“. I always remind myself of that moment when I’m about to complain that my XBOX isn’t connecting to the TV, or my wifi going down, or a chipped nail, or my iPhone app crashing, or when they don’t have my fav soup at the coffee shop that day. These aren’t REAL problems! My friends at Me to We are all about living the change and making the world a better place. Craig Kielburger and his brother Marc has written a book called My Grandma Follows Me on Twitter: And Other First World Problems We’re Lucky to Have. Below are some of excerpts from the book: Me to We have an awesome collection of gifts for the holidays. Check out the Artisans collection for jewellery made by women in Africa. There’s a TON of stocking stuffers with IMPACT. Don’t just give meaningless gifts this season, give gifts that help spread positive messages. For You from Me to We I have a few books that I would love to put a note in and send to you for the holidays. Leave a comment with your worst FirstWorldProblems or Tweet me. I’ll pick winners by the end of the week so I can send them off to you in the mail. Tweet to @CasieStewart Happy Holidays from…

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A Real Human Being

So, here’s the truth…I’m coming up on eight years of my blog in April. Eight is my fav number, lucky Chinese (I’m not Chinese), infinity symbol, I was born on the 8th of May. It was Mothers Day. My middle name is Diana, after The Princess. My Mum loved her. We have all the China (plates). Ok, here we go… My blog is only about 25% of my life if that. I don’t tell you most things that happen. I like privacy, although I am only learning what it means now. I’m extremely positive as a human, except for when I am sad. Which isn’t that often. But when I am, I am extremely lonely and like to be alone. Being popular or an ‘influencer’ doesn’t mean you have friends. Most days, I come home from the office and put on my LazyPants. $80 jogging pants, gifted, but available at Macy’s or Holt Renfrew. Baller, no. I go into my room, throw my 11″ Macbook, iPad, on the bed, take off my bra and throw on a t-shirt, then a scarf, and usually something on my head. I like my head covered, and my ears. I don’t know why I am telling you this, I’m mostly telling myself. I have been dealing with anxiety for a long time, I have never been to a doctor. I’m scared they either say “You are an absolute narcissistic nut, or you have a serious creative genius ability that transcends modern innovation. Ok, I’m being dramatic but I am not a ‘grey area’ person. We are getting into two paragraphs and most people will not be reading this. I need to write this down because I am TERRIFIED of losing my memory. I have had a few concussions, cheerleading fall, rollerblading accident, 12 feel…

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Duck Hunt, Voting Day, Obama for the Win

Good morning, good morning, and how are you today? I say to myself in a singing voice, just like Mum used to as a kid. I’m wearing the Maison Filipi Duck Hunter Camo Bow Tie I was sent not too long ago.  Actually, it was in the summer but it’s flannel and more appropriate for today’s weather. After work I’m being interviewed by Cision about Movember. I had to look up my first post about Movember to remind myself how I learned about it. Every blog post is a note to ‘Future Me’. I won’t remember all the details of each day or event twenty years down the road, but I will remember the feeling I had when I read this again for the first time. Tonight I am going to clean my room and watch the election. Have I told you how much I love my job? Simple things like leaving the house  early, seeing the same people in the morning, dressing up in outfits, morning coffee, fresh air before starting the day, I appreciate everything so much more. I love the work I’m doing. I feel like I could not have planned this all better if I tried. I am incredibly excited for the next year. Sending my love and positive vibes to Obama-Biden today. I really hope he wins. I’ve ben blogging about him since 2008. HAVE AN AWESOME DAY!  And please, please if you are in the USA, VOTE! <3 CASIE

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Work, Work, Worker Bee, Babe Friday

Lots of work today. Busy office bee buzzing! I love having an espresso machine in the office! [View the story “Today on Twitter This Happened: ” on Storify] Today on Twitter This Happened: Storified by CASIE STEWART · Fri, Oct 05 2012 13:24:05 Mmm espresso! #LoopcamCASIE STEWART “@casiestewart: Sushi surprise! Via @alison_kaizer #lunch” cutie!Alison Michelle Rung Mum at her office and she’s out picking flowers. What a gem. Can’t wait to head home for #Thanskgiving! STEWART Thanks @MolsonCoorsCDA! Don’t mind this txt at ALL! Insider FTW! #Molson Beer Store @33 Carlingview Dr. open Mon 10-6! STEWART Don’t be scared. It’s just that time of year. STEWART Watch all of this week’s vids from @casiestewart @shanleesimmons @SaraLynnCauchon @edgyveg ––KmuOZrsLrhpwvTfRH76_OoUU&feature=view_allCORAL Listening to Cello Suites by Johann Sebastian Bach on @Rdio: #favCASIE STEWART I loved our #bloggerbabe lunch ladies @alison_kaizer @caronsue! STEWART #Halloween is a #marketing goldmine. Here’s why brands should better align with this spooky celebration: Hoping to see some friends at @the_hoxton for an #ExtraordindaryNight, filled with #Drambuie cocktails & fun! Canada

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Seen Zombie Girl? She’s Danger. Loves Brains.

I love Halloween. This is me ZOMBIFIED HEAPS. Zombie Family photo. Eat your baby. This one is weird. Mum would freak if I had a zombie tattoo. I have a ship there now. Lauren and I were Fashion Zombies last year as the walk was post Toronto Fashion Week. Fashion Week will kill you. My sister and I did the walk in 2010. Been a Zombie w/ Kory a few times. MISS YOU! Two fav Zombie photos (I took). Scary clown & Scared Litte Girl. I love dressing up so much. Next week I’m in Screamers! Let’s talk costumes!?!? What are you wearing? <3 Zombie Girl

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