All The Girly Things Post on a Sunny Friday

First things first, HAPPY FRIDAY! Started my day with some work and an amazing croissant from Cafe Neon in my hood.  I’m all out of Tassimo so ventures out into the cold sunshine to treat myself.  I really love working from home and for myself. It’s been about six months and I’ve got myself a schedule. I can’t wait till summer when my schedule means staying up at the cottage during the week here and there and morning coffee on the dock after kayaking. I’ve started a new subscription with NextIssue, the Netflix of magazines and I love it. I spend so much time on my phone, and love magazines, but buying heaps and carrying them around is not practical for me. They’ve given me a code for you to get a 60 day trial (double the regular offer), visit this link and use 60free to sign up. Mum joined me at The Spoke Club for the press preview of Behind The Red Carpet film. Doesn’t she look amazing? Thanks for coming Mum! Love you. The film is on CBC’s doc channel 9pm, Feb. 23rd. I’M A JUNIOR MOVIE STAR! Ok, let’s not get carried away here. You CAN see all my film/tv stuff on IMDB tho. Let’s hope for more this year. I’m working on a few things and hope they pan out. You might be seeing even more of my face, if you can believe it. Are you on Snapchat? ADD ME OMG RIGHT NOW. You know I love short videos and this is your behind the scenes look at even more of my life and silliness and things I do in the day. You’ll not regret it. You’ll find me at: CASIESTEWART. Stopped into The Loft Toronto for a little snip to clean up my hair before the shoot this weekend.…

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The Idea of Waiting for Something Makes it More Exciting

Yesterday was such a whirlwind day. I’m feeling a bit frazzled from it all and kinda overwhelmed. I’ve not even had a chance to think about today, Thursday, and the Press Screening of Behind The Red Carpet Film. Apparently we have interviews before and I don’t even know what I’m wearing. (WHY DIDN’T I PLAN!) Mum is in town and coming by in the AM to be my date. If I’m ever in a bigger movie I’d happily take her as my date like Jared Leto or some other cool celebrity. It was super nice to get a few deliveries yesterday, they were perfectly timed! Upper Canada Mall sent a bunch of Mac lipsticks in all my fav reds/pink. It’s part of the #SWAKforheart campaign for Valentines Day. Durex sent a red box of goodies to spice up the vday romance. I’ll share more of these details when I’m not so exhausted!   My chocolate covered Lays chips arrived and they are SO FREAKING GOOD.  Took them to two meetings and the bag is nearly gone. They’re dangerous! See my Valentines Gift Guide edition 1 here.  Had a great meeting/snack session with Shop for Jayu and the other bloggers (JodiBlk, Victoria Simpson) at The Pink Grapefruit for the #JayuBloggedII photoshoot this weekend. I’ve got sourcing/planning to do but it was great to go over each of our looks with the photographer, hair, and makeup. It’s going to be a really fun day. Can’t wait till Sunday! Wearing this awesome Jayu ants necklace for the press screening. Today is another crazy day. Nervous/excited is my fav feeling but it can be overwhelming! A good sleep helps. Good quotes too. This is my mantra right now… Wishing you a great day. Make sure you’re following me on Twitter AND SNAPCHAT (casiestewart) for realtime updates! Exciting! With love,…

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Valentines Day Gift Guide for Your Love (or Yourself!)

I don’t usually do gift guides but I really like Valentines Day and it’s an excuse to treat yourself/someone you love. I know it’s a Hallmark holiday, but I don’t care! I adore all the hearts in store windows, the pink and red all around. I’m all about spreading the love! I love the idea of treating yourself (or your loved one). Even if the gifts are expensive (like the ones found at, it’s nice knowing that someone was happy to spend all that money on you and treat you to something really nice. All the things below make great gifts for you and/or someone you love. Ladies, send this post to your boyfriends. Ted Baker Accessories Ted Baker has a quite the sale on right now and there’s some great things for both men and ladies, especially accessories. If you’re in Toronto there’s locations at Yorkdale and Eaton Centre. I have the ARBA faux fur neck collar below in black. It’s super warm and goes with everything. Marble for Your Gadgets Now sure how I forgot to add this first round, anyhoo, updated the post to include a few more things. These Marble accessories for your gadgets are sure to warm the hearts of anyone attached to their phone/iPad/computer. You can get a soft skin for your iPad, laptop, Android, XBox, Kindle, or a hard case for your iPhone 6 (or 5!). Order online at and if you’re in Toronto use ‘GTAskins’ for a discount. Clarisonic and/or Amopé from Shoppers Drug Mart I have never in my adult life had softer, more clear skin than I do now that I’ve been using a Clarisonic. I was given one in November last year and have used it almost everyday since. It’s great for evening skin tone, brightening complexion,…

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Fashion File: #LillyforTarget, Joan for Céline, #mycalvins

Here we go, couple great fashion stories yesterday! I also had my hair done. Stopped into The Loft, Queen West and decided it was time to ditch the violet and bring back blonde. I love the decor in there, it’s all vintage and charming, the furniture,  old trunks, china plates, brass fixtures. Reminds me of Mum’s house growing up. I’m heading back there Friday afternoon for a Dermalogica facial. I’m addicted, I’ve been getting them on a regular basis for a year now. A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Jan 1, 2015 at 10:23am PST Target announced their latest collab, Lilly Pulitzer for Target. The collection comes out April 19th AND Target Tweeted me IT’S COMING TO CANADA. I’m so stoked. I can’t WAIT to redo our rooftop patio and spice up the cottage Palm Beach Style. I’ve reached out to my friends at Target to see if I can get involved or at least front of the line on opening day. Read more about the collection in the release from Target here. Chalk this on the life goals board! Author, fashion icon, and one time Vogue editor Joan Didion was named as the new face of Céline at 80. You’re never too old to have great style! I love that they’ve made this decision. Read more about it on Vogue or anywhere else that reports fashion. In other news, The Biebs is the latest to join the ranks of notable celebs to post for Calvin Klein. He’s all grown up and totally catching some heat for the campaign but mostly because some of the shots look weird. I reckon the one shot looks like his head has been shopped onto his own body and it’s ver giraffe like. See the video below. The…

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Day 5/365 and We’re in Business, Baby!

What a whirlwind yesterday was whoa. I took a walk to get my nails done (manicure Monday!) and decided it was cold enough (-20 something w/ windchill) to whip out the vintage mink coat I inherited from Sean’s aunt via his mum last summer. Went well with my new YSL glasses & long read leather gloves. This coat is heavy and insanely warm. After about 10 minutes of walking, I opened it to get some air, I was sweating! I know how people feel about fur but this thing is already made and would be sitting in a closet if not worn by me. It’s back in hanging in mine now for a special event in the dead of winter. A friend of mine loved the coat but didn’t like the fact it was mink (understandable). She got a really similar faux version from Lily Lulu Fashion. It looks great and can’t even tell it’s faux fur. A floor length mink coat really isn’t practical for a girl on the go. Chuckling to myself as I wrote this. A few years ago I made a New Years resolution to take care of my nails. I’m not really into ‘resolutions’, I like setting goals all year but I felt this was something reasonable. Having your nails tidy and polished makes you look put together. posted yesterday that having your nails done is one way to look richer than you might be. I got this fancy shellac design to kick of the start of 2015 business. You like? In other news, my hair is crazy right now. I can’t decide that to do with it. It’s the awkward in between stage before a bob and the colour is so faded. I’m bored with it. Looks like I’ll be rocking hat head…

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Winter Doesn’t Have to Suck: How to Make Snow Paint + Some Stuff to Watch

Woke up early yesterday and made myself breakfast in bed. Spent some quality time on my computer quietly typing away and chatting with other early risers. Our roof top patio extends from the loft bedroom upstairs and the morning light is so lovely. I like making the most of a cold winter morning all cosy up in the bed reading or writing. A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Jan 1, 2015 at 7:23am PST My Lost My Marbles laptop skin is quite a hit. The Apple cutout gives your laptop a sleek and classy look. If you wanna add some marble to your gadgets (iPhone, Android, computer, tablet, gaming system) visit They don’t offer the apple cutout on designs but if you email [email protected] with your order and request it they’ll make sure you get it. TBH this design really looks better with the cutout. We got some pretty gnarly snow in the middle of the day. Thank goodness we have new tires on the truck. EmBot really wanted to go play outside with the snow paint so I put on the hot pink 80’s 2 piece I inherited from Sean’s mum and got ready to roll. A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Jan 1, 2015 at 1:27pm PST These exact paint things were a Christmas gift for her but making something like this to do with friends or kids is super easy. We used to do this heaps when I was little. How to Make Snow Paint Get some type of squirt bottle ex. old shampoo, dish detergent Mix food colouring + water (careful it WILL stain your clothes) Go outside and have a blast! Sean picked up…

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