Travel | My Digital Detox Diary on The Co.

I know I’ve Mentioned how great my last trip to Costa Rica was but was the first real vacation I’ve taken in a while. I’m feeling inspired and I’ve got a fresh perspective on life. I wrote about the experience on The Co. by Jones Media and it’s on the front page today! Read it here!  Today I’m picking up a little Ford Fiesta and cruising home to spend some time with mum. Tomorrow I’m speaking to the grade 6-8 kids at her school about bullying and following your dreams. I wish i had someone like me come and tell me everything will be ok, it’s cool to be weird, and that the job I’d be doing didn’t exist yet. Still eating healthy since my trip and exercising daily. About to go for a run! ? It’s truly amazing what a good getaway will do, staying at Anamaya Resort is a magical experience. Here’s to a wonderful day! A photo posted by The Co. (@voiceoftheco) on Apr 12, 2016 at 11:31am PDT

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Speaking | United Nations IWD 2016 & Planet 50-50

This past weekend I was joined by mum and my sister for an event with the United Nations Association of Canada where I spoke on a panel for IWD 2016. Although International Women’s Day was on March 8th, we celebrated the economic, political, cultural, and social achievements of women in an afternoon at the Fairmont Royal York. Visiting the Royal York was always so iconic growing up and to be speaking there as a grown up felt pretty neat. Having my family there made it even more special. The first question I answered from the stage was about inspiration and I proudly shared things mum taught me and a quote from her. [symple_testimonial by=”” fade_in=”false”]Just because you don’t have money, doesn’t mean you can’t compete, you just have to be more creative. – Judith Stewart, my mum[/symple_testimonial]

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IWD 2016 – Women @ Work Managing Career, Family & Legacy

Yesterday I was feeling pretty overwhelmed. I know we all have those days. I’ve been working on something with my speaker agent, prepping for a keynote in Edmonton, and then there’s a mounting email, and social updates. Sometimes I feel like I just need to shut down and take a break, I wonder how the heck I’m gonna do it all?! That’s usually when I ring mum and she talks me through, reminding me not to give up, and how hard I’ve worked to get here. She reminds me I’m probably tired, and maybe hungry. For this, I’m grateful. I call her almost everyday with something, so today on International Women’s Day, I’m especially thankful. When I got off the phone with mum the other night I arrived at the Rotman School of Business at U of T for a special presentation with TD, their 10 Lessons: Women @ Work Report. I was happy to see my friend & fellow social entrepreneur Gracie’s smiling face and we sat down together, all ears. Tweets from the night can be found at #YourStoryYourFuture. Excited to attend @TD_Canada's Women @ Work talk tonight with my girl @casiestewart! WERK! #yourstoryyourfuture — Gracie Carroll (@GracieCarroll) March 7, 2016 TD partnered with University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management to release a joint report that uncovers insights about how women across the country perceive the challenges and opportunities in advancing professionally. Career, relationships, family, finances, it’s hard (and often stressful) to manage this stuff all at the same time. I don’t have my own kids yet but there’s challenges with a blended family, we’ve got a sassy 8yr old 50% of the time, and Sean and I are both entrepreneurs, managing very different businesses. Learning about the challenges of other women in professional careers, really…

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Speaking | International Women’s Day Panel at United Nations Toronto

Excited to announce I’m speaking at the annual United Nations Association in Canada event for International Women’s Day. I’ve invited my mum, my favourite teacher from grade 8, and my sister will be there too. I’d love to see some more familiar faces! Bring your mum, your bff, your BF, or come solo and hang out with us. The event is at the Fairmont Royal York Hotel on Saturday, March 19, 2016 from 12- 4:30 pm.  My panel is about Women and Entrepreneurialism. The discussion will be led by other female entrepreneurs including Jacquila Rose, Melissa Macher, Morgan Toombs, and singer/songwriter Domanique Grant (who will also be performing). About The Event: Step Up for Parity: The Global Pledge towards planet 50-50 The United Nations Association of Canada, Toronto region invites you to the annual International Women’s Day event. The event will feature a series of panel discussions that will focus on the significant contributions that women have made in the economic, political, cultural and social sectors. The first panel will highlight non-profit organizations with key note speakers from North York Women’s Shelter, Plan Canada and White Ribbon, who will explain what they are doing to promote women’s rights.  The second panel will have a discussion on female leaders in the workforce, and the third panel will cover women and entrepreneurialism with a discussion led by entrepreneurs such as, Jacquila Rose, Melissa Macher and Casie Stewart.

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#NoHairSelfie – Shave Your Head for World Cancer Day

What do you think of this look? I’ve joined the #NoHairSelfie movement, demonstrating my support for those undergoing cancer treatment by shaving my head (virtually!). Scroll down to see how you can join over 30,000 people shaving their heads (IRL/virtually) and donate to the cause. [symple_divider style=”solid” margin_top=”5″ margin_bottom=”5″] This year alone, 15 million people were diagnosed with cancer worldwide, by 2030, this number will reach 22 million, an increase of 47 per cent.

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Travel | Where Did My Scion Take Me?

One thing I love about my job is getting to try new products and experiences I (probably) wouldn’t  get to do otherwise. Growing up my dad had a hot rod shop and my love for cars started early. I used to spend heaps of time in the garage playing, sanding, hammering, and listening to golden oldies. So, when I get to drive a brand new car ‘for work’ it’s pretty freaking awesome. Here’s my experience with the brand new Scion iM. [symple_divider style=”solid” margin_top=”5″ margin_bottom=”5″] I picked up the Scion at Toronto HQ in Scarborough on a nice sunny day in November. I had a great week of planned for us including a trip to London, Ontario to speak at TEDx Western University. The car had five doors which were great for packing in all my things for a weekend away. I could have taken a couple passengers with ease.  Mileage was great, filled up once during the week for about $45 and again before I returned it (as you do). I took the car on a couple road trip including a visit to mum’s house in Cambridge, ON with my sister. This is us singing LOUDLY to ‘Hello’ by Adele. The sound system was pretty good and I was able to connect my iPhone to the NAV system in a couple seconds. One of the first things I test in a new car. The body kit gives this little racer a sporty feel and 17″ wheels (standard) look pretty pimp. Since it’s a hatchback, the Scion iM makes a great city car; easy parking and zipping around downtown. On my way home from visiting the parents after my TEDx talk I drove through a beautiful (double rainbow (you can’t see the second part in this photo but I saw it. Overall, good little vehicle,…

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