Light Up Your Life with Best Buy Smart Home

Last week I went to the National Home Show as a guest of Best Buy Canada to check out smart home accessories. After CES and the Interior Design Show this year I’ve become obsessed with making our home more efficient with smart things. Upgrading appliances in your space can help save energy (thermostats/appliances), make things more comfortable (lighting), and keep you safe (security camera). For the National Home Show, Best Buy partnered with designer Christine Dovey to design a fully stocked smart home pop-up where you could see all kinds ways to pimp your place with technology. I left dreaming about new appliances for the whole house complete with a super skinny & smart Samsung QLED tv. I was obsessed with the Samsung ‘Family Hub’ fridge, this thing is totally from THE FUTURE. It’s got a wifi touchscreen and three inside cameras that take a photo every time the fridge closes. Then, you can check your phone to see what’s inside, it also knows what’s inside, it make recipes, it can track expiration dates. Kinda hard to wrap the old brain around! I LOVE THE FUTURE. My friend was telling me about how they recently got a new smart AV system from Crestron System and I think she is as much in love with the future as I am! When I was at CES in Vegas this year, one of the award winning new products was the Nanoleaf Aurora light panel.All the lights connect to my iPhone and can change a zillion colours and different shades of white (warm vs cool). I was so excited to order this for our house! I would love to say I went for the cool lights knowing Emily (9) would love them but they were totally for me too. We had guests over this…

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Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s party!’

This weekend we had friends in town from Boston. Instead of facing St. Patty’s Day crowds on Friday we hosted them for dinner (Uber Eats!). Saturday was pretty relaxing except for the call I got at 10:30am saying Mum was in the hospital. She ended up having appendicitis and getting her appendix out. Just like that! She was back home just after dinner time. Canada is such an amazing country. At yoga on Sunday, Sandy read a few horoscopes and mine mentioned gifting myself a young cactus. The cool thing about that was I had a ticket for a terrarium workshop that afternoon. It was my my 3rd terrarium workshop of the year and want to make a really big one now that I understand how. It was at Untitled&Co and a couple friends joined me in the fun. This week I’ve got an event at Twitter HQ & am seeing another show at Mirvish. Since I’ve made yoga a priority and started focusing on doing things for ME that I really want to do, I’m so much happier. Today I’m doing 9am yoga with the team at 2Social in the Junction. Hope to get my bike tuned up later today. Here’s to a great week! Sending sunshine through the internet to you! Longer days are on the way! ☀️??  

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Spring Forward 

I hate to blame daylight savings but this week I have been so tired. I had to fight myself every morning to get out of bed. I managed to do yoga and spin on Wednesday which was a big accomplishment. Last week I was so high on life and motivated. Writing heaps. Killing it everyday. This week, opposite. Almost everything I’ve had to get done work wise has been an up hill battle. End of the week, mum came to hang out and I took her around my neighbourhood and to some fab spots in the city. We picked Em up from circus camp, went to YouTube, got pizza, then saw Beauty & the Beast in 3D. It was go good to hang out. Mum has been my biggest supporter my whole life and it was really nice to treat her yesterday. Tonight we have some friends from Boston coming for dinner. I’ve got heaps on my to-do list but I’m determined to cross them all off today! I’ve got yoga at noon which will give me the energy I need to keep this momentum going. Em has a recital at this afternoon for March break Circus Camp. This week I mailed a few hand written letters with new stickers I had made in them and that made me feel really happy. This weekend I’m doing another terrarium workshop! (3rd of the year lol, I’m obsessed). My new pillows from Notion Manufacturing arrived this week which was also a small joy and good for a few LOLs. Sean loves it hahahahhahaha. Full of LULZ w/ my first @NotionMFG order. Who wants one?? ??? — CASiE STEWART (@casiestewart) March 16, 2017 Remember it’s important to listen to your body and relax if you need to. Being ‘on’ all the time and…

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Breaking Down Investments w/ @TangerineBank

Last month I spoke on panel about investments with Tangerine Bank. Not ONLY was it super fun (watch the Facebook Live below) but I learned quite a bit about investing, RSPs, fees, and funds. Over the past few years I’ve shared my millennial money woes and it’s not been easy, sometimes embarrassing (remember the show Maxed Out?), but facing the problem head on helped me find a solution. Once I set a goal to payback school debt by 30, I stuck to it and accomplished my goal. Now I’m getting into investing my money so I have some later. I dream about retirement life all the TIME. WATCH THE VIDEO   We’re LIVE at BrainStation breaking down investments with Tangerine Investments Director David McGann, Personal Finance Expert & Blogger Barry Choi, Millennial Money Expert Jessica Moorhouse, Award-winning Content Creator Casie Stewart and Chef Matt Basile of Fidel Gastro’s. Here’s a few key takeaways I think are really important, like how much money you need, when to start, and watching out for fees. How much $ do you need to start investing? NOT A LOT. The most important thing is getting into the habit of putting money away. Once you start to see it grow, you want it to grow more. I love putting money in my TFSA, good security to see that nest egg. When is the best time to start? NOW. In the panel I said ‘a year from now you’ll wish you started today‘, this also works for the gym and eating healthy. Not matter what age you are, start putting some $$$ away. Mum set up my first mutual fund in high school after getting my first job, but I took the money out for university. I can only imagine what it would be now if I…

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Smart Marketing from Netflix w/ #SantaClaritaDiet

A couple weeks ago I saw these posts popping up on Instagram with #santaclaritydiet from influencers in the US. All the posts had hashtags like #Fitspo#NewYearNewYou #Hello2017#ImGonnaKillIt and then I was like what the hell is this diet? And what’s with the blood? Well, we all know now that Santa Clarita Diet is a new show from Netflix and it starts TOMORROW. Drew Barrymore is the mum and something happens and then she is ‘undead’. Tune into Netflix tomorrow to see what’s next. Netflix consistently makes great shows so I always give them spin. Also, since I spend so much time binge watching, we can easily can kill a season in a weekend. Here’s the Santa Clarita Diet ‘Starter Kit’ they sent me: I really appreciate a good marketing package and Netflix consistently blows it out of the park. One year for Valentines they sent a House of Cards themed package to go along with the season launch. Another time then sent custom House of Cards Against Humanity. At Christmas once they sent a Bill Murray Christmas sweater and Netflix show themed wrapping paper. For award season one year they sent this package to play bingo and slippers for my guests. I’ll be watching Santa Clarita Diet this weekend. Make sure you are following me on Twitter bc I always live tweet what I’m watching! LMK what you think. Tweet to @casiestewart

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Do What You Want. This Is Your Year.

Earlier this month, I was in LA and it was the first time in a long time, since I went on a trip without an itinerary. It was so freeing to be on my own, open road, and do whatever want. On my first night I went to a sound bath + breath workshop. I made a new friend in Vegas who invited me to go that night and even though I didn’t know what it really was, I went. It was really great. It’s important to step out of your comfort zone. You have to open yourself to new experiences in order to let the light in.  I feel like the experience changed me a bit. That night I set an intention for the week of my trip and I carried those thoughts around. I’m still carrying them tbh! I feel calmer, more focussed. ?? This photo was me picking up my rental car from the airport. I picked a car I really wanted to drive. [Mini Convertable via Turo, they gave me a couple credits to go towards it!]  LA is so huge and it’s always rush hour so why not make the most of it? I was driving Hollywood Blvd. when I saw a vintage store and a meat pie shop. I love both those things and was hungry. Made my next left, parked, and gave mum a ring. We chatted on the phone for 45min while I scrolled racks talking about life and random things I saw. It made me feel so free. I had nowhere to be and nothing to do and I was hanging out in Hollywood, honeyyyyyy. I got a meat pie after that and stared out the window watching people walk by. It’s not very glamorous but it was totally stress free and just…

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