Dear Mum, landed safe & sound. xo

I’m in Boston! My home for the weekend is downtown Double Tree, they have the best cookies. Follow my tweets for the adventure. We’re at The Bell right now. Bob is a regular and our friend Meri is on the bar. Going to Rocky Horror later! With love from Boston, CASIE xo

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omg mum guess who i met today? #tiff11 #yandr

Tonya Lee Williams aka Dr. Olivia B. Winters from Young & the Restless. Watching the Y&R right now 🙂

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Dear Mum,

I didn’t see you on Skype so I am writing to you here. I know as soon as you get internet on the boat, this is where you go. I want to wish you a Happy Mother’s Day, this year, it’s that special one we share. I wish that I could hug you today. Jenie is on her way over now & we’re gonna cheers to you. Thank you for encouraging me to be unique, to make my own path & leave a trail and for supporting me in all I do. You truly are an amazing human being. I love you.

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My Sister Jenie is in The Bahamas w Mum!

Bye Toronto! Heaven! Scary! Da Hanover at Nassau airport – free wifi! Outside Nassau (AH Gay, I so wish I was there with you!) OMG boarding – SMALL. Ready to fly. (Love you so much.) (OMG Gay, it’s so beautiful!) Arrived! (OMG HI MUM! Mum, you look great! You too Gay.) (Reminded of Grandad) lots of luv from all of us! xoxoxoxox – Jenie

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i am so proud of my mum because…

She sailed all the way from North of Toronto to the Bahamas with her BF. They cleared customs yesterday. I can’t WAIT to go visit them. Check out Mum’s back yard! This is their very first sunrise. So very cool and beautiful. I’m missing her but I know she wanted to do this for years and I’m inspired by her courage and determinaton. I LOVE YOU MUM. Keep it up. xo p.s. As I typed this a commercial for The Sound of Music came on. That’s Mum’s fav movie. WHOA.

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mum, lost you on skype so here is my trip to SF ♥ xo

After I checked into my hotel, Doubletree where they have fantastic and fresh cookies ready for you. If you ask at the counter they will give you more. I was starving at the time to I had three then felt bloated and gross. My room was freezing so I decided to do what I usually do when I first get to my hotel room adn jump on the bed. You must be careful not to hit head on ceiling as you may die. I am a professional as you can see here. (My love for animated gifs has resurfaced as you may have noticed) Worked up quite a sweat there and decided to get cleaned up and venture downtown. I love being all alone in a new city. Exploring is fun. I would make an ok explorer, I like to snoop around but I like even more when I have a handsome guided escort who knows cool places where locals hang. I rode the BART (SF version of TTC) and got off here in the heart of the action. I didn’t do much shopping. To be honest, I’m not much of a shopper. I like clothes and stuff but have so many that it’s retarted for me to go buy a heap of things. I like to pick up something special for myself though. My SF souvineer, this badass baby. Don’ mess wit mama cause if I punch you, you will know who hit ‘ya. My tattoo needs to get redone. Blue/orange, so faded. I did not know they had Westfield Malls in the US. I though they were only in Australia & NZ. Sheesh, I really need to travel more. Stopped in for a snoop around, got bored  after 10 minutes. This GAP is a flagship store. One I…

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