Day 75: Mosquito Eye

I woke up with a mosquito bite (bites?) on my eye. It’s swollen and uncomfortable. I have so many bites, this is definitely the worst of them all. They bit me in the night while I was peacefully sleeping. LITTLE BUGGERS! I will never sleep without an eye mask again. ? Sean is going to the city to drop Emily off with her mum today. I had planned to go, but with my eye, I’m gonna take the day to rest. I really hate mosquitos but I keep reminding myself it could be worse.

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DAY 66: Living for Leisure

Mum wore this crochet outfit to a wedding when she was a TEENAGER! Nana’s friend knit it for her and she went with my dad. I AM obsessed!!! She always had such cool style, her clothes are our treasured heirlooms. LOVE YOU MUM! Picked up the orange wool blanket at a thrift shop in Coromandel on my 2018 trip to NZ to visit the fam. ???? The hat is from Lack of Color, Australia and the glasses belonged to someone’s grandma. After this lockdown, I’m never not wearing a full entire outfit! I have such an appreciation for every single item in my closet!

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Day 58: Focus Your Power

I keep a stack of creative books beside my computer on the table where I work in the kitchen. Sometimes when I’m feeling a creative block, unmotivated, or sad, I grab one and open it to a random page. For mother’s Day, I opened Rupi Kaur‘s ‘the sun and her flowers‘ to a poem with advice from a mum. Today, I opened Adam J. Kurtz book ‘Things Are What You Make of Them‘ to this page. Most of the time, the universe seems to know exactly what I need and presents a message on the page. I see you. What even is fashion? My Quarantine Style this week has been a bit wild. It’s still quite cold up here so I need to layer up. It’s hard to believe the long weekend is days away and we had a couple of flurries today. SPRING WHERE ARE YOU!? Here’s hoping we jump right into summer! Next week we might crack temps over 20 degrees. I AM REALLY READY FOR SOME HOT SUN.

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Day 56: For The Mamas

Mums, step-moms, grandmas, sisters, pet mums, plant mums, sister and friends who are there for us with mum love, today is for you. Had a nice chat with my mum and then went to a garden centre. We Facetimed Sean’s mum and had her pick out a big beautiful hanging plant to go at the cottage front door. In the evening, I did a self-care spa including a foot mask, face mask, and watched Dead to Me in bed while drinking rosé. It was nice! Good show. Sending special love to my mum who had been a source of strength and inspiration every day of my life. I love you so much! She always has good advice, a creative idea, or the right thing to say when I need it.

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Day 51: You Are Free To Rest

I came across this image and it was just what I needed at the time. Today was a very challenging parenting day, it took all my energy and I hardly got anything done. The air was thick and finally, once the child went to bed, we let it all go and soaked in the hot tub. Tomorrow we are taking Em back to her mum and Sean and I will be here alone for a week. My birthday is on Friday. I’m planning to do a drive-by and see some friends IRL before coming back to the cottage. I can’t wait to see their faces again.

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Day 31: Counting Ducks

I went outside first thing in the morning despite the fact that it was pretty cold and snowy. I was determined to do some type of exercise. After getting to the end of the road, I kept going and eventually did 3.3km. In the afternoon I watched a movie on Netflix and did some food prep. We are having roast vegetables and steak bbq. Sean worked most the day doing calls and emails. It’s quite cold and windy, the next few days are going to be the same. Thankful that’s my hair is growing into a nice shag but my nails look terrible. This is the longest streak I’ve gone without eating any takeout or having my nails done. It feels weird when I type because so many of my nails are super short, they don’t tap the keys anymore. I hate it but at least I have hands? Yesterday I saw a beautiful black & white duck outside the window and today there were two. The Bufflehead is one of the rarest ducks in North America and Canada’s smallest living duck. Tonight we’re going to finish Ozark and maybe start The Trial, a new murder show also on Netflix. This cold weather has me feeling quite unmotivated. Each day I try to do something productive but it’s been the bare minimum the last few days. Watching the news and seeing what’s happening around the world is so sad and depressing. I keep thinking about friends & family, and their friends & family, knowing it’s hitting close to home. Please stay safe, this will be over eventually. ?

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