Day 226: Gloomy Monday

The sky is grey and it’s raining, again. We’ve hardly had any sun over the last week, today is a gloomy Monday in the woods. Friday was beautiful and over 20 degrees, but I was inside working the whole day. We had a really relaxing weekend, I swear I could have used another two days to charge my batteries. I did nothing but watch Netflix all day on Saturday and it was glorious. I’m on S3 of Gossip Girl now. Yesterday I did a bunch of food prep and then took I nap. Things are really exciting these days lol. Sunday afternoon, we met up with Emily’s mum in Gravenhurst to do the switchover. This morning, ‘Stage 2’ is trending on Twitter and Ontario is seeing the highest Corona cases since the start of the pandemic. Sean and I are thinking to stay up here in the woods for most of the week. The cottage isn’t fully winterized but I would be happy to stay up here as long as we can. Please stay safe and wear a mask. We’re all dreaming of the day this is over. I hope you have a great week.

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Day 213: You OK?

Some days are harder than others. It’s important we check on each other, a simple, ‘you ok?’ might just be what your friend needs to hear. Reach out to me anytime. Yes, I’m your friend on the internet but also a real human typing these words. Today was the first day back after the long weekend and I had planned to do more work over the weekend than I did. So, I’m starting a short week a day late and behind. I really tried to catch up as much as I could today but I also felt overwhelmed and tired. When I get like this, it’s hard to concentrate. I find myself staring at my screen, knowing what needs to be done but I just can’t seem to connect my brain to the fingers and make it happen. I decided to start watching The Bachelorette at night as a way to distract me from everything going on in the world, then my iPad died. I went back to trusty Gossip Girl and made it into the second season. Tomorrow we are going back to the city and I’m borrowing a car from Mini Canada in the afternoon. I’m looking forward to having my own vehicle for a week, taking scenic drives, and maybe going to visit mum. I could really use a hug from her today. Sending love through the internet. We’ll get through this. It’s gonna be ok. We’re gonna be ok.

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Day 209: Start A Creative Project

After years of THINKING about using my sewing machine, I finally busted it out last month. It feels so good to get into a creative project! I’ve been fantasizing about sewing for years. My goal is to make a whole outfit by the end of the year. I’ve got heaps of old vintage patterns from mum and I’m dying to tackle at least one of them. Since I was a kid, I’ve dreamt of making clothes. I used to make them with mum while I was a little. I love fun outfits and creating my own style. I started w/ scrunchies as I’m a little rusty! It’s been A WHILE. ? I posted this video on Instagram today and a bunch of people said they would love yo have one. I’m doing this as a hobby for now while I hone my skills, but who knows where it will take me. Last month, I wrote a post titled You Don’t Have To Monetize Every Hobby (Day 183), I think it’s important to create for the sake of creating without the pressure to make money doing it. This weekend we’ll be up at the cottage, my sister is visiting, and I have a bit of work to catch up on. I’m planning to make a few more scrunchies from old clothes to give to friends. I’m excited! Love to know what you are working on! Share anytime! This long weekend is the perfect time to start something!??

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Day 183: You Don’t have to Monetize Every Hobby

I’ve loved sewing my whole life. I also have a new sewing machine that I’ve hardly used for about 8 years. I want to sew, but never had the time or made the time to do it. As a kid, I spent heaps of time sewing with mum. I even started my first business in grade 3 sewing gym bags for classmates. Early into quarantine, I took the time to make things for the pure enjoyment of making them. I did heaps of tie-dye, turmeric dye, made friendship bracelets, and practised line drawing on iPad. The art of creating gives me so much joy. It inspires creativity in other areas of my life. I loved sharing the things I made on social media and mailing some to friends. I was reminded you don’t have to monetize every hobby, it’s incredibly freeing to create for the sake of creating. This weekend, I started sewing again. I took a few items of clothing that were ripped or on their way to donations and made a few scrunchies. The big pink ones are a soft rayon fabric and flop when you doa top know. they used to be part of Joe Fresh shirt from years ago that had a mark on it. It was so fun to make them and patch together my old clothes to make new patterns. I spent most the day sewing, listening to music, watching Netflix, and letting my creative juices flow. After posting my creations, I had a few people saying they want to buy or ask where to order. I’m not there yet, I might never be! For now, the Quarantine 2.0 version of me is Casie Sew-Art. I’m back at my machine baby, who knows what I’ll create next!

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Day 178: Remember The Leaves

Took the boat out of the water this morning after taking Sean for his last rip on the lake. I don’t think we’ll be putting it back in this year. We’re on our way back to the GTA after sending the long weekend up north with Emily. Sean has buyer for his classic 1982 Stingray Corvette so we’ve got it on a trailer and and we’re dropping it off in Oakville.  Our next stop is Emily’s mum’s place to drop her off, she starts a new school next week. The kids have to wear masks all day and they’ve got a bunch of social distancing procedures in place. We know it’s good for her to be back in school but it’s also stressful knowing we are potentially putting her and ourselves at risk.  I’ve had a lot of anxiety over the past few days. It’s hard not to have anxiety with everything going on. Watching the news is intense and just sitting alone with your own thoughts can be overwhelming. I’m behind on my blog diary (again) but I also haven’t had my computer since September 3rd. I finally dropped my MacBook Pro off at the shop after months of using it with a broken keyboard. Found out today it’s going to cost $$$ and I think it’s time to get a new laptop. I’ve been using my old MacBook Air and it’s so s-l-o-w. Tbh I’m glad it’s a short week and it will be the weekend again before we know it.   Sean and I are planning to come back to the cottage together on Friday. I love summer but fall weekends in Muskoka are so charming. Relaxing and romantic. The leaves have only just started to change and over the next six-8 weeks they will transform to…

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Day 136: Measure for Measure

I always say ‘summer forever’ but today I woke up to a cooler morning thinking about fall fashion and the changing leaves. I love the feeling of changing seasons and although we’re not quite there yet, I feel a change coming. The last six months have been a rollercoaster of emotion but also a great time to think about what I want in my life. Who am I becoming? What does my next season look like? A few months ago I told the universe what I dreamed about, how I believed in myself, and how I could achieve it. I know she’s listening. I value chats with mum so much, we reminisced today on one of our favourite quotes we’ve carried for over 20 years. It’s a good one to remind yourself that in order for things to happen, you can’t doubt yourself or stand in your way, you have to believe you can achieve it, and go for it. I firmly believe this to be true. “Our doubts are traitors And makes us lose the good we oft might win By fearing to attempt. William Shakespeare, –Lucio, Act I, scene iv Measure for Measure (c. 1603)  Find your courage and go confidently in the direction of your dreams.

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