#awesomistic #tfc #birthdayweek

Yesterday at the TFC was amazing. I’ve never wanted to be a fan of a game as much as I did being in th. I had a blast. I’m very grateful that my friend took me. I yelled my guts out. Clapped, whistled, jumped up and down and made friends. It was a tie and the fans are the most intense I’ve ever seen in pro sports. The weather was a roller coaster of fun. Rain, sun, rain, sun, rain, sun. Luckily Av had these killer TFC rain parkas that he got during the first season.I sat in the rain and drank my beer and I was warm and dry. I love the skyline. This is a great city. I was also super satisfied with the food. I had a chip butty. Last time I had a chip butty I was 12 and at Shelly Beach in the Bay of Islands, New Zealand. I was with my family and Mum caught a flounder with a stick. I also went swimming with with dolphins about an hour out in the ocean. It was absolutely amazing. This photo is amazing; BMO/Carlsberg, don’t be shy now, you know you love it. I made friends with some cool peeps after the game. I was drinking on the Carlsberg tab at Brazen and checked out that bestmate.ca contest you told me about. Entered it. Not sure where I can see my profile? I also met a lovely babe from MAC at Rasputin Vodka Bar. Cool place. Looking forward to being better friends with MAC and Carlsberg.

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reminder: one week from today

Next Friday, May 8th, 2009 is a day that commemorates 27 years since I came into the world; my birthday! My Mum, whom I’ve told you a zillion times is tres awesome sent me an early present that arrived today. I love you Mum. My head is kinda cut off kinda but whatever. If you want to send me something for my birthday or test our your product and need my mailing address, please ask. I’d be more than glad to give it to you, I love getting mail & presents!!

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fond, found, fortune, fashion, focus

I’m wearing a mum outfit today. Her old belt that still smells like New Zealand and a shortened Dashiki that matches my orange vintage boots. Tomorrow is going to warm but today its so windy and cold. I think I’m going to write on my way in more often. I lost my computer and ipod so now I use what I got, my device and thoughts and spend less time on the actual computer. I’m inspired in the morning, except for sporadic days when I am not. I usually wake up with a smile. Damn its cold. This morning I woke up to a message from a friend that said he’s in London England and the style there reminds him of me. I think that’s the nicest thing ever. I’ve never been to London but I know about style there. I can’t type as fast as thoughts fly, I can barely talk that fast and when I do its funny and I sound like a nut. I missed a call from a magazine editor last night. I wonder what he wants? H has the closing party for his art show tonight and I’m also planning to chat with Poster Boy. I’m going to make some. Cut and paste was one of my most favorite things to do at the kitchen table when I was younger. It still is along with writing. I wrote a poetry book in 1996 called Jeans. It’s not on Amazon because its out of print, its time for a new book. We started our publishing company without Internet and did it old the fashion way. We learned a lot. Its seems so easy now. I forgot my sunnies, the vintage ones from France. They would have matched perfect. As I take off my jacket I forget…

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sometimes i think i’m so cool

I’ve been going through my old hard drive and I’ve managed to dig up some jems from years ago when I used to go out ‘clubbing‘. In this one my friend is smoking a dube. haha. They used to allow smoking inside back then, lots of cigarettes in this photo. Sorry Mum. Moxie Halloween. That’s my old lady mask. It rules. Dad used to wear it when he took us trick or treating. It is so old and scary. It looks real and totally freaks people out. My costume was an ‘old sexy bag’ my shirt said that on the back, I made it. It was right when ‘Sexy Back‘ came out. Moxie Promotions Princess party: We all wore crowns and big puffy skirts. It was really fun. My hair was so long.  She is also the Power Ranger. What kinda outfit is this? Fishnets under bathing suit? Nice real nice. Pretty cool when you go to the Guvernment in 2005. I hope you will enjoy these guys like I did. Don’t be shy on the comments. I know I had a few!!

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whoa throw back mama

This evening I connected my trusty old external drive to find something and it’s like a time capsule. I also realize that I keep everything, take a zillion pictures and am a total loser sometimes. I’ve been through a few laptops over the years and I keep backing that ass up on the same drive and now it’s like those boxes in mum’s basement and dad’s storage filled with memories. I’ve had so many different hair colours, lengths and cuts. You may have seen this long red haired one? Crazy.I also saw this crazy streak in the sky just before the sun set tonight. I had a friend that was all about looking into conspiracy theories and she was convinced it was chemtrails. trails in the sky from me on vimeo.Vimeo is slow if you don’t upgrade.

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rollin’ with ma homies

When I was little I used to cruise around with Dad in hot rods all the time. It was SO much fun!Yesterday I put on one of Mum’s old Deuce Doins shirts from 1981 and went for a cruise with my friend Jeff. Nothing like cruising in the sunshine in an old classic!Was really nice out and the sun was shining bright. Lots of people out on the streets. Jeff‘s car is pretty damn sweet as.I know that lots of people have lots their jobs lately and I saw that they are hiring girls here and thought you should know. Since it’s Easter the girl was wearing this lovely little bunny number just for you!

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