Twitter Brand Page for MasterCard Canada is Nice

It’s World MasterCard Fashion Week so I’ve been around this Twitter account heaps the last few days. I love seeing brands that so this well. Social media is making marketing so exciting for fans and brands. Who are some of your fav social savvy fashion brands? What Makes MasterCard’s Twitter Page Great? Identifies Community Manager, who you are talking to and when. A stylish, real, live, human being is managing the content. Recent Tweets from event. With hashtag. Banner displaying the #hashtag. Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest. Creative banner copy. Website link. Location. Verified. More shows Wednesday including Mackage and Joe Fresh. Mackage has a great leather collection and Joe Fresh is one of my favs each year.  Caesarstone Canada is sponsoring the Mackage afterparty  at  The Spoke Club. Tweeting for Community tonight.  It’s gonna be awesome. Make sure you’re following, I’ll be backstage and in the Target Lounge. <3 CASIE  

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Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves.

I love when it rains. Joe Fresh denim shirt dress, Hunter wellies, Gap kids rubber jacket, Toronto Star cartoon brolly. Sadly, my brolly caught a bad case of wind on the way to the conference and he is no longer with us. Made it to Women in Business conference, found power supply. The guy on stage just used a word I don’t know, can someone explain ‘rolodex?’ See what I did here? We start filming Monday. I’m really excited. Been waiting for THIS for my whole life. You know how I always tell you to be positive and make the most of each day? Well, I really freaking mean it. The only way to attract good and wonderful things into your life is to put it out there. Like attracts like, the power of attraction is about particles of matter. Had a great sister date yesterday, look at these babes. LOVE YOU GIRLS. Thank you Bobby for this kind Tweet one day we will meet. Brands, listen up! “One of the best “brands” on social media is @casiestewart … she has leveraged numerous outlets to build a tremendous business & brand! #ff” — BobbyRettew (@BobbyRettew) June 1, 2012 Title is a quote by James Matthew Barrie quotes, Scottish Dramatist and Novelist who is best known as the creator of Peter Pan. Cheers to Tink, the original pixie fairy girl. Have an awesome day 🙂

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Nella Bella FW 2012 Collection @ Urbanspace Gallery

Last night went to Nella Bella’s FW 2012 media reception. I’ve been taking NellaBella bags on all my travels, bike rides, festivals & fun for the last two years. They’re got lots of different shapes & styles this year. One of the designers for this collection, Andreas Kyriakos who started working with them at 15, he’s 16 now, but still,  he designed a whole batch of beautiful things. I got to catch up with a few really lovely girls I hadn’t seen in a while.  Thanks Raymi, you babe, for photos and Tarek for the invite. Can’t wait to get something new and BRIGHT! Bring on, SPRING on! My current fav is the KIEV bag in black (in photo but hard to see). It fits my 11 Macbook Air, camera and a few other necessities. Comes in handy when’re always on the go/working!  Shirt: Joe Fresh Cardi: GAP Pants: Bench – shopping trip! Hair: Ken Murphy Color Bug, Goody Accessories Shoes: Ego & Greed One things I love about clothes is the stories they tell. Links to the above items go to past posts wearing. Archives rule. Crashed my bike the day I got the Joe Fresh shirt, ordered shoes from Got GAP  cardi over holidays cruising vintagey shops in Cambridge with Mum. Tarek, Val Photos via WE REPRESENT THE LOLLIPOP GUILD  on   Walked home home with the Septembre & Bella. Made .gif with Loopcam, from Berlin! Check out Jessica’s post & pic here. It was really fun. Good night. Nice to see beautiful bags and smiling faces. The food was excellent and catered by The Daily Bread Food Bank’s catering campany. They put all the proceeds from catering, right back in. Been busier than ever planning and preparing things for SXSW. We have a new blog coming. I’m super excited. Let’s do this.  😉 <3 CASIE    

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Its lovely outside today but tonight we’re getting a snow storm and winter will be back here.. I’m made the most of a beautiful day by biking on a Bixi downtown. Weeeee! Jacket: Mubaa leather, Holts Shoes: Ego & Greed, Shirt: Joe Fresh Overalls: H&M Glasses: Vintage from NZ Lipstick: Kate for Rimmel in Rosetto Today TWO crazy awesome things happened today… (remember when I used to ALWAYS say ‘crazy awesome’) … Anyhoo, CTS, my fav vintage shop ever, reopened today and it looks SO NICE. Also, Lauren and I also went to a Mill. The best mill in town!

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You look just as beautiful as the day we met.

We had a breakup last summer but we got back together fairly quick. It’s nice getting messages like this to celebrate anniversaries. It’s the little things that count. My relationships with technology (hardward & software) are some of my most cherished ones – Andy (iPad), James Dean (Macbook Air), Robert (my old PC), Olympus cameras, Zoey (sewing machine) and the most recent addition, XBOX360 (he is yet to be named). Made this shirt for Foursquare Day in 2010. I was working with MuchMTV at the time but they didn’t really get that I was wearing THE badge on my shirt. Ha! This pic showed up in the deck for Puma International’s “After Hours Athlete” campaign before they hired me. Check out some of my Things to Do in Toronto (Generated by Foursquare Checkins): Must Hit Sandwich Places Must Visit Parks Must Visit Music Venues Clothing Stores (add CTS on there!) Must Visit Bars Food & Drink places to Visit Went crazy on Joe Fresh nail polish the other day. Three for $10 and they go on thin so dry pretty fast which I like. Was given a few at the TIFF Tastemakers Lounge in 2010 and have been hooked since. Playlist today is Bon Iver on Soundcloud. Sam woke me up early but made brekky to make up for it. Feeling grumpy and the weather doesn’t help. Slow sad music is quite soothing. Hope your day is good so far 🙂

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The Gladstone Hotel gets a Makeover

You’ll see a few familiar faces in this little ditty from the Gladstone for the re-launch of the Melody Bar next week. Stoked for the change in weather so I can bust out my real clothes. Shoes Jeffrey Campbell, shirt Joe Fresh, Lipstick Dior, Bag Nella Bella, Shorts Victoria Secret, Hair Darren Kwik Studio. Darren gave me a fresh shave yesterday. GO SEE HIM. He is awesome and will treat you like gold cause you are my friend. Discount too. His Twitter is @DKWIKSTUDIO. Stay of the show, ZOE! She is SUPER cute and I has a charming blog.     MEGA babe. Wicked style. Melody Bar opens next week. Stay tuned for party deets. Slow clap 😉

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