yesterday on twitter, this happened:

you make me feel like i'm living a teenage dream. # I don't think I'm going to watch Criminal Minds anymore. # Ikea makes funny commercials. # I don't like the elections ads, I prefer the Dairy Queen ones. Dolphin guitar. # Watching 20/20 Fairytale Romance, so excited for my Kate/Diana ring to come. # I love The Royal Wedding. Very much so. # i miss two & a half men charlie. # Sharon Newman always goes for the 'rescue' type. Urgh. #barn #yandr # Boston’s true luxury experience, The @LenoxHotel #blog # my landlady has the most serious engrish everrrrrrr – always sounds like she has marbles in mouth & is wasted. so cute. # need to be in NYC april 27th to see my babes @derekfabulous @nichvon_k & the lovely @nicolemiller! thank you for invite 🙂 # loooove these cinemagraphs – animated gifs of @cocorocha via @withoutayard # love this song & her. (@YouTube # last night i went to Diddy & didnt take one photo. so many kids taking photos, wonder where they will all go. youtube, FB? # manager – MAMAger # today is 108/2011 – this is what i did on day 8 feat. @lynsieroberst @jeniestewart & @starbucks # whoa on @skype w/ @jeniestewart in Bahamas, she touched a SHARK yesterday! cripes. # Happy to say I have officially hired @katekillet to be my paid assistant/intern. Welcome to the team babe! #awesome # Lunch date w/ Andy (@ Ackee Tree) # BYT (@ Sense Appeal) # would you guy be interested in a massive paint party this summer? think dance party, paint, bodies, babes, hotness. # winner of #textuality ticket is @rayannelangdon! thanks @rockitromo # listening to "Alors on danse – stromae (electro-funky remix)" ♫ # what…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Photo: Day 103 # oh y’know, just hanging out with my fav couple talking Ken & Video Barbie 🙂 # Today’s winner for @iamdiddy is Avery Bilz! See you Sunday at the concert 🙂 # Jerk chicked sandwich + rice & peas (@ Ackee Tree) # #Netflix recos? # super nerds & mayors around the world unite! #4sqday #blog # April. 26th: @artbattleTO 12 & 13 on the SAME night. My post from AB 11 # gonna hear to ackee tree for lunch 2pm. lunch date? # get this boy his dream job! Takes 2 sec to vote @shawnhawaii #ultimateblogger # Photo: › Marketing Campaign of the Day: Ad agency [McCann Worldgroup] sent a life-size kid model soaring… # Photo: Mum used to rock this style. Wish I still had her jeans! borninflames: # Photo: love this sweater # tumblr kinda day – wish i could just crawl right into my computer and snuggle up w/ tumblr & tea # what’s for lunch? # yes! RT @Mariomiotti: Ahhh excellent news! wash over me like sunshine, no matter the cloudy day outside! #positivefeelings # Fun but not as fun as a real ipad! 😛 RT @anniecolbert: iPad dry erase board # really, J.Lo? # guess who? # gonna make some friendship bracelets this weekend for my BFFs. # Looks like my official Kate Middleton ring will arrive next week. Yay! I’m so Royal-ey. # i need a yoga. # guess what i am picking out right now…..jewelery……..very special……. # dear @ladygaga, can you please take extensions out of your shoulders & cheeks? ILU but that shit freaks me out. you were not born that way. # audition for a NDP campaign? no thanks, nothing religious or political for me!…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

super warm out right now. # Imma eat you (@ Z-Teca) # Gah. RT @THR: Rebecca Black’s ‘Friday’ Viewed Online More Than @LadyGaga, @JustinBieber Videos # This is a good read: To My Pre-Internet Ex Who Died via @ThoughtCatalog – To My Pre-Internet Ex Who Died… # the #yandr was very meh today. not enough sharon & @victornewman. # music: found this again today. listened like xx times. #blog # break for mama’s show. #yandr # love @youtube on #ipad + speakers. # java update. #talknerdy # surprising that only ONE person called the number i published today. bunch of txt’s as i asked though, you are so well behaved. # have you votedfor @shawnhawaii today? takes 2 sec. # I favorited a @YouTube video Selah Sue – Raggamuffin # Singing Selah Sue song after song. Do you know her? You’ll like this. # Love it here. (@ Sense Appeal w/ 2 others) # Little visit to my loves. Congrats on great event last week! (@ Nella Bella Head Office) # Loving the intern applications for @artstewmedia. Stew brewin’! # happy when rains so i can wear… # i’d like you to play this one on guitar & we can sing it together. (@YouTube # same. RT @thatdrew: stop. showertime. # blog job: $100/post #humberPR #CCIT #CCPR #toronto #gta # weather this weekend was so nice. patio chills w/ @keriblog # hey ducker. # i have blogged more than 5x today on different sites. who says they have no time for blogging? pfffft. # Photo: › you know you’ve made it when you google yourself on the internet and this comes up via @gublersoup # nice to know. RT @SeanMoffitt: Contrary to popular belief, men…

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i do this every day

in every dailybooth i am smiling heaps. i take a new one like errry day (if you haven’t noticed).  i like it. you should smile more. it’s contageous. i need to get on drawing more. remember the unnecessary wheels collection? the apple the cheese wheel matches 10lb dumbbells canoe fork, grass patch, sexy pump + more

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Been getting really good at leaving parties. (@ The Mansion) # I want to drive an Audi. # We are looking at the same moon. # Casie in the Sky with Diamonds (+ glitter). # Oh hai (@ Lou Dawg’s B-B-Q!) # Picture yourself in a boat on a river… # heading to @loudawgs. # Haha RT @victornewman Love using television to tell my kids to take a long walk off a short pier. # imma professional. are you? let’s #twerk add me! # if you don’t vote you can’t say sh*t. #blog # my daily booth photo right now makes me SMILEY. it’s top right corner on my dot com. # only caught the #yandr once this week. being an entrepreneur is clearly more exciting than the life of @victornewman. # way to crash my own site. # New Blogging Opportunity: $100/post #toronto # stalk it like it’s hot. # oh i am cooking up some fun stuff for you. # Photo: META # #deardiary # #plasticsurgery # i love the internet. # started this blog in 2008: #borderlineartistic # OMG! Yay! Will totes be watchig the news for @guardly tonight 🙂 Congrats team! (@YouTube # ah, just got asked to be in a celebrity poker tourney. this gonna be funny. #POKERFACE > imma dress like gaga. #ladyblogga # RE: @FrontRowMag what a babe. # just realized i am going to be in #boston for #4sqday better find a meetup STAT! # YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! #

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New York Cab Lemon Sunflower Scrambled Egg, mellow.

To be completely honest, I wanted one of these mugs. Keri has one. Process Yellow C is fresh, bright and beautiful. It’s the colour of sunshine. I love when people call me sunshine. Any of you guys have a Pantone mug? Send me a pic! I will make something. The mug came with the epicly awesome HP Envy print/scan/copy machine today. I can’t wait to make stuff. Yay to making stuff! Ok, here’s the yesterday recap. It was a great day from the moment I woke up. Yesterday on Twitter This Happened: I am in looooove with everything! (@ Bicyclette Boutique) # You maaaaaaake me feel shiny & new… # Mix: @nellabellabrand bags, @metowestyle beaded heart, @rubyboutique fur # Daily reminder to take a sec & vote for my boy @shawnhawaii #ultimateblogger # had a kinda fun request from my agent @fairlieagency this morning. i love fun jobs! # just had lasagna. i love lasagna. what you having for lunch? # Photo: kinda like me. # Where do you want to live? — on the internet. # How are you? — Awesome. # If you had the opportunity to live one year of your life over again, which year would you choo… — 2004 in Australia # I was wondering if you’d like to grab a coffee, Thursday aft, you, me ? Riot Zone.? — who are you would help? # What do you think the world will be like in 50 years? — less fighting, less water, less trees. # Photo: i need these coins STAT. # 15% OFF Latex Clothing # Photo: i would get this for nerd boyfriend: Circuit Board Tie # How to Put Together an Effective Startup Press Kit via @erinbury – erinbury:…

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