Events | Santa’s Log Cabin at The Eaton Centre!

Saw Santa with my sister  the other day at his Log Cabin in Trinity Square outside The Eaton Centre. We’ve made a point to visit the old guy at one place or another almost our whole lives. Despite knowing the truth, the mystery and wonder of Christmas is still alive in our hearts and it’s always fun to get a photo. I guess we kinda look alike 🙂 The front of the cabin features out all the beautiful trees deigned by stylish Toronto notables like Suzanne Rogers and The Chic Canuck. The Chic Canuck Team Jenie used to dance with the Raptors Dance Pak so seeing THE Raptor was trés exciting. He totally remembered her and gave her a salute when she arrived. Thanks Brill Communications for the invite and George Pimentel for the nice photos. Timber Block’s R-30 Insulated Cabin is open Fridays from 4-7pm and features comfy seating, free wi-fi and charging stations. There’s also a neat little tree maze for the kiddies! Or big kids like who who still gave it a go even though I could see over the trees. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!  <3 CASIE

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Fashion | Gifts that Keep on Giving, TOMS for Target

Starting November 16th you can find a special collection by TOMS at Target stores across North America. The limited-edition collection is co-designed by TOMS founder and chief shoe giver, Blake Mycoskie and goes along with TOMS One for One® giving model where every purchase helps a person in need. Along withe the collection they also created this totally awesome ‘Together Sweater’ inspired by TOMS One for One. Naturall, I tried it on with all my fav people. I love togetherness. Sean has agreed to wear it to a ‘Ugly Christmas Sweater Party’ and I reckon it’s a contest winner! Sorry guys, the sweater ISN’T for sale. They’ve got items for for men, women, kids, and home and with this collection, Target is donating a blanket, meals or shoes in partnership with TOMS and North America-based charities American Red Cross Disaster Relief, Canadian Red Cross, Feeding America and Food Banks Canada. Each product displays the corresponding donations so you can easily see how your purchase is helping someone out. I’ve got a couple pairs of TOMS and have picked a few of my fav items from the Target collection below. Love this poncho and am hoping to score one bright and early tomorrow morning. Each purchase will give a blanket so someone in need. Sean’s fav outfit is chambray shirts and jeans, aka the Canadian tuxedo. The plan is to pick one of these up for him and by doing that, TOMS will provide one week of meals through one of their selected charities. The kids clothes are especially cute and by picking something up for your fav lil’ shorty you’re doing some good.  This t-shirt gives 1 week of meals and the hoodie 1 blanket. The housewares items are all under $30 and make great gifts. I’m a fan of these little journals. Nothing like afresh new…

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CottageLife | You Might Just Need An Entire Weekend of Sleep

Hellooooo November! I love summer but there’s something so calming and creative about winter that makes me want to lock myself inside and write or organize the house. I did neither of those things this weekend. I slept at least 25 hours.  I took as many extra hours of sleep as I could find! We spent most of the weekend on the couch watching shows and movies from Netflix or iTunes. The fridge is full of takeout. I was tired. I had work to do but I just didn’t have the energy. Today I feel much better and ready to take on the world! Whenever it’s a new month, year, and sometimes even day I look back and feel grateful for memories or think about how life has changed. Two years ago Sunday, Dad and I did the CN Tower Edgewalk thanks to Mastercard Canada’s Priceless Surprises. Timehop is a great app for looking back on that you posted on Twitter or Facebook that day (see posts about the app). Saw this rusty rat rod truck that made me think of you Daddio! He custom builds hot rods and is working on his own rat rod right now. It’s the start of Movember so I can’t help but think about the MoSistas TO pinup calendar from last year 2012. (Gah, I can’t believe it was 2 years ago!)  The girls and I had a good time getting dolled up. I was May. Apron was Mum’s and I love it. I use it on the regular. I hope I still have that scarf. In other news, Regina George started following me today and I’m already into the Christmas music w/ one of my favalbums by She & Him.   If you need something to cheer you up on this gloomy Monday, press play, or check out THIS happiest Christmas playlist ever…

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Don’t You Ever Forget It, Your Awesomeness

This weekend is SPRING CLEANING. I’ve been talking about it with Sean for weeks and since the weather is URGHH, I’ve decided to make the most of it my making our house more ‘home’. I was really stoked to open the cottage but safety takes the cake and a freezing rain warning is enough to put a stop to us going North.  Today I destroyed a disaster that had been piling up and organized my entire wardrobe. Took three bag of clothes to Value Village (VV Boutique) and didn’t hold back. I find purging my stuff is addictive, I start to care less and less about ‘things’ and if I need to, I take photos to remember. They take up less space. Online storage is cheaper than a unit too! Threw out a lambskin leather jacket from Holt’s I’ve been ‘planning to fix’ for two years, I hope someone great finds it. How great is this shirt from Bow& Drape? Who wants one? You can actually make your own but mine is so freaking sweet! It’s sequins actually! Stumbled upon this brand randomly (Pinterest?) and got this stunna. Found these babies when I was cleaning along with a TON of other jewellery. Good luck, good rings, good reminders. I was trying not to have a heart attack the last few days because I ‘misplaced’ the vintage Tiffany’s silver pearl necklace Sean got me for Christmas, but I found it. Thank god, I can’t even. Took the EmBot to Target, she loves Target? I’m not realllly sure why. Her boots were dirty and gross so I told her I’d get her new kicks. She picked these Converse style ones like me. Gave her this Blue Jays hat and she wanted to wear it to the side. I didn’t style her but how freaking…

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In Living Colours | Shot by Becca Lemire

These are a couple selects from a recent shoot w/ Becca Lemire in Toronto. I needed some head shots for an upcoming project so we snapped a bunch and had some fun. I’m wearing Ted Baker London and silver pearls from Tiffany’s that Sean got me for christmas. I added a little tint so give them a punch today. I’m super happy with how they turned out! Thanks Becca! Multiple Exposure + Colour “A blog means I know where I was every minute. That’s why I blog. It’s a visual diary.” ― Casie Stewart “A picture means I know where I was every minute. That’s why I take pictures. It’s a visual diary.” ― Andy Warhol Sending love, light, and sunshine to you across the Internet with every keystroke. ♥ CASIE

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Making Memories

Over the last six months I’ve been learning how to use a my first DSLR through my partnership with Canon Canada. As one of 5 official Canon Blogtography Ambassadors I’ve learned how to take portraits, shoot a runway, properly focus, shoot in different lighting, and most importantly the beauty of photos taken with a Canon Digital SLR camera. In our last session of 2013 we sat down for dinner at The Drake Hotel with our reps from Canon and Edelman Toronto. In effort to help us step up our photo game one more level, they hooked us each up with new printers (yes, plural!) AND gave us each a framed print of one of our own photos. It was like Oprah, “You get a printer and you get a printer!”. We all felt super touched when they revealed our gorgeous gallery style photos, printed from the exact printer we were just given. It was a magical moment (see mine in a previous post here). Meet My new Printers Stepping up my photo prints game. Unboxing this Canon Prixma Pro-100 right now. #canonblogtography #earlychristmas — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) December 16, 2013 Prints from the Canon Prixma Pro-100 I was trying to print for a specific frame so they aren’t full size on the paper. Beautiful though. Some of My Fav’s Shot w/ Canon Rebel SL1 Below are some of my fav photos taken since July 2013. They span from Toronto, to California, Thailand and back. I’m quite excited to print a bunch and frame them. We’re all so digital now, it’s easy to forget how lovely a nice framed photo is. Huge thank you to Canon Canada and Edelman for creating this program. It’s been an awesome learning experience. We chatted about next steps and hope to expand it so YOU…

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