Holiday | Commuter Commerce & TTC Laughs w/ PayPal

This weekend I assembled a small elf’s office in our spare room for getting all my christmas things organized.  We’re getting a tree this week and it’s time to transforms the house! I love the holidays! The other day I hung out on the PayPal streetcar to learn about commuter commerce and be reminded there’s a whole mall in your phone and you don’t need to leave the house to shop for the holidays. Commuter commerce is a trend on the rise, people shopping from their phones when they are in transit – ttc, GoTrain, bus, passenger, taxi, airplane. I have shopped while doing all these things. Mobile shopping is so easy and getting packages delivered is one of my fav things. If you don’t want to leave the house or deal with holiday madness, I’m here to remind you about PayPal. Heaps of stores here. If you tweet @PayPalCa using #PayPalWish with something on YOUR wish list, they might just gift it to you (Until Dec. 6th). Give Santa’s elves a break & help yourself too: check gifts off your list by shopping on the #PayPal streetcar. — PayPal Canada (@PayPalCA) November 26, 2015  

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This Is My Life | Snow, Holidays, Glamping, Boots

Listening to Christmas music and planning to decorate the house today. I might have had too much coffee but that’s OK! Woke up to snow and now it’s REALLY the holidays.  Have a couple things to get done first but I’m dying to pull out the decorations and get started. Is it too early for egg nog? Booked a stay at a solar powered tree house in January via Glamping Hub. They reached out about a stay and I thought it would be nice to be nested in the forest in the middle of winter. Since the cottage is closed I need to keep my wilderness connection alive. It’s about an hour north of Toronto and you can bet I’ll be documenting my adventure. I’d like to try actual glamping this summer, in a tent. Remember how last summer I really wanted to get a tent set up? Next year I’ll do it at the start of summer instead of trying at the end. Yesterday I finally unboxed a paid of boots that arrived from Sorel Footwear via Klout Perks a couple months ago. Turns out, they’re super cute AF! I didn’t know Sorel had so many nice boots. These ones also come in a taller version or shorter in a bunch of colours.  This post isn’t sponsored by them but I would be happy if it was, I love these new cuties on my feet. *waves to Sorel across internet!  A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Nov 24, 2015 at 5:19am PST I think yesterday was my last day getting away with just a leather jacket. Time to bring out the big guns coats! When it gets cold, remember, there’s no bad weather just bad outfits.      

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Fashion | Illustration & Globe Style Advisor Party

Helloooooo & happy Friday! Last night I stopped by an event with the Globe & Mail in the Distillery, they’re setting up for the Toronto Christmas market that opens today. Tree lighting is at 4pm. I was planning to go but something else came up. Will go next week so I can ride the carousel. A trend I’m totally loving at events lately is sketching. Artists/illustrators hired to draw guests. During fashion week I had a small painting done of me here.  This image was created by the very talented Jocelyn Teng. THANK YOU! Bought Adele’s album last night. Listeneded to it about 10 30 times so far. My fav new song is Send My Love (To Your New Lover).     

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Tech | Another One Bites the Dust: RIP Rdio

The list of social sharing services I’ve seen disappear over the last five years keeps getting longer. A bit of sadness for Rdio this week as it’s been purchased by Pandora for $75M and filed for Chapter 11. I’ve been using Rdio since early 2012 when it came to Canada after I was introduced to it at SXSW. Around them I took part in a round table to discussion on the future of music streaming and music piracy with a bunch of music execs and media. covered the session (here). After my free year of Rdio was up, I continued to pay $9.99 for the service the last few years, with my own money. Rdio was there for countless road trips, dance parties, summers on the dock, sing-alongs in the boat, and Christmas parties. I made heaps of playlists and Rdio has been part of all my fun the last few years. I mentioned it as one of my fav apps in interviews w/ ApexPR & Mad Hatter Tech. It’s crazy how attached you become to a service, how integrated it becomes in your life. I was really sad when was purchased by AOL and dissolved, felt heartbreak over Dailybooth, and another wave of sadness when Viddy shut down. Transfer Your Rdio Playlists to Apple Music Today I’ve been transferring my Rdio playlists to Apple Music. TBH I don’t mind Apple Music but I really loved Rdio. I decided to fork over the $4.99 to have do the work of moving my playlists over from Rdio. Luckily, I think Apple Music will be around for a while. I am really feeling this 90’s hip hop & R&B playlist from the commercial with Mary J. Blige. You’ll love it too, heaps of good jamz!  

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This Is My Life | Halloween & Chill

Had a nice Halloween this year. Was a bit more chill than years before, didn’t go out-out on Halloween night. After taking Em & friends trick or treating we stayed in, got takeout and watched Netflix – first time I actually watched Nightmare on Elm Street. On Friday eve we saw a dude in front of us with binoculars, I was puzzled to know who the creeper was. He was peering out the window, stopping and looking through them. It wasn’t until I noticed his shirt I screamed ‘WALDO> I FOUND HIM’. We all had a laugh. Drove up to snap his photo. Good costume mate!    Friday night we stopped by Maison Gothique hosted by Grey Goose Canada at Brasaii. Sean was a very convincing Fidel Castro while I was his pinup sidekick. I like this black hair look. Having long hair is something I’m not used to at all. It’s always in your face and gets caught on your jacket and stuff. We danced the night away at the Tricon Films party after. It was heaps of fun. If you follow me on Snapchat you’ll have seen it already. Good music. heaps of cool peeps, a stripper pole, and great costumes. [Snapchat: casiestewart, add me!] On Saturday I’d been scrolling Pinterest and Facebook looking at costumes all afternoon and threw this look together for trick or treating. Luckily I’ve got a stock pile of wigs and lashes to make anything into  halloween.  Wearing this kind of super long lashes is kinda weird, they block a bit of your vision but look fabulous. Seeing all the little rascals run around for candy was pretty cute. they all got candy wasted shortly after. Save this for next time you need to call in sick! [vine id=”e37QTHOJzUZ”] Hope y’all had a safe and happy halloween. Now…

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This is My Life | Aaaaand We’re Back! That’s a Wrap on Summer

Yes, I know ‘summer’ isn’t officially over but if you’ve been away from school or work, it’s pretty much over. The feeling is gone. Back to the routine. New notebooks, new clothes.  ✏️  Maybe a new attitude?!   This time of year is exciting, I love when seasons change. If at any point you feel meh, remember that Halloween and Christmas aren’t far away. The season of Netflix & Chill is right around the corner and it’s a great time to clean up your house, diet, friends, thoughts.  I was thinking I was on my game this morning but am an hour EARLY for something, so I really screwed up. Got Emily ready for school but didn’t get to go w/ Sean to drop her off.  Mixed up timing on something this AM. COOL START TO THE DAY! — CASiE STEWART (@casiestewart) September 8, 2015 The drive back from cottage country was bittersweet yesterday. We took the long way to avoid being stuck in traffic. The sun was beating down and the air was warm. Picked up some fruits and veg from a stand along the way.  Saw this sweet ride.  Spent some quality time on the new deck reading the September issue (Vogue of course!) and soaking up the sun. ☀️ We’ll be back a few times before the seasons actually change, the leaves are so beautiful up there.    If you’ve got the blues today, save this on your desktop or phone and daydream of cottage life….    Sending you good vibes for a great week. I know today can be a challenging one after a long beautiful summer. I’ve got a few giveaways coming up including a MASSIVE TIFF package w/ NKPR.  Share a smile with someone today, they just might need it. ? CASIE     …

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