nerds of a feather flock together

Friday night’s #genyto #Canlit was awesome. Rannie took all these great shots. I was on video recording all night. Rannie & Renee, loves! Coleman at the boozy table. Got to #genyto #canlit about 9er. Hi from some of the babes! Drank, danced, chatrouletted party style, took some vids, the usual stuff. BTW, chat roulette is REALLY fun at parties. It’ll catch on for that reason I think. Try it next time and tell me about it. Was very successfully not hungover. Looking back though all the video’s, I’m kinda surprised. Met a bunch of internet Tweeps and blog readers IRL which is always exciting. I have about 50 video’s. Most of them are for a little movie project that I was planning to start at sundown but I was fucking around with an Ikea bed that I am now going to return. Soooofuuuuhhhhkingpisssssssedoffaboutit. So beauty out today. Bunch of Blog Girls & Sean Ward are coming over for a hang.Yahooots.

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you can’t fly with the eagles if you’re with the seagulls

Met Louis Lautman last night at Notable TV’s premiere of The YES Movie. I asked him to tell you about the movie since it’s his movie [see video]. He said it’s kinda like The Secret on steroids meets MTV. Would really like to know if the young peeps in the movie have blogs, Tweet etc.  Also, making lotsa money like that, these kids should be rocking serious style/designer shit.  Was surprised at the style, I expected more savy! Watched part of the movie today. Couldn’t make it last night, stopped by to see Raymi before #genyto #canLit. Nice guy, very tall and says ‘theater’ with an accent. He started the Young Entrepreneur Society, so naturally  I chatted him about entrepreneurship. I’m really into the big E. I firmly believe and know I can have anything I want , this is my life. He also told me he didn’t know how to spell ‘entrepreneurship’ for a long time, said lots of people have trouble with it. I’ve never had that problem. I won Young Entrepreneur of Cambridge when I was 15 for starting a publishing company. Little did I know then I’d become a modern daily internet  daily social publisher.  I spend lotsa my time going to these events, Tweetups, Genyto, etc these babies are really all about a crowd, a crown full of entrepreneurial thinkers. Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. B.Franklin Watched one of Lou’s (can I call you Lou?) video on the YES Ning network and it was about internship and inspiring. I always wanted to intern somewhere really cool but those days passed. In the year 2000 I worked work at a marketing company sorting catalogs for the summer.  Boring. Really excited to be mentoring about 6 girls from PR at Humber College.…

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art battle: your loser painting gets destroyed…

Cruised over to The Great Hall with Toronto Blog Girls & babes Bre & Keri. Put my name in the hat to compete as a painter, I did not get picked. Maybe next time! More vids on the new cammy cam to post but I’m super busy today so this is it for now! TGIF! #genyto tonight. Quite looking forward to seeing so many friend and meeting people IRL. Walking the red carpet at YES Movie premiere for Notable TV before the party. See ya later internet! Love you xo

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hot nerd takeover

OFFICIAL impact of  #haihaiTO event: $22,030! #HaiHaiTO + #GenYTO = AWESOME! Party was stellar.Tons of people were there, if you weren’t… be sad for a second then make sure you come to the next one! I was busy selling raffle tix and didn’t bring camera so good thing Sophie got pix. I also find the Flash on my new Motorola Droid isn’t that bright anyways. BTW, I’ve got a reputation for selling mad tickets and I lived up to it big time. Hire me for your next party! haha Skip to :40 in this video where the guy come off the stage and dances with me. I’m ok with it until he dances UP ON ME. I felt his “you know what” rub on me and all of a sudden I was MAD embarrassed. SO many cool peeps and so much fun. We danced our asses off like it was a highschool dance. It was amazing. I met a heap of peeps IRL (in real life) that I only knew from Twitter. So good to put the actual person to the face/name/voice. Thanks to everyone who came out and made it a success. Will letcha know when the next GenyTO is.

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party with TO’s coolest peeps? obviously.

I’m inviting you to come out and party with me and a whole slew of TO’s coolest, nerdiest, smartest and best looking people who love social media being social.  This is the Feb. 2010 edition of #GenyTO and we’ve partnered with #HoHOTO to form #haihaiTO. Gosh darnit, just saying that sounds fun! Lots of people are chatting about it, look right here for proof. We’re donating proceeds to those poor folks in Haiti. You think the snow here is bad? HA! Imagine your whole house and life in rubble with no place to go. Ya, doesn’t seem so cold out now does it? HaiHaiTO is TOMORROW, Thursday, February 11 starting at 7 p.m. at the Courthouse, 57 Adelaide Street East. Lets have a fun night and do some good while we’re at it. I’ll be there early, like 7ish. If you’re not in TO but wanna be, buy a ticket just for fun because giving feels so good inside. Get your tickets here and NOW!

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i am slowly going crazy 1-2-3-4-5-6 switch crazy…

This is me on my way to work this morning. It was cold out but I don’t mind. I actually woke up and got a great start to the day. It’s almost 2pm and I’ve got a heap of things on my plate so this is a short update.  Planning for Twestival tonight, stay tuned. Magazine content is coming along prettttttty nicely.  Tickets are up for #HaiHaiTO/#genyTO, go get one. Have my 3 month review shortly, excited about that.  Lots of things to blog about, anyone wanna be my assistant and I’ll dictate my updates? Oh, that sounds like a dream. Athlete is back today, maybe I will get to kiss him again? Answered a bunch on formspring yesterday. I love you all for reading this blog and commenting. I wish I had the time to share more stuff with you.  Until next time, have a great day xo Case

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