Day 54: A Quarantine Birthday

Thank you! I had the best day and it’s mostly bc of you, friends, family. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Grateful to have you in my life and appreciate your love. I often have anxiety around my birthday and this year, I somehow felt calm amidst all the chaos.

I ran 4K with Sean in the morning and we did a meditation on a rock in the woods. He surprised me with a bunch of useful presents then cooked a huge BBQ for dinner. I opened a few goodies from friends and loved getting messages from around the world. At 8pm I had a Zoom party and my favourite thing was each friend taking a moment to share what they loved about me. It was like a Casie Conference of Love! I don’t remember the last time I had a birthday party but this was better than I could have imagined.

Will never forget my Quarantine Birthday and can’t wait to hug IRL when this is over. ????

Day 53: Exactly Where I Need to Be

Today was very active! The sun makes me want to get outside, I really hope the temperature warms up soon. Ran 2k in the morning and then walked for 8k in the late afternoon. I was listening to my latest book on Audible, Witch by Lisa Lister. I feel so calm in nature, sun on the face, wind in the trees, listening to the sound of the woods. Even saw a couple flowers blooming!

My friend Cheryl sent me a beautiful Gratitude Journal from her company Please Notes. I’m going to do my first entry the day after my birthday. I love keeping my online diary of daily activities but this type of journal is great for personal reflection. Thank you Cheryl! Check out her other journals, notes, decals, and items to keep you inspired here.

Day 52: Friends, ILYSM.

This day was the first time I saw any friends IRL in months. I was so nice to visit at a safe distance to laugh, smile, and be together. It was hard to be so close and not hug each other. I love hugs.

Had a nice shower and out on a dress before heading out on a drive around the city. It was a beautiful day, I had tunes on and the sunroof open.

Michelle’s birthday is the day after mine (May 9th) and for the last couple of years, we’ve celebrated together. We will celebrate again once this is all over! I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU!

Before heading back to the cottage we stopped by Jen’s place to safely say hi to her and her dad. She drew a birthday message on the driveway for me. I was so excited, laughing, and jumping up and down. I can’t wait to hang out again.

Some of my BFFs started receiving their packages and it’s a way for us to stay connected. We’re all rocking friendship bracelets I made last week. I sent each package with a little handmade card filled with good vibes.

I can’t wait to be together again. Tomorrow I’m gonna decorate for my birthday and make my own cake. I think we might do a Zoom party on Friday.

Sending good vibes. Love you xo

Day 51: You Are Free To Rest

I came across this image and it was just what I needed at the time. Today was a very challenging parenting day, it took all my energy and I hardly got anything done. The air was thick and finally, once the child went to bed, we let it all go and soaked in the hot tub.

Tomorrow we are taking Em back to her mum and Sean and I will be here alone for a week. My birthday is on Friday. I’m planning to do a drive-by and see some friends IRL before coming back to the cottage. I can’t wait to see their faces again.


The sun will set you free. She is there for you. She loves you. She will hug you with her warmth and shine down on you. Turn your face to the sun and let her warmth fall on your face.

It’s gonna be ok.

Day 49: Work It Out