borderline borderline borderline artistic

I was pondering about something to draw the other day when my artsy BF said ‘how about unnecessary wheels?‘. I found that to be a lovely idea and began the following series. There are four so far. I’m going for about 20. If you have an idea of something that does not NEED wheels, let me know. I’m always down for a challenge!!

another thing for spring

is coming

from me

sketch pad

I got a new sketch pad about a week before holiday’s started and just about filled the whole thing. I’ve been drawing & painting with mixed materials: acrylic & water colour paint, pastel, charcoal, lead, pencil crayon, & wax crayon. It’s pretty exciting. I’ve always been an artsy one but NOW, the time has come. I’m going all borderline artistic and looking forward to some exciting stuff in 2009. My professional gallery, Borderline Contemporary will be opening in Spring 2009. I’ve got several artists lined up. I’m super excited. I’ve always wanted to have my own gallery and this year, my dreams shall come true!!

i did it for africa

Yesterday I got a coffee from Starbucks and decided to take my pic for the RED Campaign. There was no stool for me to stand on. I was reminded of the horrors of school picture day when I was too damn short and the photog had to go and get a pillow, textbook, or phone book for me to sit on. Oh, how I’m glad to be out of primary school, yet, I still face the same issues. How sad.

didn’t over do it

I was successful. I feel good about it.
Didn’t eat too much or spend money that I didn’t have (as people often do!). I had a great time over the holidays. I managed to make it home to see my parents and spend a meal with each one. I got to hang with a bunch of the hometown crew. I miss them quite dearly.

Found this in the basement which I wore for half the day:
Did some artsy stuff on Christmas Day waiting for dinner:
I ran into an old friend…
Made a shirt for friend who spent a
little too much time at the Drake recently:

I made all my cards for family and friends this year as I have before. It’s so much better to do it that way. I also hunted around for some gorgeous vintage scarves that were carefully packaged up for my friends. It’s lovely when they open the present knowing that I made the card and a special effort to give them something I know they will love.

I went shopping on boxing day and we had a total riot. Shopping with mum and sister is the best. We seem to have this way about us that we laugh and laugh and laugh and forget that there is even anyone else around. We all found this great mod dress and all tried it on. The other people in the store were having a good chuckle and after seeing the photo, I reckon you will too.

I found a real jem, these vintage boots that fit me perfect. It’s great having small feet for vintage shoes. It’s rare to find big sizes in amazing boots. Well, that’s my experience. Check out these babies. Oooh yeah.

cold? snug.

I was feeling quite cold on Sunday as I was lazing around. A friend suggested something called the Snuggie. Have you heard of it? Snuggie seems like a really weird word to me, look at it, ‘SNUGGIE’.

I think this unit is following me around. Later that day I saw it on TV and today I got an email offering me a buy one get one free special. I think it’s silly, however, I’d have to try it to find out just how useful it could be. I’m thinking it may be practical for an outdoor sporting event. Especially if you had a few sewn together so you could keep the whole family warm. Family size snuggie. Feel free to take advantage of this offer that was in my junk mail. I don’t need it. I have heating, blankets and many lovely sweaters from New Zealand that my Nana knit.