I just watched this video on Fifty People One Question. I like the site concept. They have asked two questions and received nine hundred and sixty-four responses from five hundred and thirty-one cities. It was quite lovely watching this video.
i used to have a cat

and feeling healthy
May of us struggle with self image and how we see ourselves. We are constantly bombarded with images and advertisements about losing weight, shedding pounds and how to be healthier. I saw this card on PostSecret today and thought about how I am thankful. Over the years, despite always being pretty mini, I’ve struggled with self image and feeling like a fat ass.
When I came home form Australia, I was barely 100 pounds. Any of my friends that saw me when I came home were like “what the fuck, where did you go? where are your boobs? you are too skinny!”. It was not good or healthy. I now maintain a comfortable weight combined with eating healthy and regular. It takes really learning to love yourself and to be able to overcome a challenge. We are all strong and if you believe in yourself, you can do anything. I’ve done a bunch of things in my life that when I look back at, I feel proud. There is nothing like the feeling of joy when you set your mind on a goal and achieve it!!

Sending you all love and light.
Go take on the world!! xo
Go take on the world!! xo
it is surely time for change
I love living in Canada and being Canadian. When you look at our influence on the world and how we are perceived on a global scale, we really have alot to be thankful for. If you have travelled to any country other than here, you know how much people really love us Canadians. When I lived in Australia I used to often go through this conversation:
Aussie with attitude– “G’day, you American?”
Me – “No, I’m from Canada!”
Aussie with no attitude – “Great, wanna come for a beer?” (pronounced ‘bear’)
I am really proud of Ontario and our stance on being part of the electric car movement. What’s next, portable solar power? Maybe, that would be really cool. If you haven’t seen the news or heard about Better Place. I suggest you educate yourself.
Here is an excerpt from the Better Place site regarding Ontario:
“Working with Better Place, the Province of Ontario has become the first in Canada to take a step toward sustainable transportation with electric cars powered by renewable energy, or Car 2.0. It’s a forward-looking move that reflects the provincial government’s commitment to create jobs, strengthen an economy where the car industry represents a quarter of all manufacturing output, and end the use of coal-fired electricity by 2014.”
but wait…yes I do love them!
If you don’t know Natalie Dee, let me introduce you to her:
Hello Blog, this is Natalie Dee! She is my favorite cartoonist. She draws cartoons and posts them everyday. I have been reading her stuff for years now. I think she is hilarious. These are a few recent ones but I also have a few fav’s from the past that I just might bring out to blog to introduce to you. Her sence of humor is right up my alley.

proud to announce….
You can check out my amazing sister on the Raptors website. They have FINALLY put up all the girls pictures. Jenie has been dancing since the age of three and is very talented. This is her first year on the Raptors Dance Pak and I am so proud of her. She is also a model and actress. Talk about a triple threat!!! Watch for her on the court, she’s a beauty sure to catch your eye.