I went to see the
movie this evening and, well,
I get it. Guys don’t mix their signals they just give you excuses for not being into you. For example, “You’re too perfect”, “Too successful/awesome”, “I just got out of a relationship”, “I’m not emotionally mature”, “I need work on myself”, blah, blah,
bullshit. I guess its being considerate and saving a girls feelings,
but maybe they are just too afraid to say it.

movie was pretty good, not your average chick flick. Slight emotional roller coaster, yet realistic. Basically, if a guy doesn’t either call/text/email/facebook/myspace/twitter/PIN/voicemail you, he is not interested. In our world there are so many forms of communication, why waste your time waiting for someone to reach you? Lesson learned – if they want to talk to you, they will. It mentioned how all those magical love stories your friends tell you to make you feel better are all exceptions to the rule. Are you the rule or the exception?

Finally, the
site for the
movie is cute and entertaining. As for Jennifer Aniston and ScarJo, they both looked great.