it was so weird at the time, i couldn’t stop myself

i’m not sure what happened but it did. i light went on. it was a few things that lead me there. creative people around me, compliments on creative work, being surrounded by smart, successful, creative business people. thinking about ‘it’s not how good you are it’s hot good you wanna be’, one of my favorite books. i feel like i can’t really go back now. they say if you do what you love you will have success, i love doing this. i love writing and taking photos and laughing at myself and remembering thing things i forget. it makes me happy to do social good; social good in funness, good causes, good people.

i stayed up all night. learning about things. reading blogs, commenting. drawing in sketchbook.when i have an idea i write it down. i’ve found some neat stuff lately and most i’ve posted on my tubmlr blog. it’s all the things i find around the internet that i don’t put here but like to share.

i read a great article called ‘the 7 vices of highly creative people, posted on, Feb. 9, 200o. i know i have my vices and bad habits, but i have good ones too. read it here.

“If you go through life free of bad habits, you won’t live forever, but it will feel like it. ”

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the sun is at just the right angle over the moon

Good morning. Not hung over at all.

Whoa, craziest guy. Red beard, so weird. I think he was upset I took his photo. Probably thinks I took his soul or something. Oh, Queen Street.

God she was cute, blonde and red lipstick, suitcase, selling clothes in the park. I love it. She turned and smile at me right after this. Like attracts like, again. See looks like Agyness Deyn.

Sabrina and I did a social experiment and checked out three vastly different scenes. First stop, a singles event we got invited to. Not my thing but the girls outfits were cool.

This one was my fav.

Next stop, Prince Perry & the Gladstones CD release party on the roof at the Spoke Club. Much more up my scene alley.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, such nice artwork there right now. Just noticed this one.

A hot girl pulled us in while walking home. She reminded me of Terrie Hawkes (yes, she was that hot). She offered us shots from the bar at Brant House… ok, twist my arm.

Bad night for this guy, was on the floor and couldn’t stand up. There were lots of drunk people. I was sober when I arrived but that changed pretty quickly.

My camera broke, this is about the zillionth one I’ve ruined (bows head in shame and sighs). The steel case was already breaking and now the screen is cracked. Can still take photos just can’t see them right away. AH! Will make for some interesting shots I imagine.

Nap time!

it’s like a chose your own adventure book for real

Cool storm last night. Didn’t last long but it was great; energetic, powerful, heavy, beautiful.  Drove around in it.  Got wet. Loved it all.

The rain drops were falling down in rounds and floating in the wind. It was lovely.

Later, I went to Koodo Mobile party for the launch of their Build a Bash campaign at They are gonna give away $50,000 to some coolperson to have a party. I want it.

If we’re not friends yet, add me on FB and join my party just like this. So easy. The site has some ‘issues’ yesterday and wasn’t working.

I guess everyone wants to party?

Yum, fried. Two of my favorites – rings & beer.

Classic me = spilly willy.

I won a Samsung phone, first prize of the night. I’d like to win some CASH next time. Gonna give the phone away to someone who is a Koodo lover, stay tuned.

Shared my drink tickets, I was like ‘let me buy you a drink, and you a drink’ haha. Um, we were supposed to look excited in this photo guys?

If I win the $50,000 to throw a party, I’ll hook up some sponsors and take it up about 1,000 notches. I’ve wanted to throw a massive guy for ages and I reckon it’s about time!!

Hello there adorable girl with blonde hair wearing tartan just like me. I spotted her across the bar and thought she was the cutest little thing. She spotted me too. Like attracts like?

It is official – everybody loves stickers at parties. Nice meeting all 100 of you that got them 🙂

Omg, I think it was my favorite song. Gun pointing hand dance, so cool.

the wild lion hair of @mhp

omg hello again, you are so incredibly cute.

She came over to introduce herself as someone who’s been reading for a while and said she loves blog. Also  totallycute.  Don’t forget to email me!

weekend finally. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

it’s the little things that matter most

Thank You Sprouter! from my heart

I met Sarah Prevette and Erin Bury early this year when I volunteered to be on the team for Twestival. At the time they were Redwire and the power behind the greatness that was hosting the event. Being part of the team and getting to know them was an awesome experience. We have since worked on a bunch of things together and I try to help out where I can. The office admin girl came over and said ‘you’re so lucky’ as she dropped a beautiful green money tree at my desk. Interestingly enough, I mentioned earlier that karma goes around and shows up when you least expect it. I feel so lucky today. Thank you.

Looking forward to Twestival Local on September 12th, mark your calendars!

you can’t keep me from my boyfriend…the internet

Shocker last night from Rogers. Told me I maxed out on my internet usage and now they’re charging me per GB.  For me, that’s like trying to keep me from someone I love. Putting restrictions on the time we spend together.  I want no limits and I want to be able to spend all the time I want together.  I heard from a little bird that it’s gonna get worse too. I was really mad at Rogers, but I’m not anymore.  I’ll just have to take it! You can’t keep me from the internet.

I didn’t shave the sides right down again, just a snip. Sorry @brundly_fly, I know what you said. I’d like it to grow a bit but the thing is that it’s going to be awkward and I refuse to have it look ugly. So, for now, it’s kinda same but not half shaved anymore, just short. If you want someone cool to do your hair, go see Darren. His spot is right across from Trinity Bellwoods and the vibe in there is so chill.  I love.  I love.

I arrived home to find out we had two packages AND they were both for me.  Lucky day! I got two great snags. I’m not sure where the book came from but the video came from The Comedy Network. They wanna send me stuff now. THANK YOU! Getting mail is one of my most favorite things, especially surprise mail. HINT HINT

I watched a bunch of the DVD and was Tweeting up my appearance at #hohoto (as in I wasn’t there but I was pretending via Tweets I was). I almost for got how funny Brett and Jemaine are. Remember when I met them? I decided to actually make an appearance and I showed up sober at about 12:30 as the party was closing down. Let me tell you, best time to show up. Everyone was drunk and was SO happy to see me.  Felt like a star. They raised a bunch of money for the Food Bank and it looked like it was a really good time. Nice work guys!

p.s. My site is being so slow.  Know how to make it fast? Please email me. okthxbai

one more thing: I’m in love with this girl now thanks to @misslava from Ad Girl and Tech Nerd for sharing. Omg, she’s the cutest little Raggamuffin.

it’s nice to know there’s still romance out there

It was so warm out last night. We ordered take-away Terroni and got some wine to sit in Bellwoods.  We watched people and lazed around. It was lovely really, one of my favorites. When is the Bellwoods garage sale? I love that thing. Listening to lots of Sia today. I missed her. There were heaps of weirdo’s around which made for a very entertaining scenery. This tall bike was very amusing to me as you can tell from my gay-face.  I saw a girl riding around in the park earlier but I didn’t have my camera to capture her in action. Made some new friends and they had the cutest guy. I’m not usually a big fan of animals but this guy was so damn cute.

I finally met headband guy that Jeff and I had seen around town a couple times. Turns out, all the jokes I made about him being in a band were true…he is actually in a band. They’re from Ajax and called The Johnstones.Funny dudes. I feel like today is a Wednesday because I feel boring. I’m getting my hair done tonight and thinking about NOT shaving the sides again. We’ll see what Darren has in store for me.

blanket michael jackson i’ve got it #willandgrace on

12erator: My Favorite Character On X-Men on