hills review part one and two (part two)

Jesse and Dan are in workout wear. He’s going topless tonight. I’m topless with excitement. I wanna go the Hills/City Finale in NYC. Nobody paid me to say this, I actually freaking like it ok. I used to watch it before  but stopped and now it’s so funny.  Canon with Avril from Brainstorm Group is a jem commercial, love it. Cigarette break. Smoking is stipid but I like it.

Busy ratauraunt, work lunch with the blondes Erin and Olivia. That woman from Elle Magazine’s hair is fluffy alright. Erin, in the red shirt girl is angry, looks jealous. She should really sit up straight too. Them talking in the office is so loud. Annoying. Inappropriate to day the least.

Drama-mama. Dan is gonna take his shirt off. Omg. Here we go. He’s nervous, haha. Looks good.

i love you in the morning and in the afternoon

I came home for lunch today. Stripped down and ate lunch in my bed watching TV. What could be better? I can think of a few things, but not that many. I had leftover salmon, fried pineapple & brown rice with the sun on my face.

I’m feeling exhausted and excited at the same time. I want to rest but can’t. I want to shut it all off but the light keeps shining bright on me. Big meeting tonight and Keri‘s blog party, then home to bed. I’m looking forward to the weekend so I can snuggle up and sleep in.

Have a great day.

wake me up before you…AGO

It’s been a while. I’ve been thinking about you.

Tall walls tower over me and windows  touch the sky. Old looks from familiar faces in many rooms in many places. You stare, I stare.

We stare at each other and we stare at the walls.

I heard you’ve got some new guys, living there, renting spaces. Putting on shows in the stairwells.

Do you miss me? Do you miss me and my sneaky flash, trying to capture your beauty.

Lost in the walls of my mind. New thoughts dance in my memories.

I’m a member at The Art Gallerty of Ontario (AGO) and I’d like to GO-GO. Soon, really soon. Maybe tomorrow? Maybe at lunch.

I stumbled across these babies and I likey their stylio. I like the pretty pictures.

1)  My name is Niki, I get to pretend I am 23 everyday. I am from the wrong side of the tracks.

2)  I”m Cindy. I’m young and I live in a town that always rains. I can be really sarcastic sometimes.

3) Carly cut it off and it’s cotton candy tasty pink.

4)  Gaga go-g0’s on Gossip Girl

“The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude.”

— Dennis S. Brown

where every little thing had its own secret life

I’m sitting here eating a big fatty poutine and my mind is racing with all the things I have to get done. Spent the weekend doing fun stuff with friends.  It was Jeff’s birthday and Karrera came over and tested me for allergies too. More on that stuff later.

I’ve got heaps of emails that need my attention, not to mention all the work I have to get done at the office. I’m not complaining, I truly love it, I just wish there were more hours in a day or I could function without sleeping. 

I had an awesome week last week. I got asked to attend a Young Entrepreneurs Conference this weekend as a Social Media Star & MTV girl.  I’m working on a part for a pilot with YTV. Paid writing gigs are becoming more frequent.  I’ve got some holiday giveaways planned for December with some Givenchy and Burts Bees for you. AND people keep asking me for advice on social media. Finally, my hard work is paying off!!

On a naughtier note, I watched Sex Rehab last night. I saw a promo for it at the office and though it would be interesting…it is.  I’ll be tuning in every Sunday for therapy. haha I also wanna be Lady Gaga in Bad Romace. zomg.

One more thing, Keri’s blog party is tomorrow night at 6:30. Get the info here and hope to see you there!

Have a great day!

TGIF: Twitter, Google, Internet, Facebook

hello fall

That’s my day in a nutshell, everyday. I read about TGIF in an article from Ad Age this week.  It’s lovely outside and my day is busy, busy, busy.

Some Tweetness in my day:

Thanks for comments BTW, don’t stop. It’s nice to get feedback. You come and look and read and laugh and when you comment it’s like giving back. Ok bye for now. #TGIF

friday the 13th: me = highly excitable

I have always had this thing about threes. I make a conscious effort not to do things in threes, I stick to two and four when I notice. I used to be much worse but I’ve gotten over it a bit now.

Earlier this year I got a tattoo I wanted for years. In order to change my negative thoughts about 3 or 13, I booked my much wanted tattoo on Friday the 13th.

Now, I have a positive outlook every time one of those lucky days rolls around.

This is me laughing at a Tweet re: a new word I learned – Twoosh. It’s when your Tweet is exactly the max allowed 140 characters. Twooshbag is when you do it alot-lot.

Twitter is really fun. If you like fun, you should join and follow me so we can laugh together.

Twilight New Moon cast members are at Much today for MOD. They’re got barriers set up and the crowd is gonna be huge. I’ve never seen the movie/read the books but the fact that people go ape shit over it is  pretty exciting. There’s people lined up and it’s not even 10am. I love working here.

Happy Friday the 13th.

Go do something that scares you.