yesterday on twitter, this happened:

it ain’t that easy baby

Building a new blog. SO many tweaks and stuff and things I don’t know how to do that I need to ask. I have my friend Patrick helping me but it just ain’t that easy as uploading a new theme and hitting publish. Ah, I wish. Nice working on a holiday, the amount of emails is slower than normal and I feel like I got lots done. The airshow jets have been flying by all afternoon. I used to be quite excited by them but I just don’t feel the same anymore. I care more about getting shit done than rushing to the window to get a photo. Got a post card today from Rochelle while she was in Laguna Beach. It is vintage and handwritten. I love that she though of me, especially that she hand picked a vintage number. THANK YOU. I love getting mail. Wanna send me something? I’ll give you my mailing address if you ask. I wish I had someone to build this wordpress for me.

Have a full calendar of events & meetings this week. Snagged a young stud to be arm candy for a couple things too. Tomorrow I’ve got a hair appointment with Darrek Kwik follwed by a dress fitting at Paris Li for New Zealand Fashion Week outfits. Opening of Toronto International Film Fest is Wednesday and I’ll be attending a couple things that day. This week is gonna fly by. I got an invite to the Tastemakers Lounge on Friday afternoon and confirmed I’ll be getting some swag. YEAH! It’s a celeb gifting/product placement lounge for the Film Fest, Anita gives you a good idea in her post from 2008. Got a couple movies to attend over the next ten days and a fancy tea party on Sunday afternoon.I leave for New Zealand in 14 days and I’ve got each day planned until then.

I’m excited and trying not to feel stressed. Fall clothes are back. My fav outfit season of the year. Happy face. This is gonne be one crazy month, wake me up when September ends, life is such a dream!

The Proof is in…the Whisky!

Last week I stopped by the Roots store on Bloor to hang in the lovely Dougals Coupland room and taste Proof  Brand Wisky for the first time.

They had a variety of cocktails to test out and the whisky gets two thumbs up from me. The bottle is really cute, has a  stylish design and is only $19.95 for the 500ml. 

I met the creator, a former LCBO employee who gave me the dirt on the brand. They’ve got a rum and vodka launching in the next year. I really like the way the bottle looks. I reckon the trio of whisky, vodka, rum would make a nice set for bottle service either at home or a resto.

Jonathan Roy was performing, he’s a babe and his Dad, Patrick Roy is a pretty big deal in the world of hockey.

This guy was bringing sweaty back.

You can check out the Proof site at

Ran into one of my most fav MTV coworkers evahhhhh, the lovely Miss Sheena from MTV Live. We had a very passionate embrace as you can see. She picked me right up like a wee doll. ILU SHEENA.

Happy Monday internet friends!

you make me laugh so hard, ILU Dad.

Great weekend home at Dad’s. Check out my first car he built for us:


Dad built this for Jenie and I when we were kids. Hot pink with flames, yeah he did. He is rad my Dad. He’s building this one for himself right now called a Rat Rod.

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je sais que tu n’aimes pas ta réalité

Nice little Saturday planned.Rented a bunch of movies, loaded up on snacks and not leaving the house till tomorrow. This break from the city is wonderful. Dad has a stellar collection of vintage sewing machines. They’re pretty neat to look at. Last night’s wedding reception was fun, more about that later. I’ve got a movie to watch and the couch is calling my name. Rainy day chills FTW!


I’m so serious here. haha. Seriously hanging out.


You don’t control the media, you are the media.

Meeeeeeeeeedia. Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar!