say hello to my little friend


was on a video shoot at a friends studio last night

it was f-u-n

eye spy david and mario and wilder and eva

you might catch it on cosmopolitanTV some time.  catch me on dailybooth or twitter !
i dig the wig, i really do. do you? think i’mma gonna enter cosmotv’s blogger search.
just saw they extended the entry deadline.
what should be my angle. travelling provocateur? yeah baby!

the force of gravity was strong today

Spent the afternoon horizontal on the couch watching tv, staring out at the airport.  Took a break from everything. Working from home = working all the time.  I even had a nap, it felt great. My sis came over for little visit. Still have that hurting in my neck. Met some great people at the Greta show last night. Posting about that soon. Time for some ice cream and a new movie haha. Lazy day ILU xo

Good morning, good morning and how are you today?





Up early for a meeting. Have lunch date with Hann, who I have not seen in 8,000,000 years. Meeting couple designers at Toronto Fashion Incubator (TFI) in the afternoon. Attended a fashion event last night with Tarek (designer of my forever loved Nella Bella bags). Night was sponsored by Audi, post about that later. On the run right now posting via WordPress mobile on my Android. Attending the Greta Constantine fashion show tonight. Been looking forward to that one. Still haven’t picked up my pass for Indie Music Week. Gah! I’m actually NOT late this morning. Proud of that. Ok, go tiiiiiime!

Have an awesomerrrrr day!

xo Casie

P.S. Mum, miss you heaps. Glad to know you are safe. When you get internet hope you go back a few days so you can see all the fun. I’m going to San Francisco on Monday till Tuesday to meet the Virgins! Love you xo

they called me a sassy blonde, how about that eh?

“For those who are addicted to instant news and want to be on the cutting edge of trends, blogs are as relevant as newspapers or television bulletins.

Bloggers say their writings are immediate, and reflect a certain world view.

“I live, I love life, I blog,” says Stewart.”

watch it missy

Oh man, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today with a nasty kink in my neck. It’s been hurting for two days now. Gets less hurting as the day goes by but OMFG it kills. Last night we tried to change the PW on our wireless network and y’know what, imma not that savy at the ‘networking’ side of things and I effed up the internet. In other great networking news our cable effed up yesterday too. RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS. I hate missing my show.  So, today I woke up with no cable, or internet. First world problems FTW! Right when I was about to have a breakdown, my phone rang. It was Superman.

My friend Michael Nus called at the right time and was in my hood and he came over and fixed my internet! THANK YOU. Shortly after, the cable guy called and told me there was an outage last night and I reset the cable box and that was fixed too. Oh yeah, I just got my Y and R fix, I feel better, that shit is addictive man. Y’know what happend next?  I got mail!

Now Richard Branson and I own the same watch. I realy hope I get to meet him next week in SF. Thanks Valerie and Plastic Chic for the new watch. I’ve not had a watch since highschool. It was a real Gucci watch and I took it off to teach some kids breakdancing and got called on stage. When I went back, it was gone. I’m gonna keep this one safe!

In other news, I made a list for all my Young and the Restless friends on Twitter here. The list is growing, should I add you? I have an addiction. Bye.

canada goose 2010 preview: i wanna get goosed

Last night Keri and I went to the Canada Goose 2010 preview. I’ve never owned any Goose gear. Saw heaps of peeps, checked out lots of merch and it was nice to get to know the brand a little better.

How cute is this jacket?

And this hat?

We look good together, don’t we? Jacket is from the kids line. Loves the brightness and it felt really snug & warm. I’d love to be wearing it when I’m going around to Virgin events and  doing all kinds of cool stuff this winter. hint hint 😉

Winter is coming guys. Let shope it’s not too damn cold this year aiiight. I’m ready for hibernation station when it hits.  Actually, I don’t mind winter that much. It doesn’t get nearly as cold now as it did when we were kids. Remember how much show we used to get? Like CRAZY amounts.

Canada Goose has these Goose People who brave the elements and do amazing things. I got a prety neat book about them all. I reckon I can do some pretty amazing things too? Maybe I should climb a massive mountain in my spare time.

I really like way the companies/agencies are starting to get creative with event activities and take aways. Last night we each got our photo taken in Goose gear, were given it on a branded USB key, then the image was made into a snow globe. (Dad, you are getting this for Christmas. Love you! )

Spotted a couple babes, look at these dashing young men, Paul & Kevin. Twerk.

These young fashion bloggers are takin’ ovah. Represent. L-R Nick Sean, Jay Strut, Julio. The shirt I’m wearing is by Andy Hall and Toronto based Canadian designer. Wore a bunch of Andy Hall stuff at NZFW and really love the comfy yet stylish construction in their clothes. Pants are my Yoga Jeans from Shop Girls Boutique. I’ve been wearing them, super comfy.

My bag is my most treasured from Nella Bella. It has been rocking my world (and holding all my stuff) for a while now. LGFW is coming up next week and the Greta Constantine show is tomorrow! Looking forward to seeing all the fashionistas together!

Blog, blog, fashion baby xo