hi, how are you today?

Fine. Sitting on the couch drinking water and eating Marmite on bread.

Had a great night out with my sister last night. I’m closer to her than ever and it’s crazy how well we know each other. We are afterall sisters, but really good friends too which is awesome. I really appreciate her and that she lives in the city . We don’t see Dad that much cause he’s in Cambridge and Mum is sailing on her boat on the East Coast of the USA. LOVE YOU GUYS!

Lots of stuff this week. Monday night is TweetgasmTO at the Gladstone. Tuesday night I have something I forgot to put in my calendar and I hate when I do that. Hopefully writing this now and reading it later will remind me what the heck it is. Thursday is Sabrina’s birthday. There’s always stuff hapenin’ on Thursday. Friday I will be at Dundas Square all day for an event follow me at @armyourself_gsk for deets on that. Friday night is the People Downtown Halloween party. Saturday, I reckon I will need sleep/home alone time. Sunday is Halloween yahooooooooo. I will be at Parts & Labor for a private show with Broken Social Scene that is hosted by Virgin America and the Torontoist. I really hope Emily & Feist are there. That would be great, I have a crush on them both. Next week I’ve got a spa thing at the Cosmopolitan Hotel and a lesson in DJing. Imagine I was a DJ? Imagining………..  In New Zealand I met this babe blogger from the UK named Gala Gonsales who DJ’s. I think that’s hot.

This is gonna be a good week and busy week. It’s almost November already. So crazy. Looking forward to Movember and all the moustaches that will be floating around. I love facial hair and a good mo. SO manly.  I’m a judge at the Toronto Movember Gala at the end of the month. I almost died last year, there were so many babes > see here. November 11th at Wrongbar is Raymi’s 10 Year Blog Anniversary. Really looking forward that. It’s gonna be a shit show of awesomeness.  If you/your client wanna sponsor, give away a prize or get your swag in the gift bags, lemme know by emailing me [email protected].

My wrist is really killing today. I wonder if it’s got to do with he damp weather. Yes Mum, I’ve got a castor oil compress on it. Lets hope it is better by the morning. Good thing I have incredible skills as mousing with either hand so I can still internet.
This is my life. SaaaaannaSAAAaaaaaaaa. Saa na saaaaaaaaa. 🙂

p.s. New song from friend Morgan Cameron Ross here!

thereis a certain calming peace when it’s this foggy


Its a thin line that divides the ocean and the sky.
A thin line which divides you and I.
A small space.
Without a trace, feelings vanish before my eyes.
People leave to go back home and I am left here all alone.
Resting by the ocean and taking in the sky.
The waves are restless and so am I.

Written:2004 Posted: May 22, 2006

Found these old pix as I was traveling through a time warp in MSN hotmail land from 2005-2006.

I had really dark hair for a season here and there. I lived in New York and Indiana. I dated a hockey player. Seems so weird and long ago that life.

It’s crazy how much we change as time goes by. I’ve been through so many different stages and likes, habits and hobbies.

When I really think about it like now it’s quite amazing. I’m really excited for the future.

Who knows what I will get up to, my wildest dreams I guess.  I’m happy to get wiser as I get older too, make better decisions that way.

Have a great day 🙂

we are all made of skulls

I will cut you.


Love this. haha. Party on Wayne!

Dead disco, dead funk, dead rock’n roll!

Aw, look at this little Lambchop. Play along. Play dead!

Titanic – drunky let the boat sink. Whoops.

Dead babies are popular. Yum.

So many people for ages…

Cute little guy.

America’s Next Dead Model

good morning mortals


Hehe. Woke up and went to Sobeys to get more food coloring with my Zombie face on. I love today.  I love love love today. If you are in TO, make an excuse to get out of what ever you have to do this afternoon and get some blood on your face. 

There is nothing like being part of the Zombie Walk.
Eat brains xo

if you have known me for a long time…

you know what this means

My boyfriends back and we’re gonna be in trouble.

Hey la day laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa my boyfriends BACK!

If I were you I’d take a permanent vacation. Hey la hahahahahahahahaaaaa!

Hailwood SS2011 jumper from New Zealand Fashion Week. Thanks ADRIAN!!

LIL’ WAYNER. Cash money.

Happy Saturday. I’m gonna make some more blood now and put it on my face. Bye 🙂

make me feel like i’m the only girl in the world

Look what I got yesterday. MOHAWK!!!!

Today I am so fully excited about life and working on some totally wicked ass shit. On Oct. 29th Ill be at Tequila Bookworm for People Downtown‘s monthly awesome Halloween blood bath. Costumes mandatory. Deets here.

On the 31st, as your Toronto Virgin America Provocateur I’ll be at a secret location for a VERY exclusive and intmate Broken Social Scene Show. It is gonna be off the chains good.

I’m working on the BLOG PARTY OF THE DECADE on November 11th for Raymi the Minx. If you, your company or your agency want to get in on advertising, contributing to swag bags or attending as media, get at me [email protected]. Prime coolness demographic in attendance.

Ok, mama gots to get to twerk. HAPPY FRIDAY!