Omg I can’t believe that bitch is …

Omg I can’t believe that bitch is getting married to Victor Newman. She has him so drugged up it makes me sick. Hearing Victor call her baby also makes me sick. AND on the Newman plane? Bitch please. You is gonna get caught and Nikki is gon’ whoop your ass after she kills you.

Nikki and Victoria seriously need to do something to get the Newman family back on track. Now that Billy published the article about Heathers campaign and Victor backing it, shit is gonna hit the fan. She is totally fucked now, fuckkked.

JT and Mac taking Read is also not good. I cant believe they are getting married. Victoria is gonna crack under the pressure and how is she gonna stand up to Victor in the law suit with Abby?

Don’t even know where to start with Daisy back in town and pregnant. There is no way to predict what is going to happen there except that is is going to make you angry. Lauren is going to go off the chizzle if the other whack job Ryder shows up.

The whole Sharon and Adam thing is just weird. I dunno WTF is up with Nick either. The new Noah is a babe. Did you see him last week in his undies? Babe.

Billy Abbot is my hero. I wish I had a boyfriend like him. Likes to have fun a little wild but so in love with his wife and willing to take a stand to protect her and support her. He is also very sexy with his shirt off and cute when he’s drunk.

Deacon really pisses me off. The fact that he is working with that bitch is so fucking annoying. I hate how he is sneaking around and being a weasel into Nikki’s life and ruining it along the way. What a fucker.

Well, until tomorrow xo

Sent from my iPad

I have a new boyfriend, his name is Andy.

He is an ipad. We are in love. Remember I said I really want an ipad? Well,  I painted, scratched, and WON. I could feel I was gonna win, something inside me just knew. Power of positive thought I tell ya. We spent the night together and I took him to dinner last night too.

I named him Andy because I won him at the Amex Canvas event yesterday and it was artsy. We’re gonna be makin’ art together and  gettin’ creative and I kinda have Edie hair anyways.

I downloaded heaps of apps: Globe & Mail, Angry Birds, ibooks, CityTV Video, Google Earth, Draw Free, Page Capture, Bubble, Twitter, Tweetdeck, Mashable, Facebook, GT Racing (fun), We Doodle (fun) and my fav game Cut the Rope.

Thanks Amex. You are awesome!

I’m really frustrated at the moment with a couple things. It’s one of those days. I need to get outside and soak up some sun. Maybe andy and I will go down by the lake on my bike. This is my photo, I am very deep & emotional. Andy Warhol drew the knives, I drew the blood and showed emotion. Someone on Twitter just said I am cute when I’m mad, why do boys always say that? I AM NOT CUTE. I AM ANGRY.

I am really excited for December to come, I will be travelling and that makes me happy. I hope you have a good day. I’m sure mine will get better. I’m going to check the mail, maybe someone sent me something nice. BYE!

i am an artist

Remember my art blog borderline artistic? I post drawings and paintings and poems and stuff. This afternoon I’m attending this Amex ‘Digital Canvas’ Media Challenge. I made this with the Amex FB app. Whatta ya think? You have probs seen the ads but you can make one too here.

It’s a big media shindig where people paint (yes me) and money gets donated to United Way. There’s a a chance to win a trip to NY, gift cards, an iPad. I really want an ipad please.

In prep for the art show I browsed a few old things I did for inspiration. Perhaps I will recreate something I did years ago? Well, it really depends on the paints and the setup. It is also quite dependent on my level of anxiety at the time.

unnecessary wheels collection: crab apple

one of my fav’s – t-shirt material

strike out in a different direction

halloween: this social scene ain’t broken

Welcome aboard Virgin America Halloween Flight 31, my name is Casie Stewart your VX Provocateur. Our in flight entertainment tonight is Toronto’s own Broken Social Scene and they’re playing live.

You ready for takeoff? Show was at Queen West hipster hot spot Parts & Labour. Nice choice.

Show was rad. Perfect Virgin America mood lighting.

We were chatting this babe in the bathroom about her dress and little did we know that she was a band member.

Guy with hood is a babe too.

Lady Gaga telephone hat & costume was so well made.

Hat was quite heavy. Deff needs long hair, looks silly on me.

You know this fine fox, Courtney Love otherwise known as Raymi the Minx.

This fine Queen & ruler of Egypt is my sister Jenie. LOVE YOU.

Total babes. BTW food at P&L is great. Meat table + cheese FTW.

Kate Killet is a kyooooote kitteh.

Say hello to Kate from Virgin America and her red wig. Totes on brand 😉

Great to see the VX peeps. They are all so cool, honestly, I am so happy to have met them and totally stoked for the next year of awesomeness. Look out Toronto.

Bathrooms at P&L have the weirdest mirrors. So hard to really get a good look at your outfit.

Best costume of the night, Adam & Eve.

Scariest costume of the night, this guy. AAAAAAAAAAHH.

Liked these guys, bloody butchers with muscles. Mmmm.

Enjoyed these too.

Heh heh got your nose!

BTW my PROVOCATEUR biz cards are realy and should be arriving soon. Oh yeah.

“Fool! Don’t you see now that I could have poisoned you a hundred times had I been able to live without you.” Cleopatra

True love right here. I love the blurry ones.

Raymi, Jenie & I had a freaking blast, not that I had any doubt. Virgin America is a sure thing. Thank you VX for great night.


P.S. Have you got your ticket to Raymi’s Blog Party of the Decade? You want to be there. There will be food and booze and entertainment and prizes and Raymi and me and cool people. Get ’em here!

enter title here > enter title: fear

This was me at 6am these are my new Moovboots. Best ones yet. Siberian Huskies.

And now for something special, Street Style/Unstyle: You Decide!


WoRD Up.

Yesterday was my first time on the mic in Dundas Square.  There was a cute boy painting a mural all day, was pretty.

I thought I would have been more nervous but I wasn’t, I was just like “ok lets do this”.  That’s a good sign. I have more anxiety now that it’s over. Been there so many times, seen peeople perform, danced, celebrated Olympic wins, it always seemed like such a huge space and now it feels smaller.

One of my fav performances was John Mayer, I know he’s a bit of a dick but I really like him. I wanna do something big there. The whole place is Virgin Mobile sponsor/branded. My mind was thinking abut Virgin America…can we get a plane in there somehow and have a party on it?

It was pretty chilly out. Winter is coming. It snowed today, so pretty. I quite love the winter. The sun is shining so bright in our place this afternoon. I’m watching “I hope They Serve Beer in Hell” the Tucker Max movie, VERY offensive and very funny. Some people really wont like this movie and find it quite inappropriate, good thing I’m not friends with many of those ones. Haha. Lots of swearing.

Did you see this? It would be great if you txt “armyourself” to 898475 (reg txt rate whatever your plan is) and for every txt received GlaxoSmithKline Inc. will donate $5 to Look Good Feel Better. Hope to reach $25,000. Pretty rad that GSK donates for you and to a great cause.

This Tucker Max movie is something else? Have you seen it? What did you think? I need to rest up before the Broken Social Scene Show at Parts & Labour w/ Virgin America tonight. Happy Halloween 🙂

if you don’t seize opportunity you’ll never be rich


Woke up to hear Sabrina talking about the new HD box and I knew duty called. Electronics are my area of specialty in the house, hers are cooking and wearing high heels. Tonight is a hot double date with HBO, TMN and my sister. I hooked up the box. Photo is from yesterday at Dundas Square, mic needs a  MO on  it.  Event was good did some interviews, think I was on CTV news. Met some rad peeps. Was quite chilly and windy. Got new Moovboots that kept my little feet warm. They are sooo nice got some great pix I will share tomorrow.

Taking today off to do nothing but nothing. Saturday, siturday, relaxurday 🙂