young & restless: open a bottle of wine with a shoe

I’ve gotten used to jokes about how much I love the Young and the Restless. It’s true. I do and you know it. It’s a great show and I will watch it as long as it lasts. This pic is from NZ Fashion Week. Aw, I miss my down under loves.

Anyhooters, every once in a while I learn something from the show, yesterday was one of those days.

Lilly was locked in the wine cellar with the bad Australia guy and they didn’t have a cork screw so he opened the wine, WITH A SHOE. A SHOE!

If y’all know this already and I am late to the game please tell me. I’ve had a boy try with a kitchen knife, a jack knife, a hammer/nail and who knows what else but NEVER EVER HAVE I EVER (remember that game?) seen someone do this with a shoe.

After carefully doing the appropriate research on the worlds largest video site I came up with the following conclusions.

1 ) If this guy can do it so can I.

2) I recommend you try this at home.

Here’s how. I hope you can listen in French, I think it is best explained that way.

Attention everyone, if you try this at a party or picnic, in a dark alley or at a hipster party, you WILL IMPRESS someone. You would for sure impress me. I’m going to impress someone with this right after I go buy a bottle of wine. BTW if you try this and film it, tell me I will so totally post it.

And if you ever see this please buy it for me. Is it an allergy bracelet or a symbol of my one true love?

I am here to give you advice on things that will make you cooler than your other friends who don’t read this blog or my other blog OH CASIE. There’s lots to learn. Imma a teacher of the awesome 😉

up up here we go where we stop nobody knows

jamming to this right now, play it if you got sound or you feel like jammin’ too…

I was laughing in this photo. I had noticed after a couple camera snaps there was a few people looking. I saw someone turn their eyes back to the road and they were smiling. It made me smile. I love taking so many photos, I feel like a tourist every day in this awesome city.

Wore my docs again today. Man, I really forgot how confortable they are. I got them in the summer from the Doc Marten store on Queen Street. They are the Triumph style and She Does the City wrote about them being the awesomest boot ever. Didn’t even know that when I got ’em. WIN!

Today for the first time I noticed a street sign in Union Station for Brookfield Place. It reminded be of this legendary brand new appartment building I lived in at 15 Brickfield Street in Sydney Australia back in 2004.

Well to be honest with you, it was a suberb of Sydney called Paramatta. Spent about 20 min just now Google map-walking around the streets. After Paramatta for a couple months I ditched that place and moved to Bondi Beach. It’s beautiful there…ah, memories.

This made the front of all the city’s papers today I’m sure. When I saw the caption “love you forever” it only reminded me of the book by Robert Munsch and Mum reading it to me. It was my fav growing up. Miss you Mum. Nice chatting on Skype today ♥

I hardly read the Metro. It’s quite a ‘subway’ thing for me. I saw this little ditty with Tweets  about chosing a job you love.  I worked real hard to get here. That’s what it takes.  It’s not easy but I refuse to believe I can’t do it.  I’m always on the hunt for great people to work with and cool projects. Remember that 😉

This is me fake reading. No, that’s not a book, it’s the fancy DODO Case on Andy my darling ipad. Still love it y’know. I hope when his big brother comes out in the Spring I don’t feel less love for him. That’s kinda what happens with Apple stuff eh? The new guy comes around and all of a sudden the other grass looks greener. Such is life I suppose.

Until tomorrow. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! xo

i am fit and beautiful and awesome (repeat)

Positive self affirmatrions. Try it. Manifest the life you want and make it happen. When you are done reading this lovely post looking at the pictures here check THIS out

The other day Raymi took me to The Motion Room for a workout. I’ve not been much of a worker outer the past few years, however, last week I had a very different gym experiece. You know what? I really liked it too.

Shirt is from  Me to We in support of Africa, shorts are American Apparel from Bud Camp, socks from AA too. Hipster workout. haha.

It was super rad to have someone show you what to do then push you to do it.

I enjoyed this ladder thinger. I often make things into dance moves. The young ballerina in me will never die/grow up. Did you ever notice ballerina has the work ‘baller’ in it?

Pairs, duet. Good form.

I rocked the pushup plank style going down and back. I did such a good job that instead of going plank all the way he made me do pushups in between. Urgh, remind me NOT to try hard with a trainer. You will only end up hurting more.

Look at my pipes. I’m huge.

Squats too, check them muscles.

I died a little post ladder.

I dont like normal gyms cause I feel self conscious, and insecure because I don’t really know what to do. It might be different if I had a partner.  I often stick to the treadmill cause it’s self explanitory. The workout here was really fun cause we used different equipment and I had a coach. I think that’s what really makes the difference for me, having someone tell you what to do. (Keep the sub/Dom jokes to yourself, haha)

This is what really needs working on, losing a couple lb’s so my stomach is packin’ a 6 and my legs are neat & trim.

I totally forgot how insane it is using a medicine/bosu ball.

There was lots of giggling during said workout. Raymi posted heaps of pix & comments.

I’m stoked to go back. Raymi, when is next workout? This exercise was killer. If any of you peeps out there wanna try out a session at The Motion Room with yourself or me or with me AND Raymi, let me know. I guarantee you will have fun and work up a sweat.

If you are shy (don’t be!) you can ring them yourself at 647-351-8671 or Tweet @themotionroom.

In other news, I passed 5,000 followers on Twitter yesterday and joined my first prosessional assiciation SOCAP: Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals in Business. Look out world here I come!! Ready to take this rabbit year by the horns.

Ok bye, off to the gym I go!

black clothes, black boots, cold air, warm heart

Lookin’ rather tall & skinny here eh? Tall, deff not but I have been going to the gym at a regular pace. Look out summer, imma kill you this year.

Yesterday I wrote this post and poured my heart out about the funeral but then I lost it. I mean, I lost the post not my mind.

I attended a very public funeral yesterday afternoon, the largest Tornoto has ever had.

It was for Sgt. Ryal Russel who was killed last week in the line of duty.

These guys faces, there’s so much happening in this photo.

The last time I saw so many police it was the G20. I will never forget that experience. Remember when I dressed like a riot girl and went right into the madness? This was the most embarassing (or hilarious) G20 moment:

I love the way the police/ambo/fire look together in their uniforms, all standing in a row. Luckily this time there were bag pipes playing and no riot gear. Despite it being a funeral, the air felt warm and people seemed pleasant. It was clearly a reflection of how great Saregant Ryan Russell Was. I  learned quite a bit about him in the last few days and he seems like an all around stand up guy. CP24 even said he “looked good in uniform”.

There were so many Tweets about Ryan Russell. I wonder how he feels about the mass of people, road closures and media coverage of the event. I notived a bit of controversy about that. It HAS been almost a decade since our city lost an office in the line of duty.

Who am I to say what is appropriate for this kinda thing? There were over 14,000 uniformed people walking the streets. It was quite a sight to see.

Is there a special reason the America flag was leading the pack here?

This is my fav shot. Love seeing the boots sitting there empty.

My friend Joel Reilly made this lovely video tribute to Sgt. Ryan Russell.

yesterday on twitter, this happened:


Yes, hi, imma talkin’ to YOU.

It’s winter, deal with it. Don’t feel grumpy. There’s nothing that will make you feel happier than seeing your friends and making new ones. Lucky for you, I’m quite the social butterfly and I’d love you to come hang out with me.

Here’s a couple resons for you to brush your hair and leave the house:

Clicking on each event will get you to the registration page, get your name on the list and  come. If you have any questions, or would like to volunteer or donate something to one of these fab events,  leave a comment or email me.

Follow casiestewart on Twitter See you on Twitter 🙂