get ready to sign your name here lady OR gentleman…

I’m in a charity auction for the Heart & Stroke Foundation.

There are 20 people in the whole auction.  I have no idea who the other girls are but, I do know you will be able to bid on bloggers  Zach Bussey & Dan Levy and young darling Brock McLaughlin.

Maybe I will find a date myself?

Remember when Scar Jo sold a date on e-bay for charity? That was kinda hot, wonder how much she went for? Oh y’know, about $40,000 USD!

Let’s hope I break $100.

The event is hosted by Ally & Dani from the Girls of TO blog and all proceeds to the Heart & Stroke Foundation. See the press release here.

I was on a skipping team for the H&S when I was in Primary school so when they asked, I totally said yes. I’m nervous but mostly about what I am going to wear. Ah!

Highest male & female bidders from the audience get Nella Bella bag (my fav!) and a $100 bar tab covered by Sleeman Brewery. Let’s hope someone is sharng that with me at the end of the night ok 😉

Date:February 10, 2011. Doors  8PM.
Location: The Hideout, 484 Queen Street West
Cost: $5 at the door
Bidding begins at $25

It’s the Thursday night before GenYTO during Social Media Week. Good thing I’ve been hittin’ the gym lately.

*covers eyes with hands* OMG. OMG.

YOU wanna get involved?

I’m planning lots of fun things for the next couple months and thought I’d go ahead and extend an invitation for YOU to get involved!

There’s no limits here! Last year some ambitious peeps started GenYOTT (Ottawa), we’re planning GenYSF (San Fran), Twestival is around the corner (March) and it will be patio partio season in no time.

Send an email to casie @ if you have something in mind. Here’s some ideas:

1) Sponsor or Donate to an Upcoming Event
2) Host a Contest on
3) Volunteert to Help Out!
4) Advertise on

Three cheers for awesomism!

This Peach Berserk dress was made JUST for me for the 2010 MMVA’s.

Have a great day,

coldest day of the year right here. no fear!

hello friends. today in between doing things i have to do i decided to brave the cold and see just how rotten it was.

played around a little. well, la-di-da!

Gif Created on Make A Gif

side note: LOVE this movie

if you go outside remember to wear sun glasses. the winter sun is just as bad for you and nothing burns the retina like snow blind. if you are gonig walking you really should wear sunscreen too. (i know you will like that i am noting this mum, i’m sure you’re rocking the 50 down in the bahamas! miss you)

i’ve made a promise to myself that i am NOT going to get the winter blues. there are waaaaaay to many things to be excited about and look forward to; making summer dresses, working on my summer beach body, writing compelling stories, taking beautiful photos, the way the sun shines on the snow, fresh cool air, staying inside and watching movies, planning events…the list goes on.

warmest most favourite winter boots ever, Moovboot Siberian huskies.

hello city i love so much. oh you, tower!

this is the same spot rannie shot me for his 140 characters project. remember this photo? ahhh, summer… that dress is from united colours of benetton when i was about eight years old. growing is for suckers, haha. RIP those glasses though 🙁

the lake looks nice today, nice and freezing cold, nice and glittery in the sunshine. remember, the cup is half full in ths department. i fired that bitch girl debby downer, restraining order.

i wonder if i will ever get married? if i do i want a hungi and a haka, old cars and vintage. not that i’ve thought about it much but i love style and this photo is really cute.  there are lots of cute photos on my tumblr. i have a fatal attraction to cuteness.

after about 10 minutes in the icy air i started to feel really cold. this is the “i’ve had enough” face. tights are often quite warm but nothing stands up to a chill in the air  like that cold. minus 20 before windchill? wind-kill!

after playing outside for a few i went to sobey’s for groceries. i think there is a grocery boy with a crush on me. i have noticed him direct eye contact smile the last couple days and yesterday he finally said “what’s up”. i see him pretty much every day when i go there. i do not want this to get awkward, for now it’s cute. today in the produce section we crossed paths and almost bumped into each other. i think he has an accent. it made me feel like a teenager and i smiled.

tonight i am making a roast dinner for some friends. mum used to make good food on sunday night’s to start the week with warm tummies and food in the fridge. i really hope it turns out ok. i’m a pretty good cook but i don’t cook that often. i reckon imma make a pavlova soon. i’m pretty good at it. it’s a kiwi thing. mum used to teach people who to make a pav but no one ever seemed to get it just right ubnless they were form NZ too.

Feeling pretty good after yesterday’s session at The Motion Room, pix & deets on that lata. Ok, off to the gym for me, weeee!

P.S. this is prety funny. Thanks Crystal for Tweeting. Fruit Ninja for REAL. If you don’t know Fruit Ninja it’s an app for ipad/iphone that is really fun and awesome.

i don’t speak java but i can if you like

This is true. Remember that one. Rumor has it you can find this written all over the city. Positive grafitti is my fav. Hearts too.

Well, hello there


I was heading to a research place where I ate this for lunch.  Basically selling little bits of my brain to mordern science. I am so very diverse in my skill set. You have no idea, I got mad skillz.

We followed Starbucker with a visit to the Toy Store. Look what I got, a sheep, baaaaaaa.

She loves it, Hello Kitty.

This is worth a few good laughs.

A couple years back I worked at Hemingways in Yorkville. I knew Martin the owner (a Kiwi) and thought as a New Zealand person they really should hire me. They did. I loved working there so much. It was really fun, the people were awesome and I made good tips. I was there during film fest time which is the best time to be there.

We had a very fun time. Eli was great cause he offered to take our photo but he had no idea what he was getting into. After about 10 photos, he got it.

Raymi played me Bad Romance on the jukebox. Have you heard mama monster’s new jam Sheibe? She says “I don’t speak German but I can if you like”. Hence title of this post, perhaps you made the connection already?

This is the happy face of me talking about New Zealand Mountains with another kiwi.

Annnnnnnnd we’re back. Eye spy Raymi has the camera. Nice new cards BTW. I need new cards now that Virgin America dropped the news yesterday about stopping service to Toronto. I’ll talk about that later. Too frustrated about it right now, must remain calm and not have a freakout. Imagine I did? I imagined but I’m not gonna do that, I promise.

End scene, it was time to say byeeeeeeee. I had another girl date to get to. We’re a cute pair though aren’t we?

Rush home shower, prep and go. I never use those Dyson dryers, I like paper towel but they are pretty rad. I’d love a Dyson vacuum. *cough cough*

My lovely date Sheryl who used to my boss in my first full time job ever. She took me under her wing and taught me heaps. So nice to reconnect. She gave me exciting news that she’s now Social Media Manager for Creative Bag so she’s like, totally Tweeting. Way to go sista!

Her and I had a great dinner at The Drake Hotel. Bunch of apps were just perfecto!

The Drake Hotel is a cool place for a number of reasons, like, Stew works there, it’s often babe central, they have good food and chicken & waffles for brekky. They also rule because I was tweeting about being there I got a DM that THIS was at front desk for me. FOR ME! Being a famous bloger has it’s perks 🙂

Next stop The Gladstone Hotel! Sheryl and I were then part of a project for the Gladestone’s Come Up to My Room art show curated by the lovely Alina Kulesh.

It was in the Art Bar. So neat up there if you have never been you should use this show as an excuse to really snoop around. You will likey. I did, see:

This skirt was to tight at Christmas but fits me now. Working out is awesome!

Then we were part of a photo essay kinda thinger. Love all this photo and camera jazz.

Smile darlin’, looking fab.

Finished the night off at The Thompson Hotel which concludes this lovely Toronto Hotel tour.

Ok that’s it for now. Time for me to find out just how cold it really is out there. Happy Saturday!

the casie stewart show has a nice ring to to it #CSS

20/365: words must be weighted not counted




It’s so sunny out today I’m reminded of summer. I feel happier today. Bugger this time of year, don’t let it get you down. This is a good time to find inspiration, look for it. 

Wearing an outfit Dad & his GF got me for Christmas. The skirt was too tight then but fits now. You know what that means? 1) Awesome 2) Going to the gym and working out makes you skinnier.  I’m am so glad I’m getting my ass in gear. Last year I told myself ‘this year’ and I refuse to let ME down.

Tonight I’m having dinner with my boss from my first full time job ever. It was 2005 and I had moved to Toronto for a job in the fashion industry. I was certain that was what I wanted to be. I love that her and I are having a date tonight. I will always love fashion too. Been talkin’ FW 11 events & parties! Exciting.

Saw this today: “Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was one eccentric” I say, don’t fear being eccentric at all.

Have an awesome day ♥