This workout thing is starting to change my life. Who knew I would ever be saying this? It must be a new year or something. Just LOOK at that happy face.
In my most recent trip to The Motion Room I did the Re-Energizer Bootcamp.
I’ve never been a gym-rat. I prefer Gym Bunny anyways. [insert cute smiley face]
Boot camp sessions at TMR are at 6AM (Before Work) LunchTime (12noon) Afternoons (4pm) Late evenings 8pm or pre-arranged scheduling.
It’s fun, you get shown what to do like this:
Then we do it: HUZZAHHHH!!!!!!!
Boot camp is done in a group & the Starter Packages are with personal assessment/direct one-to-one training. After the first two sessions of Boot Camp—you move into a Starter Package.
This seriously turned my arms into burning man the next day but whatever. It’s good.
I am strong!
This is incredibly hard. You have to move your feet back and forth in the stirrup thinger while in a plank. OMG get ready for my abs to bust right out.
This ball has sand in it and is surprisingly heavy. Why am I always smiling? This is supposed to be hard work. Crazy girl.
There’s a bunch of stations we rotate through in 30 sec, 45 sec, 60 sec intervals. By the end you are hitting the floor but you feel awesome. AWESOME!
The sell different sessions in 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 12 weeks, 24 weeks. at 2 or 3 x per week. As a scheduled gym, you set/select your timeslots upon purchase. Boot camps also includes an intro session to the starter package and nutrition sessions with their holistic nutritionist.
Hookin’ you RIGHT up to get your body in shape baby.
I whip my hair back and forth. Yeah I do.
The program customization list is long and it’s tailored to each individual—for example—Raymi was on a 4 week “build” in her program over 3 months.
At the end we cool down with some stretching. I am stretching to grow taller.
If you wanna giv’er a go contact The Motion Room:
3431 Dundas St. W. Suite 200 | 647-351-8671 | [email protected] |
See ya at the beach! 😉